
Prof. Wong Wing Shing 黃永成教授

Choh-Ming Li Professor of Information Engineering (FIEEE, FHKIE, FHKAES)

Recent Projects

  • "Networked Control over Open Communication Networks," GRF
  • "Integrated Networked Control for Massively Many IoT Devices," ITF
  • "Control of Time Critical Networks," Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.
  • "Learning in Information-based Pursuit-Evasion Games," GRF
  • "Control of Adaptive Formations," GRF
  • "A Communication Network Architecture with Virtual Circuit Switching and Deflection Routing for QoS Guarantees," GRF
  • "Distributed Cooperative Control Systems Allowing Choices," 具选择功能的分布式合作控制系统, NSFC
  • "Time Critical Applications over a Shared Network," SHIAE
  • "Control under Finite Communication Bandwidth," CERG
  • "Protocol Sequences based on the Chinese Remainder Theorem and Their Application to Communication Systems," CERG
  • "Communication Complexity of Digital Finite Communication Bandwidth Control Systems," CERG
  • "Random Access Protocol without Feedback for Sensor Network," CERG
  • "Information Coding in Decision and Control Systems," CERG
  • "Code Allocation in Multi-Rate Spread Spectrum Wireless Systems," CERG
  • "Control of Time Critical Networks," from Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.

Representative Publications

  • Information-Based Control
    1. W. S. Wong and R. W. Brockett, "Systems with Finite Communication Bandwidth Constraints I: State Estimation Problems", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 42(9) (1997) 1294-1298.
    2. X. Li and W. S. Wong, "State Estimation with Communication Constraint," Systems and Control Letters 28  (1996) 49-54.        .
    3. W. S. Wong and R. W. Brockett, "Systems with Finite Communication Bandwidth Constraints II: Stabilization with Limited Information Feedback", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 44(5) (1999) 1049-1053.
    4. Wong, W. S. and C. W. Sung, "Robust Convergence of Low-Data Rate-Distributed Controllers," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 49(1), (Jan 2004) 82 – 87.
    5. W. S. Wong and H. Cheng, "Invariant Distributions of Linear Systems Under Finite Communication Bandwidth Feedback," Proceedings of the IEEE 2007 Conference on Decision and Control, New Orleans, 12-14 December 2007, 2247-2252.
    6. W. S. Wong, "Control Communication Complexity of Distributed Control Systems", SIAM J. Control Optim., 48(3) 1722-1742 (May 2009).
    7. W. S. Wong and J. Baillieul, "Control Communication Complexity of Nonlinear Systems," Communications in Information and Systems, 9(1), (2009), 103-140.
    8. W. S. Wong and H. Cheng, "Control and dynamics of linear systems under finite quantised feedback", Int. J. Systems, Control and Communications, Vol. 3, No. 4, 2011.
    9. J. Baillieul and W. S. Wong, "The Standard Part Problem and the Complexity of Control Communication," Proceedings of the IEEE 2009 Conference on Decision and Control, Shanghai.
    10. H. Cheng, Y.-S. Chen, W. S. Wong, Q. Yang, L.-F. Shen and J. Baillieul, "Stabilizing an Tracking Control of Multiple Pendulum-Cart Systems over a Shared Wireless Network," Proceedings of the Chinese Control Conference, July 25-27, 2012 in Hefei, AnHui, China.
    11. Wong, W. S. and J. Baillieul, "Control Communication Complexity of Distributed Actions,"IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol 57, No. 11 (Nov 2012), pp. 2731-2745.
    12. H. Cheng, Y. Chen, W. S. Wong, Q. Yang and L. F. Shen, "Protocol Sequence Based Wireless Media Access Control in Networked Control Systems," to appear in 12th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV) December 5-7, 2012 in Guangzhou, China.
    13. W. S. Wong, "Networks of  Open Interaction," in the Proceedings of the 32nd Chinese Control Conference 2013, Xi'an, China.
    14. Z. Liu, W. S. Wong and G. Guo, "Cooperative Control of Linear Systems with Choice Actions," in ACC 2013, Washington D. C.2013.
