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  • Asian Journal of English Language Teaching (Print Version)

Asian Journal of English Language Teaching (Print Version)

Published for Department of English at CUHK

English , 2023/02

229 x 152 mm , 156pp ISBN : 1026-2652

  • US$26.00

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Asian Journal of English Language Teaching (AJELT) is a member of the Council of the Editors of Learned Journals (CELJ) and is indexed in Linguistics Abstracts, Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts, MLA International Bibliography, Sociological Abstracts, as well as The Asian Education Index. In addition, the journal collaborates with the International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA): AILA members are provided AJELT subscriptions at reduced rates as part of their new or renewed membership. AJELT is also recognized as an important academic publication by the international organization, Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), and a description of the journal is noted on their homepage. AJELT can be accessed via EBSCO and Project MUSE.

The financial and editorial support from the Department of English, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, in the publication of this journal is gratefully acknowledged.

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Ethics Guidelines for AJELT

The Asian Journal of English Language Teaching (AJELT) upholds the highest ethical standard in terms of the full process of research and publication, from research design, data collection, to manuscript preparation and presentation. We adopt a zero-tolerance policy for any form of academic misconduct. Authors of manuscripts submitted to AJELT should comply with the following guidelines.

1) Research ethics
Authors should comply with the research ethical guidelines of their institutions. When human participants are involved, ethical approval should be sought from a relevant authority in the institution and consent should be obtained from participants. Parental consent must be secured if any minors participate in the research.
Any form of data fabrication, distortion, or falsification is strictly prohibited. All data should be accurately and adequately reported as an honest representation of your research.

2) Submission
It is important to include a statement indicating that the submission (1) has not been previously published (in English or other languages) and (2) is neither currently being reviewed nor will be submitted for review while the manuscript is being considered by AJELT.

3) Plagiarism
The journal requires that all contents consulted or works referenced be properly acknowledged according to the latest APA style. Failure to do so may result in rejection of the submission at any stage of the review and publication processes.

4) Conflict of interest
The authors should honestly report any conflicts of interest that may affect the results of the study. If the authors do not declare a conflict of interest that may bias the actual or potential interpretation of the findings, the submission will be rejected.
The editors will abstain from handling manuscripts for which they have any conflicts of interest that may unduly influence reviewer selection and decision on the submission.
The reviewers are also required to declare conflicts of interest for the papers they are The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press: Copyrighted Materials assigned to review.

5) The double-blind peer review process
AJELT follows a strict double-blind peer review policy. The editors will conduct an in-house review to determine if the topic of the submission suits the scope of the journal and if the quality of the article is adequate for external review. At least two external experts on the topic of the article will be invited to assess the submission, provide comments, and make recommendations. The editors will make a decision to accept, reject, or request revisions of the submission based on the comments and recommendations of the anonymous reviewers. All research articles in this journal undergo a rigorous peer review, including the initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by at least two reviewers. In most instances, the review process is completed in three months or less, but sometimes a second round of review is required after revision.

6) Platinum Open Access
AJELT is published in the platinum open access mode from Vol 30 (2021). That is, there is no subscription fee for readers or publication fee for the authors. All content is freely available for public access online at https://cup.cuhk.edu.hk/AJELT_online. There are no article processing charges.

Jette G. HANSEN EDWARDS, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, HKSAR
Gavin BUI, The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong, HKSAR

Review Editors
Ivy Wong, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, HKSAR
Jookyoung JUNG, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, HKSAR

Editorial Assistant
Ka Long Roy CHAN, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, HKSAR

