CMSC5733 Social Computing

Breaking News

  • December 2, 2013. Have updated the scores. Please feel free to contact with us if you have any problem.
  • November 25, 2013. Please check mid-term and homework scores here.
  • November 25, 2013. Please take one internet-accessible device (notebook, mobile phone, pad, etc.) for peer review in today's project presentation.
  • November 25, 2013. Word template for project report. Please use the template to write your report.
  • November 19, 2013. Have uploaded final presentation requirement and final submission requirement here.
  • November 14, 2013. Final Project Presentation Sign-up Sheet. Please sign up the presentation sheet here. The presentation date is Monday, November 25, 2013 from 6:24 pm to 10:12 pm. Please sign up for one slot with your full name of all team members.
  • November 11, 2013. We will do project check from 9:00pm to 10:00pm. Every group will have 10 minutes to present and talk with us.
  • November 4, 2013. You're allowed to take calculator in the mid-term.
  • October 29, 2013. Modification: there is something wrong with Lecture note in Link.pdf P25. When we compute cosine similarity, we only consider the items rated by both users. The modified formulation is shown below.We will consider those two solutions both right in HW#2. But please use this formulation in mid-term.

Cosine similarity

  • October 29, 2013. If you have any question, please call 39434266 in working time.
  • October 22, 2013. Mid-term examination will be in YIA LT2 from 7:30pm-9:30pm on November 4(Monday), 2013.
  • October 13, 2013. Deadline for homework #2 is extended to 23:59:59, October 24 (Thursday), 2013.
  • October 12, 2013. Feedback on project proposal has been sent.
  • September 2, 2013. The new semester begins.
  • September 24, 2013. Update Homework # 1.
  • October 7, 2013. Homework # 1 deadline.
  • Please use betweenness centrality and closeness centrality as betweenness and closeness in Question 4 of HW#1.

Extra Credit Assignments

20013-14 Term 1

Lecture I
Time Monday, 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Venue HKPC 1007

The Golden Rule of CMSC5733: No member of the CMSC5733 community shall take unfair advantage of any other member of the CMSC5733 community.

Course Description

This course introduces fundamental as well as applied computational techniques for collaborative and collective intelligence of group behaviours on the Internet. The course topics include, but are not limited to: web intelligence, web data mining, knowledge discovery on the web, web analytics, web information retrieval, learning to rank, ranking algorithms, relevance feedback, collaborative filtering, recommender systems, human/social computation, social games, opinion mining, sentiment analysis, models and theories about social networks, large graph and link-based algorithms, social marketing, monetization of the web, security/privacy issues related to web intelligence and social computing, etc.

Learning Objectives

Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to:

  1. provide an overview of recent developments in social computing;
  2. explain various theories and models in social computing;
  3. design and implement simple systems to process social data

Learning Activities

  1. Lectures
  2. Tutorials (hands-on)
  3. Web resources
  4. Videos
  5. Quizzes
  6. Examinations
  7. Project presentations



Lecturer Tutor Tutor
Name Irwin King Baichuan Li Yuanyuan Man
Office Rm 908 Rm 1024 Rm 1024
Telephone 3943 8398 31634266 31634266
Office Hour(s) * M8, Monday 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

* T8, Tuesday 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
* M9, Monday
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
* M9, Monday
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm

Note: This class will be taught in English. Homework assignments and examinations will be conducted in English.


The pdf files are created in Acrobat 6.0. Please obtain the correct version of the Acrobat Reader from Adobe.

Week Date Topics Tutorials Homework & Events Resources
1 2/9 Introductions

1. Introduction.pdf
1. Python Programming Tutorial
2. Python Web Scraping Tutorial
3. Google Python Class
2 9/9 Graphs

1. Graphs-01.pdf
2. Graphs-02.pdf
Tutorial-I-Python&Web-Crawling.pdf 1. Source-Code-for-Tutorial-I
3 16/9 Social Network Theory

1. Networks.pdf
2. social media, graphs and communication
1. NetworkX & Graphviz
2. NetworkX Demo
1. HW #1
Update date: September 24,2013
Deadline: 23:59:59, October 7(Monday), 2013
2. Project Specifications
3. Project Proposal Template
1. Political Polarization on Twitter
2. Political Polarization on Twitter
3. Truthy
4 23/9 Graph Mining and Link Analysis