    15. Z. Liu and W. S. Wong, "Choice-Based Cluster Consensus in Multi-Agent Systems," in CCC 2013, Xi'an, 2013.
    16. Z. Liu and W. S. Wong, “Control and Signaling in Distributed Linear Control Systems Allowing Choices,” Proceedings of the 2014 American Control Conference, June 4-6, 2014, Portland, USA, 5724-5729.
    17. H. Cheng and W. S. Wong, "Application of Protocol Sequences in Wireless Networked Control Systems", Proc. of the 33rd Chinese Control Conference, pp. 5666-5671, Nanjing, China, July 28-30, 2014.
    18. H. Cheng, Y. Chen and W. S. Wong, "Trajectory Tracking and Formation Flight of Autonomous UAVs in GPS-Denied Environments Using Onboard Sensing", Proc. of the IEEE Chinese Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, Yantai, China, Aug. 8-10, 201
    19. Z. Liu and W. S. Wong, “Distributed control of linear systems allowing choices,” SIAM J. Control Optimization, Vol 53, No. 2, pp. 670-689, March 2015.
    20. W. S. Wong and J. Baillieul, “Information-Based Multi-agent Systems,” Encyclopedia of Systems and Control, Springer-Verlag, London, 2015, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4471-5102-9_153-1
    21. S. Wen, G. Guo, W. S. Wong, "Hybrid event-time-triggered networked control systems: scheduling-event-control co-design," Information Sciences. Vol. 305: 269-284, 2015. June 1, 2015. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0020025515000511
    22. G. Guo, Z. Liu, and W. S. Wong, "Coordinated Optimal Target Realization for Linear Systems Allowing Choice-Based Actions," Optimal Control Applications and Methods, vol 37(5): 1074-1084, Sept/Oct 2016. Published online on 7 Dec 2015. DOI: 10.1002/oca.2225
    23. Z. Liu and W. S. Wong, "Output Cluster Synchronization of Heterogeneous Linear Multi-agent Systems," Proceedings of the IEEE 2015 Conference on Decision and Control, Osaka December 15-18, 2015.
    24. Z. Liu, W. S. Wong and H. Cheng, "Cluster Synchronization of Coupled Linear Systems under Directed Nonnegative graphs," Proceedings of 35th Chinese Control Conference, Chengdu, China, Jul. 27-29, 2016.
    25. Z. Liu, W. S. Wong and H. Cheng, "Cluster Synchronization of Coupled Systems with Nonidentical Linear Dynamics," Int. J. Robust Nonlinear Control, Vol. 27(9), pp. 1462-1479, June 2017.
    26. C. Tan, W. S. Wong and H. Zhang, "On delay-dependent algebraic Riccati equation," to appear in IET Control Theory & Applications, 2017. DOI: 10.1049/iet-cta.2017.0233.
    27. C. Tan, H. Zhang and W. S. Wong, "Delay-Dependent Algebraic Riccati Equation to Stabilization of Networked Control Systems: Continuous-Time Case," to appear in IEEE Transactions on "Cybernetics, 2017, DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2017.2750221.
    28. C. Tan, C. Xu, L. Yang and W. S. Wong, "Gittins Index Based Control Policy for a Class of Pursuit-Evasion Problems," to appear in IET Control Theory & Applications, DOI: 10.1049/iet-cta.2017.0398.
  • Protocol Sequence
    1. W. S. Wong, "New Protocol Sequences for Random Access Channels without Feedback," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 53(6), (June 2007), pp. 2060-2071.
    2. Zhang, Y. J., K. W. Shum, and W. S. Wong, "On Pairwise Shift-Invariant Protocol Sequences," IEEE Communication Letters, vol.13(6) (June 2009), pp. 453-455. 
    3. C. S. Chen, K. W. Shum, C. W. Sung, W. S. Wong,and G. E. Øjen, "User Unsuppressible Protocol Sequences for Collision Channel without Feedback," ISITA 2008, Auckland, 2008.