Editorial Board
Hyejeong AHN, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Yasemin BAYYURT, Bogazici University, Turkey
Christine COOMBE, Dubai Men’s College, UAE
Pornapit DARASAWANG, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand
Andy GAO, University of New South Wales, Australia
Christine GOH, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Wawan GOENAWAN, Indonesia University of Education, Indonesia
Christoph A. HAFNER, The City University of Hong Kong, HKSAR
Keiko HIROSE, Aichi Prefectural University, Japan
Guangwei HU, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HKSAR
Noriko IWASHITA, University of Queensland, Australia
Jane JACKSON, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, HKSAR
Chris JENKS, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HKSAR
Jose LAI, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, HKSAR
Guofang LI, University of British Columbia, Canada
Ahmar MAHBOOB, University of Sydney, Australia
Isabel Pefianco MARTIN, Ateneo de Manila University, The Philippines
Aya MATSUDA, Arizona State University, USA
Paul Kei MATSUDA, Arizona State University, USA
Thi Thuy Minh NGUYEN, the University of Otago, New Zealand
Farzad SHARIFIAN, Monash University, Australia
Osamu TAKEUCHI, Kansai University, Japan
Zhichang XU, Monash University, Australia
Lawrence Jun ZHANG, University of Auckland, New Zealand

Submission Guidelines

The journal serves as a platform for emerging / junior scholars to publish original research articles, book reviews, and state-of-the-art articles on areas related to English language teaching in Asia or with Asian learners.  We are particularly interested in research that focuses on: 

Primary, secondary, and/or tertiary classroom settings or learners 

Classroom interaction 

Teaching English as an international language

Bilingual/multilingual education 

English as a lingua franca

Technology and language learning 

Asian Englishes 

Teacher education

Research Articles and State-of-the-Art Review Articles

Manuscripts: Research articles and state-of-the-art review articles should be no more than 10,000 words in length.  Manuscripts should be should be double-spaced, using Times New Roman font.  Manuscripts should be submitted in Word format.  Authors should include a cover page with the full title of the paper the author’s name, email address, postal address, phone number, and fax number.  The author’s name should not appear elsewhere in the article. 

Manuscripts should be sent as email attachments (Microsoft Word files) to the editors, Jette G. Hansen Edwards and Gavin Bui, at AJELT@cuhk.edu.hk.  You will receive acknowledgment of receipt of your article, followed by comments from referees.

It is important to include a statement indicating that the submission (1) has not been previously published (in English or other languages) and (2) is neither currently being reviewed nor will be submitted for review while the manuscript is being considered by AJELT.

References: In the text, references should be cited using the author’s last and year of publication.  If quotations are used, these should have page numbers (e.g., Wong & Lam, 1993, p. 291). The reference list should be arranged alphabetically following the guidelines of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th edition).  TESOL Quarterly and the English for Specific Purposes Journal follow these guidelines.  

Abstracts: All articles should have an abstract between 100 and 200 words in length. 

Tables and Figures: Numerical tables can be typeset. Figures (graphs, illustrations, symbols) must be submitted as camera ready.

The editors reserve the right to make minor changes within articles prior to publication.  


Review manuscripts: Review essays should be between 1,000 and 2,000 words in length and should be descriptive as well as critical and evaluative. Specifically, a good review includes all or most of the following: 

1. Description and summary of the published work;

2. Any specific features of the work of interest to teachers, linguists, or students in the region;

3. Strengths and weaknesses of the work: A critical assessment of the work according to its stated purposes, considering relevant professional and linguistic contexts; the theoretical orientation; any significant implications, applications, or omissions in the work;

4. Any classroom applications of the work;

5. The reviewer’s personal reaction and comments (optional).

Reviews of published works should follow the general guidelines required by AJELT research articles and include the necessary details as in the following format:

Latest Trends in ELF Research

Alaisdair Archibald, Alessia Cogo, and Jennifer Jenkins.  Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2011.  iv + 310 pp.

Authors should include a cover page with the full title of the paper, the author’s name, email address, postal address and phone number, as well as a brief biographical statement (in sentence form, maximum 50 words).  Please follow the required reference style of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th edition).  Reviews should be sent to AJELT@cuhk.edu.hk.

It is understood that review manuscripts submitted to AJELT have not been previously published and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere. 

Vol.31, 2022
Vol.30, 2021

Research Articles

East Asian Students’ Spoken Participation in American College Classrooms: Does Institutional Diversity Matter?

