Prof. KUAN Hsin Chi Department of Government and Public Administration - CUHK

Prof. KUAN Hsin-chi

Emeritus Professor 


  • LLB (U. Chengchi, Taipei), MA (F.U. Berlin), PhD (U. Munich)
  • Emeritus Professor of Government and Public Administration 
  • Academician, Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, Vatican 
  • Honorary Fellow, the Chinese University of Hong Kong 
  • Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Contemporary China
Recent Publications Ongoing Research Project
prof kwan tsin chi
  T: (852) 3943-9316
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
: 315. T.C.Cheng Building
  Research and Teaching Interests:
  • Comparative Politics with Emphasis on Hong Kong and China
  • Theoretical Perspectives of Political Science
  • 《香港前途,不容樂觀》,in 端傳媒(The Initium), 2017-07-11
  • “China under the New Leadership,” Maryland Series in Contemporary Asian Studies, No. 2, 2013 (Carey School of Law, University of Maryland)
  • “Stunning Materialistic Development and Shocking Moral Degradation,” in Anna Chan Kai Yung & Annie Lam, eds., Transformation and Adaptation: The Social Role of the Catholic Church in China, Proceedings of the Symposium held in June, 2012, Macao: University of Saint Joseph, 2013
  • “Religion and Politics in China,” in Mary Ann Glendon & Hans F. Zacher eds., Universal Rights in a World of Diversity: The case of Religious Freedom, Vatican City: The Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, 2012, pp. 155-192

Changes in World Politics since 1981

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