Page 19 - Beyond COVID-19
P. 19

Scepticism towards Contact-tracing apps amidst the

       COVID-19 Pandemic

           overnments around the world have   Safe. Some Hong Kongers are concerned if   ness is under scrutiny. According to media
        Gdeveloped contact-tracing apps to con-  the government can access other informa-  reports, an individual who visited a res-
       tain the pandemic by identifying individuals   tion in their phones through the application.  taurant on February 20, where at least six
       who may have close contact with COVID-19                                 preliminary positive cases were found on
       patients. But privacy is one major con-  While the Hong Kong government has   February 18 and 19, did not receive notifica-
       cern. Developed by the Ministry of Health,   eased anti-COVID-19 restrictions since   tion from the app.
       Labour and Welfare in Japan, the
       COVID-19 Contact Confirming                                                        Some Hong Kong citizens boy-
       Application (COCOA) has received                                                  cott using the app as a form to
       its share of scepticism.                                                          protest against the government’s
                                                                                         response towards the democratic
        A student from the University                                                    movements which began in mas-
       of Tokyo cites technical problem                                                  sive scale since summer 2019.
       as the reason why the app is not                                                  They view the app as a means
       popular in Japan in the online                                                    for the government to spy on its
       colloquium “Beyond COVID-19”.                                                     citizens, disguised as a harm-
       The app’s effectiveness is ques-                                                  less public health surveillance
       tioned after its failure to notify                                                technology.
       users who have come into con-
       tact with infected patients.                                                       There is a fine line between
                                                                                         reasonable monitoring and
        People also criticised the com-                                                  privacy breach, especially when
       pany who was first ordered to de-                                                 the government has repeatedly
       velop the app by the government   Contract-tracing mobile app LeaveHomeSafe records users’ visit histo-  demonstrated incompetence
       for earning profit by outsourcing   ry by scanning QR codes displayed in venues.   in combating the pandemic. The
       the project.                                                                    pandemic raises a question on
                                           February, it requires citizens to use the app   whether digital tracing can reduce infection,
        Professor Ako Tomoko from the University   before entering venues like restaurants.   or it is an excuse for the powerful to expand
       of Tokyo also says that distrust of the Japa-  However, many customers rather write down   control over the powerless.
       nese government can explain why many do   their personal information on paper or fill in
       not use the app.                    digital forms provided by restaurants. Some
                                           even resort to ordering takeaways.
        Similar to Japan, the Hong Kong govern-
       ment developed a tracing app, LeaveHome-  Like COCOA, LeaveHomeSafe’s effective-         By Victoria Fong

             COVID-19 Pushes Us to Think Out of the Box

          OVID-19 has brought us unhappiness and loneliness over a year.   When travelling around the world is impossible, we as journalists
       CBut looking on the bright side, we start to entertain ourselves   also use our creativity to tackle problems brought by the pandemic.
       and build connections with others in creative ways.    For example, physical interviews are replaced by Zoom meetings or
                                                              phone interviews. Borrowing pictures from other media outlets is
        As what was shared in the online colloquium, Japanese celebrity   also a common practice under COVID-19.
       Gen Hoshino led a bandwagon in the country by inviting people to
       sing and dance with him for his song “Dancing on the Inside”. It was   Creativity is not only applied in journalism, but also in many other
       supported by many people, even Shinzo Abe, former Prime Minister   industries, like tourism, to survive in the pandemic.
       of Japan.
                                                               Every coin has two sides. Whether we focus on the bright or dark
        In Italy, people sang and jammed with their neighbours on balco-  side is the key to success. Carpe diem spirit is important during a
       nies to cheer and support each other.                  hard time. Let us think out of the box to survive in the pandemic.
        Although performance venues are closed, online concerts are held
       by singers worldwide on streaming platforms.                                                By  Winkie Ng

       Advisors                            Editors                              Art Directors
       Professor Ako Tomoko                Agnes Lam                 Alice Wang  Agnes Lam             Emilie Lui
       (The University of Tokyo)           Bonita Wong         Charleen Chen
       Professor Edward Vickers            Kassandra Lai        Laurissa Liu    Proofreaders
       (Kyushu University)                 Patricia Ricafort     Sarah Ryou
       Ms Agnes Lam YY                     Savoki Zhang         Shell Zhang     Emilie Lui              Regina Chen
       (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
                                           Sub-editors                          Online Colloquium and Publication
       Publication Team                    Emilie Lui                           Sponsor
       Varsity CUHK                        Patricia Ricafort  Regina Chen       University of Tokyo’s Trilingual
                                                            Kassandra Lai
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