Brendon Paul ALBERTSON

Malaysian English Teacher Morale and the Presence of Expatriate English Teachers

Syringa Joanah D. JUDD, Lynn E. HENRICHSEN, Grant T. ECKSTEIN, and Benjamin L. McMURRY

From Linguistic Skills to Pragmatic Competence: The Role of Functional Adequacy in Task-Based Teaching and Learning

Gavin BUI and Chi Him WONG

Using Learning-Oriented Assessment to Develop Student Feedback Literacy in Academic Writing: An Action Research Study

Maggie MA

Book Review

Pedagogies in English for Academic Purposes: Teaching and Learning in International Contexts Edited by Carole MacDiarmid and Jennifer J. MacDonald

Reviewed by Hoang Minh TRAN

Vol.29, 2020
Vol.27, 2018


Anxiety, Metacognitive Strategies and Multiple Intelligences in the EFL Reading Classroom: Voices from Hanoi

Andrzej CIROCKI and Le Van CANH

Influences on the Speaking Self-Confidence of Undergraduate Engineering Students in Indonesia

Lavinia Disa Winona ARAMINTA

Perceptions of Value in Japanese English Education: Self-Reflections of ALTs on the JET Programme


Teachers’ Views of Asian Folktales for ELT

Soe Marlar LWIN

Colour Me…Orange? Incorporating Aspects of the Colourful Semantics Approach into a TESOL Programme at Preschool


Book Reviews

The Routledge Handbook of Contemporary English Pronunciation

Edited by Okim Kang, Ron I. Thomson, and John M. Murphy

Reviewed by Qian WANG

EL Excellence Every Day: The Flip-to Guide for Differentiating Academic Literacy

By Tonya W. Singer

Reviewed by Michael Thomas GENTNER

Asian English Language Classrooms: Where Theory and Practice Meet

Edited by Handoyo Puji Widodo, Alistair Wood, and Deepti Gupta

Reviewed by Yingying XIE

Vol.26, 2016/2017


Genre-Based Writing Classrooms and Learner Beliefs in East Asian EAP Contexts


Language Learning and the Second Language (L2) Identities of Hong Kong Pre-service EFL Teachers prior to Study Abroad

Baburhan UZUM

Exploring Source Use by Different EFL Students: Text Quality, Lexical Profiles, and Citation Features

Hsien-Chin LIOU

Attitudes towards Hong Kong English: Native English Teachers and Local English Teachers

Ka Long Roy CHAN

Book Reviews

Narrative Inquiry in Language Teaching and Learning Research

By Gary Barkhuizen, Phil Benson, and Alice Chik

Reviewed by Dingding JIA

Advances and Current Trends in Language Teacher Identity Research

Edited by Yin Ling Cheung, Selim Ben Said, and Kwanghyun Park

Reviewed by Jianping XIE

Vol.25, 2015

AJELT: The First Quarter Century



Reading Strategy Awareness and Use among EFL Gulf University Students

Martin J. ENDLEY

How Written Recasts Influence the Processing of Corrective Feedback: A Case of Noticeability and Explicitness

Baburhan UZUM

The Bilingual Vocabulary Size Test for Vietnamese Learners: Reliability and Use in Placement Testing

Roger W. GEE and Le T. C. NGUYEN

Validation of a Vocabulary Learning Strategy Scale and Its Relationship to Vocabulary Level Test Scores

Mitsuru KUDO, Atsushi MIZUMOTO and Takaaki KUMAZAWA

A Music Word List for Non-native Speakers of English: A Corpus-based Study

Ping WANG and Michelle PICARD

Book Reviews

Academic Publishing: Issues and Challenges in the Construction of Knowledge.

By K. L. Hyland

Reviewed by Shogo SAKURAI

Needs Analysis for Language Course Design: A Holistic Approach to ESP.

