
Longitudinal Study of
Adolescents in Hong Kong

Evidence-based School
Improvement Projects

International Network of
Student Learning Assessment

Assessments for Teaching
and Learning

All Publications | Online Media Articles
What's New?

Research Reports

Ho, S. C., Fung, A. Y. H., Lee, A. L., Yeung, K. K., Sum, K. W., & Lee, T. S. K. (2021). Health Behaviour in School-aged Children Study in Hong Kong 2020: Assessing the Physical, Emotional and Social Well-being Executive Summary. Hong Kong: HKCISA Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Books/Special Issue in Refereed Journal(s)

Ho, S. C. (2020). Large-scale Learning Assessments in Asia-Pacific: A Mapping of Country Policies and Practices. UNESCO Bangkok.

Book Chapters

Ho, E. S. C., & Staub, K. V.(2019). Home and School Relationships in Switzerland and Hong Kong. In S. B. Sheldon & T. A. Turner‐Vorbeck (Ed.), The Wiley Handbook of Family, School, and Community Relationships in Education (Chapter 14, pp. 289-314). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Keung, P. C., & Ho, S. C. (2019). Social Capital and Educational Expectations: Exploring Adolescents' Capabilities to Aspire for Post-secondary Education. In R. D. Bartee & P. L. George (Eds.), Contemporary Perspectives on Social Capital in Educational Contexts. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Online Media Articles

趙永佳、何瑞珠 。(2023年1月9日)。 特區新一代的「少年十五二十時」。

香港中學校長會、香港中文大學香港學生能力國際評估中心。(2022年12月31日)。 在學生退學及教師離職潮下,不一樣的學校生態

何瑞珠。(2022年6月4日)。 2019冠狀病毒疫情對青少年家庭、身心健康及學習的影響




Refereed Journal Paper

Ho, S. C. E, Chiu, W. K. S., Sum, K. W., Cheung, W. S. C., & Lee, S. K. T. (2021). The mediating role of different types of parental support in the social disparity of hope in young adulthood. Journal of Youth and Adolescence.

Lau, K. C., & Ho, S. C. (2020). Attitudes Towards Science, Teaching Practices, and Science Performance in PISA 2015: Multilevel Analysis of the Chinese and Western Top Performers. Research in Science Education.

Lam, C. C., Ho, S. C., & Tsang, W. K. (2020). The current state and prospect of curriculum reform in Hong Kong since 2001: The views of secondary school teachers and principals (In Chinese). Education Journal. 48(1): 1-21.

Ho, S. C., Tse, T. K. C. & Sum, K. W. (2020). A different ‘feel’, a different will: Institutional habitus and the choice of higher educational institutions in Hong Kong. International Journal of Educational Research, 100.