2021-03-04 16:30 - 17:30
https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/98846779826 |
Local systems in geometry and arithmetic
Prof. Hélène Esnault - Freie Universität Berlin
2021-03-02 09:00 - 10:00
https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/97838822137 |
Lagrangian Fillings of Legendrian links
Professor Roger CASALS - University of California Davis
2021-03-01 15:00 - 17:00
https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/94838558609 |
Stability of the Shear Flows and Plasma Dynamics in a Uniform Magnetic Field - Lecture 1
Professor Fei WANG - Shanghai Jiao Tong University
2021-02-25 16:00 - 17:00
https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/98846779826 |
Gromov-Hausdorff convergence of Kahler manifolds
Prof. Gang LIU - East China Normal University
2021-02-23 15:00 - 16:00
https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/97838822137 |
Sheaf Quantization and Exact WKB Analysis
Professor Tatsuki KUWAGAKI - Osaka University
2021-02-23 15:00 - 17:00
https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/95234168226 |
Regularity of the Vlasov-Poisson-Boltzmann System without angular cutoff
Mr. Dingqun DENG - City University of Hong Kong
2021-02-18 16:00 - 17:00
https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/98846779826 |
Reeb dynamics in dimension 3 and broken book decompositions
Professor Vincent COLIN - University of Nantes
2021-02-04 16:00 - 17:00
https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/98846779826 |
Kahler manifolds with positive orthogonal Ricci curvature
Professor Fangyang Zheng - Chongqing Normal University
2021-02-04 09:00 - 10:00
https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/97838822137 |
The Rabinowitz Fukaya category
Professor Yuan GAO - University of Southern California
2021-01-26 16:00 - 17:00
https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/92775210812 |
On Learning Geometry, Towards a Semi-supervised Axiomatic Approach
Professor Ron Kimmel - Technion
2021-01-26 15:00 - 16:00
https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/97838822137 |
Nil Hecke Bimodules and sl_2 Categorifications
Prof. Rina ANNO - Kanas State University
2021-01-22 09:30 - 10:30
https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/92775210812 |
Blending Data And Models: Kalman Based Approaches
Prof. Andrew STUART - California Institute of Technology
2021-01-15 09:00 - 10:00
https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/97838822137 |
Knot Invariants and Nonabelian Hodge Theory via the Unipotent Locus
Dr. Minh-Tam TRINH - MIT
2021-01-14 11:00 - 12:00
https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/91805734715 |
Higher order Wirtinger inequalities, the isoperimetric deficit, and Minkowski-type inequalities
Dr. Kwok-Kun KWONG - University of Wollongong
2021-01-08 15:00 - 16:30
https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/91573674736 |
辨认曲面形状的工具:Teichmuller空间 (Talk 4)
杜晓明教授 - 华南理工大学数学学院
辨认曲面的形状,无论是在纯数学还是在应用数学中,都是非常基本的问题。这几次课将从数学的基本概念开始,讲述如何引入共形结构、利用共形结构来辨认出曲面形状中的特征、以及在数学上给出两个曲面形状之间差距有多大的合理量化方式。在这些内容背后的关键数学概念,就是 Teichmuller 空间与模空间。它们一直是几何学研究中的主角。许多位菲尔兹奖得主的工作都与它们有关。这几次课除了普及 Teichmuller 空间的基础知识之外,还会讲到几位菲尔兹奖得主在 Teichmuller 空间领域的工作。本课程对预备知识的要求不高,只要对数学系本科微分几何、复变函数、拓扑这几门课程里的一些概念还有印象就都能跟得上。
Slides: talk_4.pdf |
2021-01-06 15:00 - 16:30
https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/91573674736 |
辨认曲面形状的工具:Teichmuller空间 (Talk 3)
杜晓明教授 - 华南理工大学数学学院
Slides: talk_3.pdf |
2021-01-05 15:00 - 16:30
https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/91573674736 |
辨认曲面形状的工具:Teichmuller空间 - (Talk 2)
杜晓明教授 - 华南理工大学数学学院
Slides: talk_2.pdf |
2021-01-04 15:00 - 16:30
https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/91573674736 |
辨认曲面形状的工具:Teichmuller空间 - (Talk 1)
杜晓明教授 - 华南理工大学数学学院
Slides: talk_1.pdf |
2020-12-16 09:00 - 10:00
Zoom Link: https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/97838822137?pwd=ZTVvSC9abmNjR3RCcS9FTzJNTVhXdz09
Motivic Chern Classes of Schubert Cells and Applications
Dr. Changjian SU - University of Toronto
2020-12-11 10:00 - 11:30
Zoom link: https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/98907984074?pwd=VHRCbjNaZ1MrU09GZ2UvZ2hPYnRaUT09
Asymptotic Problems for Kinetic Equations in Bounded Domains, Lecture 3: Boundary Layer with Geometric Correction
Professor Lei WU - Lehigh University