    4. K. W. Shum, W. S. Wong, C. W. Sung, and C. S. Chen, "Design and Construction of Protocol Sequences: Shift Invariance and User Irrepressibility," ISIT 2009, Seoul, June 28 2009-July 3, pp. 1368-1372, 2009.
    5. Chen, C. S., W. S. Wong, and Y.-Q. Song, "Constructions of Robust Protocol Sequences for Wireless Sensor and Ad-hoc Networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 57(5), pp. 3053-3063, 2008.
    6. K. W. Shum, C. S. Chen, C. W. Sung, and W. S. Wong, "Shift-Invariant Protocol Sequences for Collision Channels without Feedback," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol 55(7), pp. 3312-3322 , (July 2009).
    7. K W. Shum and W. S. Wong, "A Tight Asymptotic Bound on the Size of Constant-Weight
      Conflict-Avoiding Codes," Journal of Designs, Codes and Cryptography, vol 57(1) 1-14, Oct 2010(appeared online Nov 2009) DOI: 10.1007/s10623-009-9345-4. 
    8. K. W. Shum, W. S. Wong, and C. S. Chen, "A General Upper Bound on the Size of
      Constant-Weight Conflict-Avoiding Codes," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol 56(7), pp. 3265-3276, (July 2010) .
    9. K. W. Shum and W. S. Wong, "Construction Short Protocol Sequences with Worst-Case Throughput Guarantee," Proceedings of International Symposium on Information Theory, ISIT 2010, Austin, USA, June 13-18, 2010, pp. 1828-1832 . 
    10. K. W. Shum, Y. Zhang, and W. S. Wong, "User-Irrepressible Sequences," Proceedings of the SETA 2010, Paris, Sept 13-17. 2010, pp. 88-101 (LNCS 6338, Springer.) 
    11. K. W. Shum and W. S. Wong, "Construction and Applications of CRT Sequences," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol 56(11), 5780-5795. (Version with minor typos corrected)
    12. Y. Zhang, K. W. Shum and, W. S. Wong, "User-Detectable Sequences for the Collision Channel Without Feedback," Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems, York, UK, Sept 19-22, 2010. 
    13. Y. Zhang, K. W. Shum and W. S. Wong, "Strongly conflict-avoiding codes," SIAM J. on Discrete Math, 25(3), (July 2011), pp. 1035-1053.
    14. Y. Zhang, K. W. Shum and, W. S. Wong, "Completely Irrepressible Sequences for the Asynchronous Collision Channel Without Feedback," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 60(5) (May 2011) pp. 1859-1866.
    15. Y. Zhang and W. S. Wong, “Distributed Load Balancing in a Multiple Server System by Shift-Invariant Protocol Sequences,” Proceedings of the Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, April 7-10 2013, Shanghai, China, 1639-1644.
    16. W. S. Wong, "Transmission Sequence Design and Allocation for Wide Area Ad Hoc Network" to appear ," ," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol 63, No. 2, (Feb 2014) pp. 869-878.
    17. Y. Wu, K. W. Shum, W. S. Wong, Q. Su, and L.-F. Shen, “Safety-Message Broadcast in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks Based on Protocol Sequences,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol 63, No. 3,  (Mar 2014) pp. 1467-1479.
    18. Y. Zhang, K. W. Shum, W, S. Wong and F. Shu, “Binary Sequences for Multiple Access Collision Channel: Identification and Synchronization,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 62, No. 2 (Feb 2014) pp. 667-675.
    19. Y. Zhang, Y.-H. Lo, F. Shu and W. S. Wong, “Protocol Sequences for Multiple-Packet Reception: Throughput Invariance and User Irrepressibility,” Proceedings of ISIT 2014, Jun 29 – July 4, Honolulu, USA.
    20. Y.-H. Lo, W. S. Wong and H.-L. Fu, “Partially user-irrepressible sequence sets and conflict-avoiding codes,” Designs, Codes and Cryptography, Vol 78 (3), pp.679-691.