By Marjatta Huhta, Karin Vogt, Esko Johnson and Heikki Tulkki

Edited with an introduction by David R. Hall

Reviewed by Nha T. T. VU

Vol.24, 2014

AJELT: The Year of the Horse and a Time of Change

Gwendolyn GONG


Avoidance of English Phrasal Verbs: Investigating the Effect of Proficiency, Learning Context, Task Type, and Verb Type


Collaboration and Writing: More than Exchanging Words

Kara Grace REED

Teacher-Based Curriculum-Embedded Assessment in an EFL Testing Culture

Xiongying TANG and Jeremy JONES

College English Teachers’ Beliefs about Effective Language Teaching

Maoying XIANG and Simon BORG

Understanding the EAP Writing and Online Learning Needs of Chinese University Students: A Multiple-Method Needs Assessment Study

Estela ENE


What Do We Know about the Syntactic Features of Hong KongLearners’ English?

Amy S. Y. CHUI

Roads to Nowhere: The Effects of Culture on Thai Learners of English


Innovation and Change in English Language Education. Edited by Ken HYLAND and Lillian L. C. WONG

Reviewed by Nick PILCHER

Vol.23, 2013

Special Issue

Working Memory and Second Language Acquisition: Innovation in Theory and Research

Guest Editors’ Introduction

Working Memory and SLA: Towards an Integrated Theory

Zhisheng WEN, Mailce Borges MOTA, and Arthur MCNEILL


Working Memory and Thematic Inference Processing in L2 Narrative Comprehension

Zhisheng Songyang HUANG and Chunyan LIU

Working Memory and Task Repetition in Second Language Oral Production

Mohammad Javad AHMADIAN

Working Memory and Corrective Recasts in L2 Oral Production

Yongbin ZHAO

Working Memory and Lexical Knowledge in L2 Argumentative Writing

Baoshu YI and Shaoqian LUO

Vol.22, 2012
Vol.21, 2011


Semantic Processing and Vocabulary Development of Adult ESL Learners


Teacher Washback From English Certification Exit Requirements in Taiwan

Yi-Ching PAN

The Effect of Reading While Listening to Audiobooks: Listening Fluency and Vocabulary Gain

Anna Ching-Shyang CHANG

The Online Reading Strategies Used by Five Successful Taiwanese ESL Learners


Book Reviews

The Psychology of Second Language Acquisition. By Zoltán DÖRNYEI.

Reviewed by Qi XU and Zhisheng WEN

Language Curriculum Design. By Paul NATION and John MACALISTER.

Reviewed by Esmaeel HAMIDI

Handbook of Research in Second Language Teaching and Learning (Volume II). Edited by E. HINKEL.

Reviewed by Hajar Abdul RAHIM

Exploring English Language Teaching: Language in Action. By Graham HALL.

Reviewed by Nick PILCHER

Handbook of Foreign Language Communication and Learning. Edited by Karlfried KNAPP, Barbara SEIDLHOFER, in cooperation with Henry WIDDOWSON.

Reviewed by Yasemin KIRKGÖZ

Vol.20, 2010
Vol.19, 2009
Vol.18, 2008


Promoting Reflective Practice in Initial English Language Teacher Education: Reflective Microteaching

Thomas S. C. FARRELL

Inspiring New Perspectives: The Use of Multimedia and Other Activities in the Teaching of Linguistics

Lixun WANG and Philip GLENWRIGHT

Situating Student Approaches to Learning English in a Chinese Context: A Re-interpretation of Two Tertiary Vocational Learners’ Experiences

Xuesong GAO and Phil BENSON

Learner Autonomy and EFL Proficiency: A Vietnamese Perspective


The Influence of Learners’ Vocabulary Size on EFL Reading Strategy Instruction


ICQ English: Sociolinguistic and Pedagogical Perspectives

Judy Woon Yee HO

Postmodernism in Intercultural Rhetoric: Problematizing the Deconstruction of an Academic Discipline


“Biz-com” Writing: Challenges from Academic Literacies

Glenn TOH

Increasing Oral Participation in ESL/EFL Conversation Classrooms

Michael WEI


Review on Academic and Professional Issues

Dimensions of English Coursebooks in Southeast Asia


The Author Responds

Review of Product and process in the L1 and L2 writing of Japanese students of English


