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                                       “                                     them  continuously.  Then  the effec-
                                                                             tiveness will depend on the conscious
                                                                             behaviour [of companies],” she says.
         [Officials from media companies] play                                    Edited by Fiona Cheung

      dumb but I think they know what they are                                      Sub-edited by Eve Lee

      doing when they manipulate fans to make



      work as usual. “So [fans were] like   nors should not make a monetary
      scaring ourselves,” she says with a   contribution because their money
      laugh.                             comes from their parents.
             Before the Qinglang campaign,        But she also acknowledges that
      online fan clubs encouraged fans to   sometimes it is hard to avoid spend-
      write comments about their idols and   ing money on idols. “Rules of survival
      repost them as much as possible to   show require fans to contribute mon-
      increase  traffic  data  related  to  their   ey to help their idol debut. The regula-
      idols.  Fans now stop doing reposts,   tion is established [by the programs].
      as Weibo cancelled ranking lists of ce-  Fans can only follow the game rules,”
      lebrities’ popularities in August due to   she says.
      the crackdown.                              “[Officials from media com-
             Although now fans have to fol-  panies] play dumb but I think they
      low stringent rules, some fans like   know what they are doing when they
      Liao see the bright side of the cam-    manipulate fans to make mon-
      paign. They now spend less time              ey,” she adds.
      on writing comments and re-                            Jing Zhan, asso-
      posting online.                                  ciate professor of the
            “The campaign saves                        Department of Gov-
      my time … Now we main-                           ernment and Public
      ly chat in our [fan] group,”                     Administration at the
      she says.                                        Chinese   University
           Fans also have stopped                     of Hong Kong, thinks
      contributing money to idols                   idol survival shows is an
      directly with apps like Taoba (桃           effective business model that
      叭) and Owhat now as the campaign   entertainment industry has built in
      bars variety shows or entertainment   recent years.
      businesses to charge fans for star-        “Companies are driven by prof-
      chasing.                           it … but they will have to face some
        Yvonne Lin, a fan and also a fresh   government restraints during the
      graduate, tries to cover all costs of star   Qinglang campaign,” she says.
      chasing by herself. Her idol is Liu Yu,   Zhan also thinks that it is hard to
      a candidate who attended Chuang    evaluate the long-term effect of the
      2021, an idol survival show produced   Qinglang campaign this year. “Some-
      by Tencent this year. She thinks mi-  times the government introduces
                                         some  policies  and  does  not  enforce
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