Prof. CHU, May Department of Government and Public Administration - CUHK


Prof. CHU May

Assistant Professor

BSSc (CUHK); MSc, MRes, PhD (LSE, London)

May Chu studied government and public administration at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). She moved to the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) to obtain her master’s degrees and Ph.D. in political science. Prior to joining CUHK as an assistant professor, she worked as a senior researcher at the Central Policy Unit of the Hong Kong SAR government.


May Chu’s main research interests centre on public governance and risk regulation. Her current research focuses on the politics of regulation, the regulation of food and the environment, regulatory regimes, and the globalisation of regulation, especially in the contexts of less developed countries and the East Asia and Pacific region. Her research outputs are published in top-tier venues, including Regulation & Governance, Policy & Politics, and Food Control.


Click for the CV of Professor May Chu.

prof chu may

T: (852) 3943-7541
E:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office: 307A, T.C. Cheng Building

  Research Interests:
  • Public Policy Analysis
  • Public Administration and Management
  • Regulation in Developing Countries
  • Regulatory Regimes

Teaching Responsibilities:

  • DSPS1001 Introduction to Policy Sciences
  • GPAD1030/UGEC1522C Fundamentals of Public Administration
  • GPAD2090 Governance and Public Policy
  • GPAD3255 Public Policy Analysis
  • GEUC4011 Senior Seminar
  • GPAD4601/GPAD4602 Independent Studies I & II
  • GPAD4701/GPAD4702 Graduation Thesis I & II
  • MPUP5111 Public Policy Process
  • MPUP5351 Public Policy and Governance





Refereed Publications – Journal Papers


(* corresponding author)


  • Zhu, Y., Wen, X., Chu, M., Zhang, G., Liu, X. (2021). Consumers’ Food Safety Risk Communication on Social Media Following the Suan Tang Zi Accident: An Extended Protection Motivation Theory Perspective. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 18, 8080. [Link]
  • Wang, J. H., Shen, M. M., Chu, M.* (2021). Why is green consumption easier said than done? Exploring the green consumption attitude-intention gap in China with behavioral reasoning theory. Cleaner and Responsible Consumption., 2(June), 10015 [Link]
  • Chu, M.* (2021). The limits to the internationalisation of regulation: Divergent enforcement strategies in China’s food safety regulation. Policy & Politics, 49(3), 433–453. [Link]
  • Liu, L., Li, M. Y., Chu, M.* (2021). Promotion for performance? The working incentive of Chinese provincial environmental agency heads in pollution reduction. Chinese Public Administration Review, 12(1), 20–34. [Link]
  • Chu, M.* (2020). Horses for courses: China’s accommodative approach to food standard-setting in response to the internationalization of regulation. Regulation & Governance, 14(3), 514–530. [Link]
  • Wong, W. W., Chu, M. (2020). Digital governance as institutional adaptation and development: Social media strategies between Hong Kong and Shenzhen. China Review–An Interdisciplinary Journal on Greater China, 20(3), 43–70. [Link]
  • Wang, J. H., Tao, J. Y., Chu, M.* (2020). Behind the label: Chinese consumers’ trust in food certification and the effect of perceived quality on purchase intention. Food Control, 108 (February), 106825. [Link]
  • Chu, M., Chang, Y. C., Lee, C. Y., Cheng, K. T. (2019). Perceptions of communications sector regulatory performance in the East Asia and Pacific region. Utilities Policy, 58 (June), 128–135. [Link]
  • Wang, J. H., Chu, M., Deng, Y. Y., Lam, H. M., Tang, J. J. (2018). Determinants of pesticide application: An empirical analysis with theory of planned behavior. China Agricultural Economic Review, 10(4), 608–625. [Link]
  • Chu, M.*, Wang, J. H. (2018). Central-local collaboration in regulating food safety in China. Public Money and Management, 38(6), 437–444. [Link]
  • Wang, J. H., Chu, M., Ma, Y. (2018). Measuring rice farmer’s pesticide overuse practice and the determinants: A statistical analysis based on data collected in Jiangsu and Anhui provinces of China. Sustainability, 10(3), 677–694. [Link]
  • Wang, J. H., Tao, J. Y., Yang C. C., Chu, M., Lam, H. M. (2017). A general framework incorporating knowledge, risk perception and practices to eliminate pesticide residues: A structural equation modelling analysis based on survey data of 986 Chinese farmers. Food Control, 80 (October), 143–150. [Link]
  • Wong, W., Chu, M. (2017). Rebel with a cause: Structural problems underlying the umbrella movement of Hong Kong and the role of the youth. Asian Education and Development Studies, 6, 4, 343–353. [Link]


Refereed Publications – Journal Papers (in Chinese)

  • Wang, J. H., Yang, C. C., Chu, M. (2018). Selection deviation and influence factors on consumers' purchasing behavior for pork with safety certification (in Chinese). China Population Resources and Environment, 28(12), 150–161. [Link]
  • Wang, J. H., Ge, J. Y. & Chu, M. (2016). Practical dilemma and governance logic of food safety risk co-governance (in Chinese). Social Sciences Research, 6, 111–117. [Link]
  • Wang, J. H., Ma, Y. T., Chu, M. (2016). From state regulation to governance: Functional transition of governments in agricultural products safety regulation (in Chinese). Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University (Social Sciences Edition), 16(4), 119–129, 159. [Link]