Book Reviews

World Englishes: Implications for international communication and English language teaching. By Andy Kirkpatrick

Reviewed by Handoyo Puji WIDODO

e-Learning initiatives in China: Pedagogy, policy and culture. Edited by Helen Spencer-Oatey

Reviewed by Andrew J. MORRALL

Vol.17, 2007


Composing Citations through Language Reuse: A Doctoral Student of Biomedicine Writing a Research Paper

Yongyan LI

The Impact of Teachers’ Beliefs and Educational Experiences on EFL Classroom Practices in Secondary Schools

Jeremy F. JONES and Presentacion M. FONG

The Placement of Aviation English in the Chinese Context: Developing the Theory of English for Specific Purposes

Aiguo WANG

ELT at the College of Law—Muscat, Sultanate of Oman: Analyzing Needs and Understanding Problems


Students’ Perspective on Foreign Language Self-access Centers in China: A Case Study

Rong LIU

On the Importance of Role Expectations in Long-Term Overseas Study



Reviews on Academic and Professional IssuesResearch of EFL Students’ Writing at Two Lebanese English Medium Universities

Nahla Nola BACHA

The College English Test in China: Challenges and Suggestions

Junju WANG

Book Reviews

English in the World: Global Rules, Global Roles Edited by Rani Rubdy and Mario Saraceni

Reviewed by David C. S. LI

Teaching English to the World: History, Curriculum, and Practice Edited by George Braine

Reviewed by Jun LIU

Vol.16, 2006


A Study of the English Vocabulary Knowledge of University Students in Hong Kong

Amy S. Y. CHUI

Contexts of English-in-education Policy and Practice in Postcolonial Hong Kong

Angel M. Y. LIN

Reticence in Oral English Classrooms: Causes and Consequences

Ellen Meihua LIU

Towards a Coherent Foreign Language Policy in China: Lessons from Hong Kong

Peter Yongqi GU

Culture in an English-language Training Program



Contrastive Rhetoric in Second Language (L2) Writing Instruction: The Context of Korean Students


Interpreting Chinese Students’ Motives in a Weekly English Discussion Group: A Case Study

Andy Xuesong GAO


Product and Process in the L1 and L2 Writing of Japanese Students of English

Reviewed by Tomoko TAKADA

Teaching the General Paper

Reviewed by Siew Mei WU

Analysing Learner Language

Reviewed by Dongkwang SHIN

Autonomous Language Learning in Tandem

Reviewed by Thi Cam Le NGUYEN

Vol.15, 2005


Education and Gender-inclusive Language Practice in English: Evidence from Singapore

Anne PAUWELS and Joanne WINTER

Cognitive Strategies Adopted by Chinese Students When Writing in English

Junju WANG

Using Electronic Discussions to Develop Skills in the Language Classroom

Caroline M. L. HO

The Role of Film in ELT: A Case Study of a Hong Kong Classroom

Stacy Wai Chuen NG


Enriching ESOL Pedagogy: Readiings and Activities for Engagement, Reflection, and Inquiry

Reviewed Karen ENGLANDER

English Language Learning and Technology

Reviewed by Caroline M. L. HO

Learning Strategies in Foreign and Second Language Classrooms

Reviewed by Lawrence Jun ZHANG


Reviewed by Ali SHEHADEH

Vol.14, 2004


Co-constructing Academic Discourse from the Periphery: Chinese Applied Linguists’ Centripetal Participation in Scholarly Publication


Unpacking Learner Factors in L2 Learning: A Comparative Study of Students from Hong Kong and Mainland China

Dan LU, Yili LI, and Yue Yuan HUANG

Motivation Types of Chinese University Undergraduates

Yihong GAO, Yuan ZHAO, Ying CHENG, and Yan ZHOU

Achievement Motivation, Attributional Beliefs, and EFL Learning Strategy Use in China