    21. Y. Zhang, Y.-H. Lo and W. S. Wong, “Optimal strongly conflict-avoiding codes of even length and weight three,” Designs, Codes and Cryptography, Vol.79 (2), pp. 367-382.
    22. Y. Zhang, W. K. Shum, W. S. Wong and F. Shu, “An Energy-Aware Reliable Deterministic Broadcast Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks,” Proceedings of IEEE Globecom Workshop, Austin, USA, 1427-1432, Dec. 12, 2014.
    23. Y. Zhang, Y.-H. Lo, W. S. Wong, and F. Shu, "Protocol Sequences for the Multiple-Packet Reception Channel without Feedback," IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 62, no. 4, pp.1687-1698, Apr. 2016.
    24. Y. Zhang, Y.-H. Lo and W. S. Wong, "Completely irrepressible sequences for multiple-packet reception", IEEE Trans. Vehicular Tech., vol. 65, no. 8, pp. 6803-6809, Aug. 2016. DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2015.2478895
    25. C.-C. Chen, G.-C. Yang, M.-K. Chang, J.-S. Lin, W. S. Wong, and W. C. Kwong, "Constructions and throughput analyses of protocol sequences with adjustable duty factor for collision channels without feedback," IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 64, no. 11, pp.4736-4748, Nov. 2016.
    26. Y. Chen, W. K. Shum and W. S. Wong, "Generalized CRT Sequence and Its Applications," in Sequences and Their Applications (SETA) Chengdu, China, Oct 9-14, 2016.
    27. Y. Zhang, Y. Chen, Y.-H. Lo and W. S. Wong, "The Zero-error Capacity of a Collision Channel with Successive Interference Cancellation," IEEE ISIT 2017, Aachen, June 25-30, 2017.
    28. Y. Chen, Y.-H. Lo, K. W. Shum, W. S. Wong, and Y. Zhang, "CRT Sequences with Applications to Collision Channels Allowing Successive Interference Cancellation," to appera in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.
    29. Y. Zhang, Y.-H Lo, and W. S. Wong, "On Channel Hopping Sequences with Full Rendezvous Diversity for Cognitive Radio Networks," appear in IEEE Wireless Communications Letters.
  • Power Control
    1. K. H. Lam and W. S. Wong, "Distributed Power Balancing with Limited Control Data Flow", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 46(1) (1997) pp. 247-252.
    2. C. W. Sung and W. S. Wong, "A Distributed Fixed-Step Power Control Algorithm with Quantization and Active Link Quality Protection", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 48(2) (1999) pp. 553-562.
    3. C. W. Sung and W. S. Wong, "The Convergence of an Asynchronous Cooperative Algorithm for Distributed Power Control in Cellular Systems", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 48(2) (1999) pp. 563-570.
    4. C. W. Sung, K. K. Leung and W. S. Wong, "A Quality-Based Fixed-Step Power Control Algorithm with Adaptive Target Threshold", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 49(4) (2000) pp. 1430-1439.
    5. C. W. Sung and W. S. Wong, "Performance of a Cooperative Algorithm for Power Control in Cellular Systems with a Time-varying Link Gain Matrix", Wireless Networks 6 (Dec 2000) pp. 429-441.
    6. C. W. Sung and W. S. Wong, "Mathematical Aspects of the Power Control Problem in Mobile Communication Systems," in Lectures on Systems, Control, and Information: Lectures at the Morningside Center of Mathematics. Le Guo and Stephen S.-T. Yau eds, ACM/International Press (2000).
    7. C. W. Sung and W. S. Wong, "Power control and rate management for wireless multimedia CDMA systems," IEEE Transactions on Communications, 49(7), (July 2001) pp. 1215-1226.
    8. C. W. Sung and W. S. Wong, "A Noncooperative Power Control Game for Multirate CDMA Data Networks," IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communication, vol. 2, no. 1, (Jan 2003) pp. 186-194.
    9. K. K. Leung, C. W. Sung, W. S. Wong, and T. M. Lok, "Convergence Theorem for a General Class of Power Control Algorithms," IEEE Transactions on Communications, 52(9), (Sept 2004) pp. 1566-1574.
