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Ho, S. C. E., & Wang, M. (2022). Health Inequity and the Effect of Parental Involvement in Mainland China: What We Learned from the Large-Scale China Education Panel Survey. Paper presented at the 20th Roundtable of the International Network (INET) on School, Family, and Community Partnerships, 22 April 2022.
Li, Y. & Ho, S. C. E. (2022). Student's Well-being in Mainland China and the Effect of Parental Investment and Involvement. Paper presented at the 20th Roundtable of the International Network (INET) on School, Family, and Community Partnerships, 22 April 2022.
Ho, S. C. & Leung, S.K. (2016). Effect of General-form and Math-related parental involvement on Adolescents’ Mathematical Literacy. Paper presented at 18th Round Table of the International Network on School, Family, and Community Partnerships,Washington, D.C. April 8 2016
Ho, S. C. & Lam, Y. P. (2015), “Insights of PISA for the Assessment of Scientific Literacy: The Case of Hong Kong”. the 6th International Conference on Science and Mathematics Education (CoSMEd), organized by SEAMEO RECSAM, Penang, Malaysia, 16-19 November 2015
Ho, S. C. & Lau, K. L. (2015) “Reading Engagement and Reading Literacy Performance: Effective Policy and Practices at Home and in School”. 2015 Learning Sciences Institute Australia (LSIA) International Symposium on Reading and Reading Engagement. Australian Catholic University, Brisbane, Australia 10-11 July 2015. About 60-80 scholars.
何瑞珠 (2014)。從國際視域看核心素養的評量。 2014教育高階論壇海峽兩岸研討會。 國立臺南大學主辦。2014年10月16-17日。
Ho, S. C. (2014). “Shadow Education in East Asian Societies: An International comparative study”. The 9th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Science. Vancouver, B.C. Canada. 11-13 June 2014.
Ho, S. C. (2014). “PISA and Higher Education”. 第二屆華人社會教育論壇: 教育變革中的挑戰與機遇, 蘇州大學教育學院. 5-6 April 2014.
Lam Y. P. & Lau K. C. (2013) “Examining factors affecting science achievement of Hong Kong in PISA 2006 using HLM”. the Third International Conference of East-Asian Association for Science Education. Hong Kong. July 4-6, 2013.
Ho, S. C. (2012). “Blazing the Trail: How Hong Kong Stay on Top of the League”, the C J Koh Professional Lecture Series: Levelling Up and Staying On the Top. Organized by NIE of Singapore, 1-27 pages. May 2 2012.
Wong K. Y. & Ho, S. C. (2011). “The leaking pipeline: Linkage of parents’ belief in science career motivation and gendered educational and occupational trajectories related to science.” Paper presented at the International Conference on Addressing Student Learning Diversity: Policy, Practice and Research. Hong Kong. December 10 2011.
Ho, S.C. (2010). “Effect of school organization, family involvement and investment on adolescents’ career aspiration”. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association, Denver, USA. April 30 2010.
Ho, S. C. (2009). “Analyzing the quality and equality of basic education of Hong Kong and East Asian Societies: What we learned from PISA” Conference on “Educational Change and Innovation in Chinese Society”. Nanjing, China, Oct 10-11 2009.
Ho, S. C. (2008). “Shadow Education in East Asian Societies: An International comparative study”. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association, New York, USA.
Ho, S. C. (2008). “Understanding the Time investment in Homework and Its Effectiveness on Student Learning Outcomes from an International Perspective”. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association, New York, USA.
Ho, S. C. & Tsang W. K. (2007). In search of the Asian learners: Findings from PISA2000 & PISA2003. Paper presented at CESA-CESHK Conference 2007 at the University of Hong Kong.
Ho, S. C. (2007) Accomplishment and challenges of East-Asian learners: What we learned from the PISA Study. Seminar presentation at the Department of Educational Studies, University of British Columbia, Canada, on 23 Feb 2007.
Ho, S. C. (2006). Effect of family involvement and investment on students’ achievement: The case of Hong Kong. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association, San Diego, USA.
Ho, S. C. (2006). Educational decentralization in three Asian societies: Japan, Korea, and Hong Kong. Paper presented at the CIES 50th Anniversary Conference, March 14-18, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Ho, S. C. (2005). Quality and cost-effectiveness of Hong Kong basic education: What do we learn from the HKPISA Studies. Paper presented at the conference at Northeast Normal University.
Chun, K. W., Tong, C. W., & Sze, M. M. (2003). Reading performance of Hong Kong’s 15-year-old students in PISA 2000. Paper presented at the PISA International Conference: What do the PISA results tell us about the education quality and equality in the Pacific Rim, November 21-22, Hong Kong.
Ho. S. C. & Sze, M. M. (2003). Relationship between reading habits, reading attitude and literacy performance of 15-year-old students in Hong Kong and Finland. Paper presented at the PISA international conference: What do the PISA results tell us about the education quality and equality in the Pacific Rim, November 21-22, Hong Kong.
Ho, S. C. (2003). Challenges accomplishment and challenges of Hong Kong education system: What we learned from PISA. Paper presented at the PISA international conference: What do the PISA results tell us about the education quality and equality in the Pacific Rim, November 21-22, Hong Kong.
Yip, D. Y. (2003). Scientific literacy of Hong Kong students in PISA 2000. Paper presented at the PISA international conference: What do the PISA results tell us about the education quality and equality in the Pacific Rim, November 21-22, Hong Kong.