Hongliang XU and Xiaohong JIANG

An Empirical Study on Anxiety and Motivation in English as a Foreign Language

Mei HAO, Meihua LIU, Ruoping HAO


A Corpus-based Study of Intensifiers in Chinese EFL Learners’ Oral Production

Maocheng LIANG

An Exploratory Study of Focus on Form Instruction: How Advanced ESL Writers Attend to Form During Group Work


Forming Hermeneutic Connections: Students’ Interpretations of an Arthurian Legend

James Leslie MYERS


Teaching and Learning a Second Language: A Guide to Recent Research and Its Applications

Reviewed by Guangwei HU

Controversies in Applied Linguistics

Reviewed by Kirsten SCHAETZEL

Beyond Methods: Macrostrategies for Language Teaching

Reviewed by Miho YOROZU

Vol.13, 2003


Interference in the Second Language Acquisition of the Present Simple Tense

Jason Miin Hwa LIM

Effect of Using a “Top-down” Strategy on Chinese University Students’ Comprehension of English Readings

Zhenhui RAO

Laughter in an ESL Classroom: The Result of Footing Incongruous with Korean Students’ Cultural Models


Group Discussion: The Teacher’s Role?

Hayo REINDERS, Marilyn LEWIS, Rebecca TSANG

English Additional Language and Learning Empowerment: Conceiving and Practicing a Transcultural Pedagogy and Learning



An Input-based Approach to Task Design in Teaching


Tackling the “Independent Clause as Subject” Problem

Alice Y.W. CHAN, Becky S.C. KWAN, & David C.S. LI


Randall’s ESL Cyber Listening Lab (Web Site)

Reviewed by She-Sen GUO

Task-based Language Learning and Teaching

Reviewed by Guangwei HU

Doing Second Language Research

Reviewed by Christine C. M. GOH

Vol.12, 2002
Vol.11, 2001


Constructing Chinese Faces in American Classrooms

Jun Liu

English Learning Strategies of Indonesian University Students Across Individual Differences

Junaidi Mistar

Raising the Status of ESP Educators Through Integrated Team Teaching

Tim Stewart

An Investigation into the Vocabulary Needs of University Students in Hong Kong

May Y. Fan

An Observational Study of Practice Opportunities in Chinese Tertiary English Classrooms

An E He


Integrating Product-Process Considerations in Teaching Business Letter Writing

Benny P. H. Lee

Hong Kong Student Teachers’ Responses to Peer Group Process Writing

Andy Curtis


Teacher Education, Karen E. Johnson (Ed.)

Reviewed by Pierre Walter

Discover Debate, Michael Lubetsky, Charles LeBeau, and David Harrington

Reviewed by Kirsten Schaetzel

Back to School: Lecturer Attachment Experience, An E He, Liz Walker, Angela Mok, Peter Bodycott, and Vernon Crew (Eds.)

Reviewed by Andy Curtis

Vol.10, 2000


Keeping a Critical Eye on One’s Own Teaching Practice: EFL Teachers’ Use of Reflective Teaching Journals

Noorchaya Yahya

ESL Korean Learners’ Decision-making Processes in Speech Act Performance

Jae-Suk Suh

Comparative Analysis of Three Learning Strategies for EFL Vocabulary Acquisition and Retention

Cheongsook Chin

Acquiring English Tense and Aspect: Effects of Differences and Similarities between L1 and L2

Ganzhao Sun

Cultures in Contact in Academic Writing: Students’ Perceptions of Plagiarism

Antonia Chandrasegaran

EFL Testing and University Admission in Finland and Japan

Mike Garant


Language Acquisition and Learner Autonomy in an Asian EAP Program

Pierre Walter

Communicative Language Teaching and Its Role in a Pronunciation Class

Chad Fryer

Tackling Students’ (Mis)Conceptions about Writing: A Case Study

Chien Ching


Let the Wars Continue: Comprehension Approaches to Language Teaching Foreign Language Education: The Easy Way

Stephen Krashen

Extensive Reading in the Second Language Classroom

Richard Day and Julian Bamford

Fluency Through TPR Storytelling: Achieving Real Language Acquisition in School Blaine Ray and Contee Seely