    10. H. S. Zhang, C. S. Chen, and W. S. Wong, "Distributed Power Control for Time-Varying Systems: Performance and Convergence Analysis," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 54(5), (Sept 2005), pp. 1896-1904.
    11. H. S. Zhang, W. S. Wong, W. Ge, and P. E. Caines, "A Stochastic Approximation Approach to the Robust Power Control Problem," IEEE Trans. on Communications, 55(2), (May 2007), pp. 878-886.
    12. Y. Chen and W. S. Wong, "Power Control for non-Gaussian Interference," 7th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks, WiOPT 2009. 
    13. W. S. Wong, " Concavity of the Feasible Signal-to-Noise Ratio Region in Power Control Problems ", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 57(4), (April 2011), pp. 2143-2150
    14. Y. Chen and W. S. Wong, "Power Control for non-Gaussian Interference," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 10(8), (AUg 2011) pp. 2660-2669.
    15. Y. Chen, S. Yang and W. S. Wong, "Exact non-Gaussian Interference Model for Fading Channels," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 12, No. 1 (Jan 2013), pp.  168-179.
    16. Y. Chen, C. W. Sung, S.-W., Ho and W. S. Wong, "BER Analysis for Interfering Visible Light Communication Systems," Proceedings of 10th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, Prague, Czech Republic, Jul 20-22, 2016.
  • Nonlinear Filtering
    1. W. S. Wong, "New Classes of Finite-Dimensional Nonlinear Filters," Systems and Control Letters 3 (1983) 155-164.
    2. W. E. Hopkins and W. S. Wong, "Lie-Trotter Product Formulas for Nonlinear Filtering," Stochastics 17 (1986) 313-337.
    3. W. S. Wong, "Theorem on the Structure of Finite Dimensional Estimation Algebras," Systems and Control Letters 9 (1987) 117-124.
    4. W. S. Wong, "On a New Class of Finite Dimensional Estimation Algebras," Systems and Control Letters  (1987) 79-83.
    5. L. Tam, W. S. Wong, and S. Yau, "A Necessary and Sufficient Condition for Finite Dimensional Estimation Algebras," SIAM J. of Control and Optimization, 28(1) (1990) 173-185.
    6. R. Dong, L. Tam, W. S. Wong, S. S.-T. Yau, "Structure and Classification Theorems of Finite Dimensional Exact Estimation Algebras," SIAM J. of Control and Optimization, 29(4) (1991) 866-877.
    7. W. S. Wong and S. S.-T. Yau, "The Estimation Algebra of Nonlinear Filtering Systems," in Mathematical Control Theory, J. Baillieul and J. C. Willems eds, Springer Verlag, (1999), 33-65.
  • Wireless Network/Communication Network
    1. C. W. Sung and W. S. Wong, "User Speed Estimation and Dynamic Channel Allocation in a Hierarchical Cellular System," Proceedings of IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, June 8-10 1994, Stockholm, Sweden 91-95.
    2. C. W. Sung and W. S. Wong, "Sequential Packing Algorithm for Channel Assignment under Co-channel and Adjacent Channel Interference Constraint," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 46(3) (1997) 676-687.
    3. W. H. Yuen and W. S. Wong, "A Contention Free Mobility Management Scheme Based on Probabilistic Paging," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 50(1), (Jan 2001) 48-58.
    4. C. S. Chen and W. S. Wong, "Bandwidth Allocation for Wireless Multimedia Systems with Most Regular Sequences," IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communication, 4(2), (March 2005), 635-645.
    5. W. S. Wong and F. J. Li, "Fairness Index and Distributed Control in Communication Networks," Communications in Information and Systems, 6(2), (2006), 83-114.