1. Links.pdf
2. Spatial and transpatial networks
Introduction to project 1. Making friends in life and online
2. The Hidden Image of the City
5 30/9 Link Analysis

Knowledge Representations
Tag Analysis
Link Analysis & Memory-based CF Project Proposal Deadline
6 7/10 CQA and
Community Detection

1. Louvain Method
2. CD in NetworkX
1. HW #2
Update: add some references for Q2
Deadline: 23:59:59, October 24 (Thursday), 2013
2. Project feedback sent
7 14/10 Public Holiday
8 21/10 Recommender System I

Recommender System I
HW1 Solution
9 28/10 Recommender System II
Crowd Sourcing and Quality Assurance

Recommender System II
HW2 Solution
10 4/11 Midterm Examination
11 11/11 Crowdsourcing & Game Theory

1. Human computation
2. Game theory
3. Quality assurance
Project Check-point
12 18/11 Monetization of Social Media
Privacy and Security
1. Monetization of Social Media
2. Privacy and Security
13 25/11 Project Presentations
  • Web 2.0
    • Ajax, CSS,
  • Social Media
    • blogs, microblogs, wikis, mashup,

Class Project

Group Information

group id group member
1 CHENG, Qi; CHOW, Shing Yu
2 HUI, Ying Cheuk; KAN, Chiu Kit; LEUNG, Ping Shun; WONG, Kwong Ning;
3 WU, Meng
4 LI, Chun Man; LING, Zi; LIU, Zixian;
5 LIN, Wai Kit; WONG, Ting Kwong;
6 HUANG, Xutong; LI, Chenguang;
7 CAO, Runlai; PEI, Yingkai; SONG, Hang; ZHANG, Liping;
8 LI, Jiazhen; LI, Lu; REN, Yuxuan;
9 LAU, Wai Chung; MAN, Kai Tong; WONG, Sang Churn;
10 LI, Xuesi; WANG, Yanbing; YANG, Junfeng;
11 HUANG, Xuming; LIU, Shuwei; QUAN, Cong;
12 HE, Yannan; KONG, Yuting; LI, Jia; LI, Xiang;
13 CHAN, Agostinho Quofei; FONG, Lap Tak; LEE, Ka Wo; YANG, Junyi;
14 CHEN, Hui; FU, Jiaqi; LI, Lu; LIN, Fengyuan;
15 HEUNG, Wai Kin Matthew; KING, Sing; LAI, Pik Yee Charlotte; ZHAO, Qian;
16 WAN, Yang; XIONG, Jiajun;YE, Zishi; ZHANG, Yong;
17 CHAN, Sui Lee; CHEUNG, Chun Yin; LEE, Chung Lun; LEE, Kai Chuen;
18 HE, Qingfan;LU, Cheng; GUO, Jun;
19 LI, Jia; CHI, Zheyu; LIU, Li; KANG, Xiaoxue;

