- The scope of the midterm test is posted under Announcement of the Centralized Course Homepage.
- The date and venue of the Midterm Test has been posted on the centralized course homepage
- The proper procedure for submitting homework assignments is demonstrated here.
- Effective for the entire term: The location of the Wed 6:30 - 7:15 pm tutorial session is now: Wu Ho Man Yuen Bldg 403
General Information
- CHAN, Ping-Shun
- Office: LSB 209
- Email:
- Office Hours: By appointment.
Teaching Assistants
- YANG, Jingling
- CHEN, Hongru CHEN
- YUAN, Hongwei
Time and Venue
- Lecture: We 11:30AM - 12:15PM Yasumoto Int'l Acad Park LT7, Th 8:30AM - 10:15AM Wu Ho Man Yuen Bldg 507
- Tutorial: We 10:30AM - 11:15AM Yasumoto Int'l Acad Park LT7, We 6:30PM - 7:15PM Wu Ho Man Yuen Bldg 403
Lecture Notes
Presentation Slides
Useful Links