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22 / Lifestyle

             He and his teammates realised that
        there was a problem of lacking a font
        for eye-catching titles for media con-
        tent like YouTube video thumbnails
        years ago, and they wanted to solve
        this problem with a new font design.
             “Our team did some research on
        market demand for font design which
        is used for  eye-catching titles. We
        also asked whether people would like
        to pay for our design in the research,”
        he says.
             After the research, the team devel-
        oped  Moodmen Reborn Font(思
        緒重生體), a font design with bold
        and angular strokes, in 2020.
             With the new design, the team
        believes that this can help promote
        font design in Hong Kong. “We want   Products like calendars, phone cases and postcard are sold in Chan’s
        more people to know that there is               store. (Photo courtesy of Roy Chan Ching-hin)
        font design in Hong Kong, and we    than two years.  We can work out a   of the Research Centre of Cantonese
        hope that they will pay for the use   set of font design which is different   at the Chinese University of Hong
        of official font designs. We also hope   from typical designs and promote the   Kong, observes more people have
        more will join our industry,” he says.  beauty of traditional Chinese charac-  become interested in Cantonese and
                Chan designed the characters for   ters with it,” he adds.      traditional Chinese characters.
        Moodmen Reborn Font with distinc-        Chan also included Cantonese        “People used to think there is no
        tive elements to serve the need for   characters like「係」 in his design   need to preserve Cantonese as it is
        eye-catching titles.                as he believes that it is part of Hong   already part of our lives. But now
             “For each character, the upper part   Kong culture.                more people are concerned about this
        was designed to be narrower than the


          We want more people to know that there

         is font design in Hong Kong, and we hope

                  that they will pay for the use of

                           official font designs.


        lower part so that its shape is similar        “I am a Hongkonger and I speak
        to a trapezium. Also, I tried to leave   Cantonese every day. I do not have
        more space between strokes so that   to think whether I should include
        the characters will not mash up when   Cantonese characters in my typogra-  Roy Chan Ching-hin is the owner
        they are printed in small font sizes,”   phy as it is natural for me to do so,”   of Moodmen Font, a store which
        Chan explains.                      Chan says.                          sells products printed with artis-
             “Our team has been producing        Kwok Bit-chee, associate profes-  tic traditional Chinese character
        products with artistic traditional   sor of the Department of Chinese   designs. (Photo courtesy  of  Roy
        Chinese characters designs for more   Language and Literature and director      Chan Ching-hin)
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