MATH2050C - Mathematical Analysis I - 2020/21

Course Year: 


  • Statistics for midterm are as follow: Full Mark=70, Mean=54.5, SD=12.9, Highest=69. The graded midterm has been sent back to you individually by email. Please check and let me know if you have any questions.
  • Problem Set 10 is posted and due on Apr 9 (Fri). Note that there is no class on Mar 30 and Apr 1 (Reading week) and Apr 6 (Easter). Lecture and tutorial will resume on Apr 8.
  • Problem Set 9 is posted and due on Mar 26 (Fri).
  • Midterm update: Question 3 in the test is cancelled. You DO NOT need to submit your answer to Question 3.
  • Problem Set 8 is posted and due on Mar 19 (Fri).
  • Problem Set 7 is posted and due on Mar 16 (Tue) - note special due date.
  • Midterm will be conducted online using "Blackboard" as a "take-home midterm" with 24 hours limit. It will be available on March 11, 2021 at 6:00pm and the deadline for submission (via "Blackboard") is March 12, 2021 at 6:00pm.
    • It will cover topics in Chapter 2-3.4 of the textbook (except binary/decimal representations), which correspond to Lecture Notes 1-13.
    • Your submitted solution will be checked carefully to avoid plagiarism. Discussions amongst classmates are strictly prohibited.
    • Please note that some of you may be chosen to attend an oral interview (either online or in person) to explain his/her answers to the final exam and possibly answer additional questions from the instructor. If a student fails to demonstrate sufficient understanding of his/her own answers, there will be severe penalty towards his/her course grade.
    • The midterm will be open-book and open-notes (allowing search on internet), but it has to be done absolutely by yourself without asking others in any format.
  • Problem Set 6 is posted and due on Mar 5 (Fri).
  • Problem Set 5 is posted and due on Feb 26 (Fri).
  • Note that there is no lecture/tutorial on Feb 11 (Thur) and Feb 16 (Tue) due to Chinese New Year holidays.
  • Problem Set 4 is posted and due on Feb 19 (Fri), i.e. in two weeks.
  • Problem Set 3 is posted and due on Feb 5 (Fri).
  • Problem Set 2 is posted and due on Jan 29 (Fri).
  • The date and time of the midterm has been confirmed (please refer to "Assessment Scheme" below).
  • Problem Set 1 is posted and the due date is Jan 22 at 6PM. Please submit your completed assignment via Blackboard (if your course enrolment is still pending approval, please email me with your SID so that I can manually add you into the system on Blackboard.)
  • There is no tutorial in the first week. The first lecture will be on Jan 12 (Tue) from 8:30 to 10:15am. If you are not yet official registered on CUSIS or a student sitting in this course, please send me an email to let me know so that I can keep you updated about the course via emails (and send you the ZOOM passcodes).
  • General course arrangements:
    • In view of the current pandemic situation, this course will be 100% online until further notice. Please keep checking the course webpage for any new updates about the course. We will be using a combination of (i) Course Webpage (for course materials); (ii) ZOOM (for lectures/tutorials and appointments); (iii) Blackboard/Gradescope (for lecture videos, homework/tests submission).
    • Each lecture and tutorial will be a ZOOM "Meeting" hosted by the instructor and/or TAs, taking place during the same time as they have normally been scheduled. The particulars of the meetings are as follow:
      • Lecture ID: 958-1996-3691
      • Tutorial ID: 931-9214-8830
      Alternatively, you can also click on the corresponding links under the "Useful Links" section below. Lectures will be recorded and uploaded to Blackboard in a folder under “Panopto Video”.
    • For homework assignments, you can either type up your assignment or scan a copy of your written assignment into ONE PDF file and submit through CUHK Blackboard on/before the due date. Please remember to write down your name and student ID. You can refer to the webpage under "Useful Links" below about how to submit assignments through Blackboard.
    • If you have any questions, you can stay in the ZOOM meeting after class or you can email me or the TAs to set up an appointment for a future ZOOM meeting.

General Information


  • LI, Man-chun Martin
    • Office: LSB 236
    • Tel: 3943-1851
    • Email:
    • Office Hours: By appointment

Teaching Assistant

  • LO Chiu Hong
    • Office: LSB 228
    • Tel: 3943-7955
    • Email:
    • Office Hours: Mon 2:30-3:30PM; Tue 2:30-3:30PM (or by appointment) - ZOOM Meeting ID: 988-1952-9513
  • WANG Gaoming
    • Office: LSB 222A
    • Tel: 3943-3575
    • Email:
    • Office Hours: Tue 1:00-3:00PM (or by appointment) - ZOOM Meeting ID: 940-1152-1520

Time and Venue

  • Lecture: Tue 8:30-10:15AM; Thur 9:30-10:15AM (online via ZOOM)
  • Tutorial: Thur 8:30-9:15AM (online via ZOOM)

Course Description

This course is intended to provide conceptual understanding in the theory of functions of one variable. Topics include: real numbers, real valued functions, set notations; limits of sequences, convergence, Bolzano-Weierstrass; limits of functions, continuous functions, uniform continuity.


  • "Introduction to Real Analysis" (4th edition) by R.G. Bartle and D.R. Sherbert, John-Wiley and Sons, NY, 2011


  • "Principles of Mathematical Analysis" by W. Rudin, McGraw-Hill, 1976

Pre-class Notes

Lecture Notes

Tutorial Notes



Assessment Scheme

Homework Assignments 10%
Midterm (Mar 11, 6PM - Mar 12, 6PM) 40%
Final Exam (TBA) 50%

Useful Links

Honesty in Academic Work

The Chinese University of Hong Kong places very high importance on honesty in academic work submitted by students, and adopts a policy of zero tolerance on cheating and plagiarism. Any related offence will lead to disciplinary action including termination of studies at the University. Although cases of cheating or plagiarism are rare at the University, everyone should make himself / herself familiar with the content of the following website:

and thereby help avoid any practice that would not be acceptable.

Assessment Policy

Last updated: March 25, 2021 10:20:47