Prof. Jun ZOU
Chairman & Choh-Ming Li Professor of Mathematics
BSc (Jiangxi University)
MSc (Wuhan University)
PhD (Chinese Academy of Science)

Room 224, Lady Shaw Building,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong
(852) 3943 7967
Personal Website:
Fields of Interest:
Numerical Solutions of Electromagnetic Maxwell Systems, Numerical Solutions of Interface Problems, Ill-posed Problems, Inverse Problems, Preconditioned Iterative Methods and Domain Decomposition Methods
Selected Publications:
- (with Zhiming Chen and Wenlong Zhang)
Stochastic convergence of regularized solutions and their finite element approximations to inverse source problems.
SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 60 (2022), 751-780. (PDF file) - (with Yat Tin Chow and Fuqun Han)
A direct sampling method for the inversion of the Radon transform.
SIAM J. Imaging Sci. 14 (2021), 1004-1038. (PDF file) - (with Yat Tin Chow and Fuqun Han) A direct sampling method for simultaneously recovering inhomogeneous inclusions of different nature.
SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 43 (2021), A2161-A2189. (PDF file) - (with Habib Ammari and Bowen Li)
Superresolution in recovering embedded electromagnetic sources in high contrast media.
SIAM J. Imag. Sci. 13 (2020), 1467-1510. (PDF file) - (wth Haijun Wu) Finite element method and its analysis for a nonlinear Helmholtz equation with high wave numbers.
SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 56 (2018), 1338-1359. (PDF file) - (with Patrick Ciarlet, Jr. and Haijun Wu) Edge element methods for Maxwell's equations with strong convergence for Gauss' laws.
SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 52 (2014), 779-807. (PDF file) - (with Hongyu Liu and Masahiro Yamamoto) Reflection principle for the Maxwell equations and its application to inverse electromagnetic scattering.
Inverse Problems 23 (2007), 2357-2366. (PDF file) - (with R. Hiptmair and G. Widmer) Auxiliary space preconditioning in $H_0(curl;\Omega)$.
Numerische Mathematik 103 (2006), 435-459. (PDF file) - (with Qiya Hu) A nonoverlapping domain decomposition method for Maxwell's equations in three dimensions.
SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 41 (2003), 1682-1708. (PDF file) - (with Eric T. Chung and Qiang Du) Convergence analysis of a finite volume method for Maxwell's equations in nonhomogeneous media.
SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 41 (2003), 37-63. (PDF file) - (with Qiya Hu) An iterative method with variable relaxation parameters for saddle-point problems.
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 23 (2001), 317-338. (PDF file) - (with Heinz W. Engl) A new approach to convergence rate analysis of Tikhonov regularization for parameter identification in heat conduction.
Inverse Problems 16 (2000), 1907-1923. (PDF file) - (with Z. Chen and Q. Du) Finite element methods with matching and nonmatching meshes for Maxwell equations with discontinuous coefficients.
SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 37 (2000), 1542-1570. (PDF file) - (with P. Ciarlet) Fully discrete finite element approaches for time-dependent Maxwell's equations.
Numerische Mathematik 82 (1999), 193-219. (PDF file) - (with Z. Chen) An augmented Lagrangian method for identifying discontinuous parameters in elliptic systems.
SIAM J. Control Optim. 37 (1999), 892-910. (PDF file) - (with J. Xu) Some nonoverlapping domain decomposition methods.
SIAM Review 40 (1998), 857-914. (PDF file) - (with Z. Chen) Finite element methods and their convergence for elliptic and parabolic interface problems.
Numerische Mathematik 79 (1998), 175-202. (PDF file) - (with T.F. Chan and B. Smith) Overlapping Schwarz methods on unstructublue meshes using non-matching coarse grids.
Numerische Mathematik 73 (1996), 149-167. (PDF file)
Major Research Grants:
(as Principal Investigator)
(as Principal Investigator)
- Hong Kong RGC Earmarked Grant (CUHK338/96E).