Reviewed by Jeff McQuillan

Understanding Language Teaching: Reasoning in Action Karen E. Johnson

Reviewed by Robert Richmond Stroupe

A Guide to Effective Writing Margaret McLaren

Reviewed by Valerie Priscilla Goby

Vol.9, 1999


Plain Talk About a Complex Subject: Maximizing Students' Learning Styles

Moh-Leen Chew, Tamara Kit Chen, Linda Chu

Sociocultural Competence and the Japanese Learner of English

Shawn Tenhoff, Chise Nakaseko

The English Language Needs of Building Services Practitioners in Hong Kong

Stephen Evans

Second Language Proficiency and Word Frequency in English

Stephan A. Bird, George M. Jacobs

An Examination of the Keyword Method: How Effective Is It for Native Speakers of Chinese Learning English?

Stephen A. Bird, SEAMED Regional


TESOL Quarterly and Non-native Speaker-Writers: An Interview with Sandra McKay

John Flowerdew


Reflective Teaching: A Case Study of a Korean English Teacher

Thomas S.C. Farrell


Strategies in Learning and Using a Second Language

William Savage

Beyond Training, Jack C. Richards

Richard Watson Todd

Classroom-Based Evaluation in Second Language Education, Fred Genesee and John A. Upshur

Catherine Owens

Vol.8, 1998


Language, Science and Scholarship

John M. Swales

Reading Easy and Difficult Texts in English and Chinese: Strategy Use by Native Speakers of Chinese

Xiwu Feng, Kouider Mokhtari

Teaching Reading Strategies in An Ongoing EFL University Reading Classroom

Mi-jeong Song

Does Self-Access Language Learning at the Tertiary Level Really Work?

Johanna Klassen, Champa Detaramani, Eva Lui, Mrudula Patri, Jenny Wu


Aspects of Impoverished Discourse in Academic Speaking: Implications for Pedagogy from a Mini-Corpus

Helen Basturkmen

English Language Attitudes of Final-Year High School and First-Year University Students in Papua New Guinea

Paul Buschenhofen


Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, H. Douglas Brown

Gail Schaefer

Promoting Reading in Developing Countries, Vincent Greaney (Ed.)

George M. Jacobs

Vol.7, 1997


Reflective Teaching: Situating Our Stories

Kathleen M. Bailey

The Place of Moral and Political Issues in Language Pedagogy

H. Douglas Brown

A Serial Ordering of Listening Comprehension Strategies Used by Advanced ESL Learners in Hong Kong

Ming Yee Carissa Young

Language - Not the Only Barrier

Kin Hughes Wihelm

Is EAP Necessary? A Survey of Hong Kong Undergraduates

Ken Hyland

HyperCard: Using Imagination and Creativity to Enhance Learning

Sarah Xie

The Challenge of Gender-Bias Reform: A Case Study of Teacher Trainees in Hong Kong

Victor Forrester

Language & Development: Teachers in a Changing World, Brian Kenny & William Savage (Eds)

Robert B. Kaplan

Autonomy and Independence in Language Learning, Philip Benson & Peter Voller (Eds)

Pierre Walter

Contrastive Rhetoric: Cross-Cultural Aspects of Second-Language Writing, Ulla Connor

Helena Wong

Towards Synthesis, Will Fowler & John Pidcock

Margit Waas

Vol.6, 1996
Vol.5, 1995
Vol.4, 1994
Vol.3, 1993
Vol.2, 1992


Assessing Fluency: A Case Study

Erlinda R. Boyle

Learner Involvement and Comprehensible Input

Amy D.M. Tsui

Reading Difficulties from the Perspective of the Learner

Kwan Kit Man, Kitty

Contract Learning in the English Language Classroom

Chen Jow Jin, Beatrica Poon

The Crisis in Hong Kong Language Education

Don Snow

Ants, Empowerment, and a Grander Vision for Language Teaching

Michele Chase

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