Refereed Publications – Book Chapters

  • Chu, M.*, Pau, P. W. (2020). Regulation in China. In X. W. Zang, H. Chan (Ed.), Handbook of Public Policy and Public Administration in China, 135–149. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. [Link]
  • Chu, M.* (2018). Regulatory policy. In A. Farazmand (Ed.), Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance, 5396–5404. Cham: Springer International Publishing. [Link]



  • Co-PI, CUHK-Exeter ENSURE Funding, “Global food security, climate change and resilience: An international perspective”, CUHK–University of Exeter Joint Centre for Environment Sustainability & Resilience (ENSURE), HK$1,000,000, 01/01/2019–31/12/2020.
  • Co-I, Research Sustainability of Major RGC Funding Schemes, “Institution building in the Guangdong–Hong Kong–Macao Greater Bay Area: The Qianhai court as a case study”, CUHK Research Committee, HK$680,000, 30/06/2019–29/06/2021.
  • Co-I, Strategic Public Policy Research (SPPR) Funding Scheme, “Moving to and working in the Guangdong–Hong Kong–Macao Bay Area among Hong Kong residents: Intention, experience and settlement outcomes”, Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office, Hong Kong SAR Government, HK$3,706,000, 30/04/2019–29/04/2022.
  • Co-I, General Research Fund, “Social media and political participation of youth in Hong Kong”, Research Grants Council, HK$748,676, 01/01/2018–31/12/2019.
  • PI, Direct Grant, “Innovations under an authoritarian regime? Environmental regulatory innovations of prefecture-level governments in China”, CUHK Research Committee, HK$71,800, 01/06/2019–31/05/2020.
  • PI, Direct Grant, “Determinants of farmers’ compliance behavior in China”, CUHK Research Committee, HK$73,514, 01/07/2018–31/12/2019.
  • PI, Lee Hysan Foundation Research Grant and Endowment Fund Research Grant, “Innovations under an authoritarian regime? Environmental regulatory innovations of prefecture-level governments in China”, United College’s Committee on Cultural Interchange and Research, HK$10,000, 01/12/2018–01/09/2019.
  • PI, Early Career Scheme, “Food safety regulation in China: A regulatory regime perspective from the food business angle”, Research Grants Council, HK$449,500, 01/01/2016–30/06/2018.
  • PI, South China Programme Research Grant, “Transnational regulation and impacts of trans-border pressure on domestic risk regulatory regimes: A case study of environmental regulation in China”, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, HK$155,000, 01/01/2015–31/12/2016.
  • PI, Direct Grant, “The impacts of emerging environmental groups and public awareness on pollution regulation in industrialising economies: A comparative case study of China”, CUHK Research Committee, HK$22,840, 01/01/2015–31/12/2017.



  • Co-I, Special Funding Scheme to Enhance Student Engagement and Address Student Learning Needs supported by the Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (TDLEG), “E-mentors hub for data science and policy studies students”, CUHK Senate Committee on Teaching and Learning, HK$195,395.4, 01/10/2020–30/06/2021.



  • Best Presentation Award, “Searching for sustainability solutions: Explaining environmental regulatory innovations in China”, presented in 2018 at the 7th International Conference on Social Science and Humanity, Fukuoka, Japan, 27/03/2018.
  • Wuxi City 14th Philosophy and Social Science Excellent Achievement Award. 12/2018.



  • Editorial Board Member, Policy Studies, from 01/2021.






  • Assistant Director, Master of Public Policy Programme, GPA, 08/2018–07/2019.
  • Member, Management Committee, Master of Public Policy Programme, GPA, 08/2016–07/2019.
  • Member, Graduate Committee, GPA, 08/2016–07/2019.
  • Member, Admission and Publicity Committee, GPA, 08/2014–07/2016.


  • Head of Admissions Panel, BSSc Data Science and Policy Studies, 05/2018–Present.
  • Member, Faculty Admissions Committee, 08/2019–Present.
  • Member, Committee on Academic Advising, 08/2019–Present.
  • Member, Management Committee, BSSc Data Science and Policy Studies, 08/2019–Present.


  • Member, Canteen Management Committee, United College, 08/2020–Present.
  • Member, Alumni Affairs and Development Committee, United College, 08/2015–Present.
  • College Coordinator, United College, 08/2015–Present.
  • Hon Academic Adviser, Culture and English Language Programme at Hertford College, University of Oxford, United College, 07/2016–08/2016.


  • Member, Cultural Inclusion Subgroup, Rapid Response Task Force, 10/2019–Present.
  • Member, Selection Panel, Hong Kong Government Administrative Service Internship Programme, Career Planning and Development Centre, Office of Student Affairs, 02/2015–02/2019.



  • Speaker, Training Workshop, Fire Services Department, Hong Kong SAR Government.
  • Speaker, Service Learning in STEM: Application of Statistics in Community Survey, University of Science, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, 16/03/2019–19/03/2019.
  • Reviewer of Journals
    • Public Administration
    • Regulation & Governance
    • Public Administration Review
    • Journal of Environmental Management
    • Journal of Asian Public Policy