International Network of Student Learning Assessment
Conference Papers
Ho, S. C. E., & Wang, M. (2022). Health Inequity and the Effect of Parental Involvement in Mainland China: What We Learned from the Large-Scale China Education Panel Survey. Paper presented at the 20th Roundtable of the International Network (INET) on School, Family, and Community Partnerships, 22 April 2022.
Li, Y. & Ho, S. C. E. (2022). Student's Well-being in Mainland China and the Effect of Parental Investment and Involvement. Paper presented at the 20th Roundtable of the International Network (INET) on School, Family, and Community Partnerships, 22 April 2022.
Ho, S. C. & Leung, S.K. (2016). Effect of General-form and Math-related parental involvement on Adolescents’ Mathematical Literacy. Paper presented at 18th Round Table of the International Network on School, Family, and Community Partnerships,Washington, D.C. April 8 2016
Ho, S. C. & Lam, Y. P. (2015), “Insights of PISA for the Assessment of Scientific Literacy: The Case of Hong Kong”. the 6th International Conference on Science and Mathematics Education (CoSMEd), organized by SEAMEO RECSAM, Penang, Malaysia, 16-19 November 2015
Ho, S. C. & Lau, K. L. (2015) “Reading Engagement and Reading Literacy Performance: Effective Policy and Practices at Home and in School”. 2015 Learning Sciences Institute Australia (LSIA) International Symposium on Reading and Reading Engagement. Australian Catholic University, Brisbane, Australia 10-11 July 2015. About 60-80 scholars.
何瑞珠 (2014)。從國際視域看核心素養的評量。 2014教育高階論壇海峽兩岸研討會。 國立臺南大學主辦。2014年10月16-17日。
Ho, S. C. (2014). “Shadow Education in East Asian Societies: An International comparative study”. The 9th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Science. Vancouver, B.C. Canada. 11-13 June 2014.
Ho, S. C. (2014). “PISA and Higher Education”. 第二屆華人社會教育論壇: 教育變革中的挑戰與機遇, 蘇州大學教育學院. 5-6 April 2014.
Lam Y. P. & Lau K. C. (2013) “Examining factors affecting science achievement of Hong Kong in PISA 2006 using HLM”. the Third International Conference of East-Asian Association for Science Education. Hong Kong. July 4-6, 2013.
Ho, S. C. (2012). “Blazing the Trail: How Hong Kong Stay on Top of the League”, the C J Koh Professional Lecture Series: Levelling Up and Staying On the Top. Organized by NIE of Singapore, 1-27 pages. May 2 2012.
Wong K. Y. & Ho, S. C. (2011). “The leaking pipeline: Linkage of parents’ belief in science career motivation and gendered educational and occupational trajectories related to science.” Paper presented at the International Conference on Addressing Student Learning Diversity: Policy, Practice and Research. Hong Kong. December 10 2011.
Ho, S.C. (2010). “Effect of school organization, family involvement and investment on adolescents’ career aspiration”. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association, Denver, USA. April 30 2010.
Ho, S. C. (2009). “Analyzing the quality and equality of basic education of Hong Kong and East Asian Societies: What we learned from PISA” Conference on “Educational Change and Innovation in Chinese Society”. Nanjing, China, Oct 10-11 2009.
Ho, S. C. (2008). “Shadow Education in East Asian Societies: An International comparative study”. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association, New York, USA.
Ho, S. C. (2008). “Understanding the Time investment in Homework and Its Effectiveness on Student Learning Outcomes from an International Perspective”. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association, New York, USA.
Ho, S. C. & Tsang W. K. (2007). In search of the Asian learners: Findings from PISA2000 & PISA2003. Paper presented at CESA-CESHK Conference 2007 at the University of Hong Kong.
Ho, S. C. (2007) Accomplishment and challenges of East-Asian learners: What we learned from the PISA Study. Seminar presentation at the Department of Educational Studies, University of British Columbia, Canada, on 23 Feb 2007.
Ho, S. C. (2006). Effect of family involvement and investment on students’ achievement: The case of Hong Kong. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association, San Diego, USA.
Ho, S. C. (2006). Educational decentralization in three Asian societies: Japan, Korea, and Hong Kong. Paper presented at the CIES 50th Anniversary Conference, March 14-18, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Ho, S. C. (2005). Quality and cost-effectiveness of Hong Kong basic education: What do we learn from the HKPISA Studies. Paper presented at the conference at Northeast Normal University.
Chun, K. W., Tong, C. W., & Sze, M. M. (2003). Reading performance of Hong Kong’s 15-year-old students in PISA 2000. Paper presented at the PISA International Conference: What do the PISA results tell us about the education quality and equality in the Pacific Rim, November 21-22, Hong Kong.
Ho. S. C. & Sze, M. M. (2003). Relationship between reading habits, reading attitude and literacy performance of 15-year-old students in Hong Kong and Finland. Paper presented at the PISA international conference: What do the PISA results tell us about the education quality and equality in the Pacific Rim, November 21-22, Hong Kong.
Ho, S. C. (2003). Challenges accomplishment and challenges of Hong Kong education system: What we learned from PISA. Paper presented at the PISA international conference: What do the PISA results tell us about the education quality and equality in the Pacific Rim, November 21-22, Hong Kong.
Yip, D. Y. (2003). Scientific literacy of Hong Kong students in PISA 2000. Paper presented at the PISA international conference: What do the PISA results tell us about the education quality and equality in the Pacific Rim, November 21-22, Hong Kong.