Course List Department of Government and Public Administration - CUHK

Required courses

GPAD1020 Fundamentals of Government
GPAD1030 Fundamentals of Public Administration
GPAD1095 Issues of Political Philosophy
GPAD2111 Political Research Methodology


Field Electives

Comparative Politics

GPAD1025 Government and Business
GPAD1045 Leaders and Leadership
GPAD1046 The Art of Leadership
GPAD1055 Parliamentary Practices and Procedures
GPAD2120 Democracies in the West
GPAD2130 Introductory Comparative Politics
GPAD2135 Political Economy in Asia
GPAD2140 Selected Topics in Comparative Politics I
GPAD2145 Electoral Studies
GPAD2180 Civil Society Organizations
GPAD2196 Public Opinion Research: Theories and Practices
GPAD2215 Political Communication in Practice
GPAD2300 Understanding Human Rights
GPAD2395 Asian Comparative Politics
GPAD3040 Democratization
GPAD3050 Inter-governmental Relations
GPAD3141 Selected Topics in Comparative Politics II
GPAD3160 Governance of European Union
GPAD3161 The Rise of Populism in Europe
GPAD3190 Politics of Development
GPAD3280 Politics of Transition
GPAD3360 Global Environmental Politics
GPAD4142 Seminar in Comparative Politics


Greater China

GPAD1050 Government of Hong Kong
GPAD1066 China and The World
GPAD1070 Government and Politics of China
GPAD1073 Reading Chinese Culture and Politics through Movies
GPAD1077 Critical Debates in Hong Kong
GPAD2015 Selected Topics in Hong Kong Politics I
GPAD2025 Selected Topics in Chinese Politics I
GPAD2350 Chinese Foreign Policy
GPAD2370 Taiwan Studies
GPAD2385 Institution and Reform in China
GPAD2555 State-Society Relations in Contemporary China
GPAD2655 Public Sector Reform in China
GPAD3016 Selected Topics in Hong Kong Politics II
GPAD3026 Selected Topics in Chinese Politics II
GPAD3240 Anti-Corruption in Comparative Perspective
GPAD3260 Public Policy and Administration in China
GPAD4027 Seminar in Chinese Politics
GPAD4030 Seminar in Hong Kong Studies
GPAD4065 Contentious Politics in China
GPAD4385 Institution and Reform in China


International Relations

GPAD1066 China and The World
GPAD2185 International Organizations
GPAD2300 Understanding Human Rights
GPAD2345 International Politics
GPAD2350 Chinese Foreign Policy
GPAD2355 Globalization and Politics
GPAD2375 Asian International Relations
GPAD3160 Governance of European Union
GPAD3161 The Rise of Populism in Europe
GPAD3350 Social Forces in World Affairs
GPAD3360 Global Environmental Politics
GPAD3365 Ethics and International Affairs
GPAD3451 International Political Economy
GPAD4225 Theories of International Relations


Political Theory

GPAD2065 Values and Public Affairs
GPAD2075 Selected Topics in Political Theory I
GPAD2300 Understanding Human Rights
GPAD3070 Contemporary Political Philosophy
GPAD3071 Gender and Politics
GPAD3076 Selected Topics in Political Theory II
GPAD3146 The Idea of Freedom
GPAD3220 Politics of Space
GPAD3365 Ethics and International Affairs
GPAD4077 Seminar in Political Theory
GPAD4200 Reading Political Philosophy I: John Rawls
GPAD4211 Philosophy of Social Science
GPAD4335 Modern Chinese Political Thought
GPAD5290 Contemporary Political Science


Public Administration and Policy

GPAD1045 Leaders and Leadership
GPAD1046 The Art of Leadership
GPAD2030 Politics of Regulation
GPAD2035 Selected Topics in Public Administration I
GPAD2065 Values and Public Affairs
GPAD2085 Public Governance & Civil Service in HK
GPAD2090 Governance and Public Policy
GPAD2095 Public Policy Workshop
GPAD2150 Public Human Resources Management
GPAD2160 Public Finance and Budgeting
GPAD2170 Public Organization and Management
GPAD2180 Civil Society Organizations
GPAD2196 Public Opinion Research: Theories and Practices
GPAD2215 Political Communication in Practice
GPAD2655 Public Sector Reform in China
GPAD3195 Government Reforms
GPAD3240 Anti-Corruption in Comparative Perspective
GPAD3255 Public Policy Analysis
GPAD3260 Public Policy and Administration in China
GPAD4020 Seminar in Public Administration


Methodology and Special Issues

GPAD1000 Learning GPA
GPAD1010 Political Debate
GPAD1015 Politics and Mass Media
GPAD1016 Politics of Sports
GPAD1056 Introductory Game Theory
GPAD1076 Thinking Politically
GPAD1100 Politics, Law and Society
GPAD2020 Politics of Culture
GPAD2040 Health, Disease and Politics
GPAD2450 Introduction to Political Economy
GPAD3111 Quantitative Methods in Political Science
GPAD4010 Seminar in Government
GPAD4080 Political Analysis
GPAD4111 Applied Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences
GPAD5050 Qualitative Methods of Political Research


Independent Studies

GPAD4601 Independent Studies I
GPAD4602 Independent Studies II



GPAD4701 Graduation Thesis I
GPAD4702 Graduation Thesis II