- Hong Kong RGC Earmarked Grant (CUHK4004/98E).
- Germany/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme Grant 1998-1999 (GHK99/05).
- Hong Kong RGC Earmarked Grant (CUHK4292/00P).
- France/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme Grant 2000-2001 (F-HKB03/00).
- Hong Kong RGC Earmarked Grant (CUHK4244/01P).
- France/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme Grant 2001-2002 (F-HKB03/01).
- Hong Kong RGC Earmarked Grant (CUHK4048/02P).
- Hong Kong RGC Earmarked Grant (project 403403).
- Hong Kong RGC General Research Fund (project 404105).
- Hong Kong RGC General Research Fund (project 404606).
- Hong Kong RGC General Research Fund (project 404407).
- Hong Kong RGC General Research Fund (project 405110).
- Hong Kong RGC General Research Fund (project 404611).
- Hong Kong RGC General Research Fund (project 405513).
- Hong Kong RGC General Research Fund (project 14306814).
- Hong Kong RGC General Research Fund (project 14322516).
- Hong Kong RGC/NSFC Joint Scheme (project N-CUHK437/16).
- Hong Kong RGC General Research Fund (project 14304517).
- Hong Kong RGC General Research Fund (project 14306718).
- Hong Kong RGC General Research Fund (project 14306719).
Honours and Awards:
- Fellow, The American Mathematical Society (AMS), 2022
- Fellow, The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), 2019.
Professional activities:
Associate editors of the journals
- January 2013 -- present :
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis (M2AN).
French Society for Applied and Industrial Mathematics & Cambridge University Press. - January 2018 -- present :
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis (SINUM).
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, USA. - November 2012 -- present :
Inverse Problems and Imaging (IPI).
American Institute of Mathematical Sciences, USA. - January 2018 -- present :
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (SISC).
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, USA. - January 2017 -- present :
Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics (CMAM).
De Gruyter, Germany. - May 2017 -- present :
Numerical Algorithms.
Springer, Germany. - June 2011 -- present :
Applicable Analysis.
Taylor & Francis, UK. - March 2006 -- present :
Journal of Numerical Mathematics.
Brill Academic Publishers, The Netherlands. - January 2005 -- present :
Journal of Inverse and Ill-posed Problems (JIIP).
VSP, The Netherlands. - January 2019 -- present :
Results in Applied Mathematics.
Elsevier, The Netherlands. - January 2004 -- June 2020 :
International Journal of Numerical Analysis & Modeling.
IJNAM Publisher, Canada.
Course Code | Course Title | Academic Year | Term |
MATH3230 | Numerical Analysis | 2022/23 | 1 |
Course Code | Course Title | Academic Year | Term |
MATH3230 | Numerical Analysis | 2021/22 | 1 |
MATH3230A | Numerical Analysis | 2020/21 | 1 |
MATH3230A | Numerical Analysis | 2019/20 | 1 |
MATH3230A | Numerical Analysis | 2017/18 | 1 |
MATH3240 | Numerical Methods for Differential Equations | 2017/18 | 2 |
MATH4900G | Seminar | 2016/17 | 1 |
MATH3230B | Numerical Analysis | 2016/17 | 2 |
MATH3240 | Numerical Methods for Differential Equations | 2016/17 | 2 |
MATH3230A | Numerical Analysis | 2015/16 | 1 |
MATH3230B | Numerical Analysis | 2015/16 | 2 |
MATH3240 | Numerical Methods for Differential Equations | 2015/16 | 2 |
MATH3230A | Numerical Analysis | 2014/15 | 1 |
MATH3413B | Seminar I | 2014/15 | 1 |
MATH3413C | Seminar I | 2014/15 | 1 |
MATH3230B | Numerical Analysis | 2014/15 | 2 |
MATH3423B | Seminar II | 2014/15 | 2 |