Class Project Presentation Schedule

Class Project Presentation Sign-up Sheet

  • The time slots are for Monday, November 25, 2013 (6:24 pm - 10:12 pm).
  • The venue is in HKPC 1007.
  • Please enter all team members' name in one slot in either Session 1 or Session 2 table.
  • Instructions
    1. Put the name of all your team members under the “Real name” column.
    2. Select one slot from either the Session 1 or Session 2 table.
    3. Press “Submit”.
    4. Make sure it does not conflict with others.
Class Project Presentation Session 1
Real name6:246:366:487:007:127:247:367:488:008:12
HE, Qingfan;GUO, Jun;    2013-11-14 15:07:11     
Zhang,Yong;Xiong,Jiajun;Ye,Zishi;Wan,Yang; 2013-11-14 18:13:35        
SONG, Hang;ZHANG, Liping;CAO, Runlai;PEI, Yingkai;   2013-11-14 18:17:27      
CHAN, Sui Lee; CHEUNG, Chun Yin; LEE, Chung Lun; LEE, Kai Chuen;        2013-11-14 18:34:16 
LI, Jia; CHI, Zheyu; LIU, Li; KANG, Xiaoxue;     2013-11-14 19:07:20    
LAU, Wai Chung; MAN, Kai Tong; WONG, Sang Churn;      2013-11-14 19:24:53   
LIN, Wai Kit; WONG, Ting Kwong;       2013-11-15 21:13:52  
Lee, Ka Wo Jacky;Chan, Quo Fei, ars naki;Fong, Lap Tak Josh         2013-11-17 17:24:32
LI, Chun Man; LING, Zi; LIU, Zixian  2013-11-18 19:11:35       
Ren,Yuxuan; Li,Jiazhen; Li,Lu;2013-11-19 11:15:56         
Class Project Presentation Session 2
Real name8:248:368:489:009:129:249:369:4810:00
WU, Meng  2013-11-18 10:58:30      
CHENG, Qi; CHOW, Shing Yu   2013-11-18 15:59:47     
HUANG, Xutong; LI, Chenguang; 2013-11-18 16:25:11       
HUI, Ying Cheuk; KAN, Chiu Kit; LEUNG, Ping Shun; WONG, Kwong Ning;2013-11-18 17:37:43        
HE, Yannan; KONG, Yuting; LI, Jia; LI, Xiang;    2013-11-18 19:14:18    
YANG, Junfeng; WANG Yangbing; LI, Xuesi    2013-11-18 20:07:53    
LIU,Shuwei;HUANG Xuming;QUAN Cong       2013-11-18 21:56:40 
YANG, Junfeng; WANG Yanbing; LI, Xuesi     2013-11-18 19:16:38   
HEUNG, Wai Kin Matthew; KING, Sing; LAI, Pik Yee Charlotte; ZHAO, Qian      2013-11-19 12:13:21  
HEUNG, Wai Kin Matthew      2013-11-19 12:13:34  
CHEN, Hui; FU, Jiaqi; LI,        2013-11-21 10:35:04

Class Project Presentation Requirements

  • For groups implementing graphical algorithms, you should explain one algorithm as detailed as you can in the presentation. You should give an example with the structure of nodes, values, and your calculations. You also need to analyze the complexity of your algorithms and test whether your algorithms can be applied in large graphs. For other groups, you should focus on three aspects including the motivation of your idea, the detailed algorithms, and the justification of your methods comparing to naive methods through experiments.

Class Project Final Submission

  1. Final submission should contains presentation ppt file, report, source code, data and related materials. Please compress them into one file. Please make sure we can run your program and recur your result. If your files is not larger than 4M, please send it to If your files is bigger than 4M, please upload them to google drive or dropbox or others, and give us the link, so we can download them.
  2. Final submission deadline is 13/12/2013.

Examination Matters

Examination Schedule

Time Venue Notes
Midterm Examination
4/11 TBA TBA
Final Presentation 25/11 HKPC 1007 TBA

Written Midterm Matters

  1. The midterm will test your knowledge of the materials.
  2. Answer all questions using the answer booklet. There will be more available at the venue if needed.
  3. Write legibly. Anything we cannot decipher will be considered incorrect.
  4. One A4-sized cheat-sheet page.

Grade Assessment Scheme

Project Report Project Presentation Final Examination
  1. Assignments (20%)
    1. Written assignments
    2. Optional quizzes
  2. Midterm Examination (30%)
  3. Project (50%)
    1. Report (30%)
    2. Presentations (20%)
  4. Extra Credit (There is no penalty for not doing the extra credit problems. Extra credit will only help you in borderline cases.)

Required Background

  1. Pre-requisites
    1. - CSC 1110 or 1130 or its equivalent. (Not for students who have taken CSC 2520).

Reference Books


  1. Q: What is departmental guideline for plagiarism?
    A: If a student is found plagiarizing, his/her case will be reported to the Department Discipline Committee. If the case is proven after deliberation, the student will automatically fail the course in which he/she committed plagiarism. The definition of plagiarism includes copying of the whole or parts of written assignments, programming exercises, reports, quiz papers, mid-term examinations. The penalty will apply to both the one who copies the work and the one whose work is being copied, unless the latter can prove his/her work has been copied unwittingly. Furthermore, inclusion of others' works or results without citation in assignments and reports is also regarded as plagiarism with similar penalty to the offender. A student caught plagiarizing during tests or examinations will be reported to the Faculty Office and appropriate disciplinary authorities for further action, in addition to failing the course.


Social Networks-Theory Graph Theory

Graph Mining

Link Analysis

Learning to Rank

Recommender Systems

Q & A

Human Computation/Social Games

Opinion Mining/Sentiment Analysis



teaching/cmsc5733/2013.txt · Last modified: 2013/12/02 11:50 by 43107780     Back to top