JGIS Vol. 7, Number 2, Dec 2001

Page Title Author(s) Abstract Full Paper
GIS Application on Arsenic Contamination and Its Risk Assessment in Ronphibun, Nakhorn Si Thammarat, Thailand Jianjun Zhang,
Xiaoyong Chen,
Preeda Parkpian,
Monthip Sriratana Tabucanon,
Skorn Mongkolsuk
A New Stereo Matching Approach Using Edges and Nonlinear Matching Process Objected for Urban Area Mitsuteru Sakamoto, Wei Lu,
Pingtao Wang, Yukio Kosugi
Transformation Based Polynomial Model: In Case of Generating Orthophoto Taravudh Tipddecho,
Xiaoyong Chen,
Mitsuharu Tokunaga,
Huynh Ngoc Phien
3-D Sptial Objects Modeling and Visualization Based on Laser Range Data Jie Du, Apisit Eiumnoh,
Xiaoyong Chen,
Fumio Yamazaki,
Michiro Kusanagi
Analysis of Land Use Change for Food Security Planning in Mae Tun Wastershed, Thailand: Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS Chakkrit Thongthap,
Apisit Eiumnoh
A Self-Adaptive Algorithm of Automatic Interior Orrientation for P31 Images Wanshou Jiang, Guo Zhang,
Deren Li
A Trous Wavelet Decomposition Applied to Image Edge Detection Xiaodong Zhang, Deren Li
Measuring Uncertainity of Spatial Features in a Three-Dimensional Geographical Information System Based upon Numerical Analysis Chui Kwan Cheung,
Wenzhong Shi
The Detection of Significant Points and Simplification of Digitized Curves Peizhi Huang, Poh-Chin Lai
Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS to Monitoring of Urban Sprawl: A Case Study in Wuxi City, China Shan Yang, Yong Zha,
Jay Gao
