MATH6211 Topics in Applied Mathematics MATH6211 Topics in Applied Mathematics

Course Description: In this course, we will talk about fast iterative Toeplitz solvers and their applications in various fields, including PDE, integral equations, imaging, time series, and finance.

Course Format: In the first nine or ten weeks, I will follow the two textbooks listed below. In the last few weeks, students are required to read some papers on Iterative Toeplitz Solvers. Then each student is required to write a program to test the algorithm on their assigned topic and to present a talk based on finding.

Lecture Hours: Every Tuesday 10:30pm-1:15pm at LSB222

Office Hours: Every Tuesday 5:30pm-6:15pm, please send me an email ( or call me first (3943-7970), if possible.

About the Lecturer: Raymond Chan



Teaching Schedule:

Lecture Notes:


Assessment Scheme:

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