    6. Y. Zhang, Y.-H. Lo, S. Wang and W. S. Wong, "A Hybrid Wavelength Reservation Scheme for Large-Scale Optical Networks," Proceedings of the 25th Wireless and Optical Communication Conference (WOCC), pp. 1-5, May 21-23, 2016. DOI: 10.1109/WOCC.2016.7506544
    7. F. Liu, Y. Chen, and W. S. Wong, "An asynchronous load balancing scheme for multi-server systems," in 2016 IEEE 7th Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics Mobile Communication Conference (UEM- CON), Octn 20-22, 2016, pp. 1–7.
    8. Y.-H. Lo, Y. Zhang, Y. Chen, H.-L. Fu, and W. S. Wong, "The Global Packing Number of a Fat-tree Network," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol.63(8), pp.5327-5335, Aug 2017.
  • Computing/Optimization
    1. P. Bernstein, D. Shipman, W. S. Wong, "Formal Aspects of Serializability in Database Concurrency Control", IEEE Trans. Software Engineering SE-5 (1979) 203-216.
    2. R. J. T. Morris and W. S. Wong, "Performance Analysis of Locking and Optimistic Concurrency Control Algorithms," Performance Evaluation 5 (1985) 105-118.
    3. W. S. Wong and R. J. T. Morris, "Benchmark Synthesis Using the LRU Cache Hit Function," IEEE Trans. on Computers, 7(6) (1988) 637-645.
    4. W. S. Wong and R. J. T. Morris, "A New Approach to Choosing Initial Points in a Local Search,"Information Processing Letters, 30 (1988) 67-72.
    5. R. J. T. Morris and W. S. Wong, "A Short Term Neural Network Memory," SIAM Journal on Computing,17(6) (1988) 1103-1118.
    6. W. S. Wong and M. C. Chuah, "A Hybrid Approach to Address Normalization" IEEE Expert (6) (1994) 38-45.
    7. W. S. Wong, "Matrix Representation and Gradient Flows for NP-Hard Problems" in Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 87(1) (1995) 197-220.
    8. Li, Q. and W. S. Wong, "Optimal Estimator for Distributed Anonymous Observers", Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 140(1), (Jan 2009), 55-75.
    9. Wong, W. S. and C. W. Sung, "Robust Convergence of Low-Data Rate-Distributed Controllers," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 49, no. 1,  (Jan 2004)  82 – 87. 
  • Stochastic Systems
    1. W. S. Wong, "Carleman Transformation and Ovcyannikov-Treves Operators," Nonlinear Analysis TMA 6(12) (1982) 1295-1308.
    2. W. S. Wong, "Carleman Linearization and Moment Equations of Nonlinear Stochastic equations," Stochastics 9 (1983) 77-101.
    3. B. Doshi and W. S. Wong, "Exact Solution of a Simple Finite Infinite Source Interaction Model," Qeueing Systems 2 (1987) 67-82.
    4. J. Kaufman, B. Sengupta, W. S. Wong, "Performance Analysis of a Packet Assembly Function," IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, 38(1) (1993) 109-113.
    5. J. Kaufman and W. S. Wong, "Approximate Analysis of a Gordon-Newell Like Non-Product-Form Queueing Network," Annals of Operations Research 48 (1994) 249-271
  • Plenary Talks
    1. Semi-plenary speaker at the 48th IEEE Control and Decision Conference, title: Target Choice, Control Energy, and Communication Complexity: Facets of an Information-Based Distributed Control System, Shanghai, 2009
    2. Plenary Speaker at WICOM titled Protocol Sequences and Their Application to Ad Hoc Networks,2010 Sept 23-25, 2010 Chengdu.
    3. Plenary speaker, July 26-28 2013, 32nd Chinese Control Conference, Xi’an
    4. Plenary speaker at the 7th IEEE/International Conference on Advanced Infocomm Technology, Nov 14-16, 2014, Fujian Normal University, China, talk title, “Schedule Sequences and Their Applications in Communication Networks.”
    5. Invited speaker at the Workshop on Navigation and Control of MASs with Uncertain Information, Guangzhou, Dec 8-9, 2014, talk title, “Managing Uncertainties in Control Objectives via Communication.”
    6. Plenary speaker at the 6th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems, Sept 9, 2016, talk title, "From control of networks to networked control".