Page 17 - Beyond COVID-19
P. 17

Conducting Virtual Interviews

          resentations about news reporting under the pandemic make   There is also challenge of doing fact-checking. While there is rich
       Pme recall some of my own reporting experiences.      information online, there may be many biased opinions or even fake
        As it is harder to do face-to-face interviews, reporters turn to online
       meeting apps like Google Meet and Microsoft Teams to conduct   We need to be careful and make sure the information is accurate
       virtual interviews. But I think relying on the Internet to do journalism  because we cannot have factual errors in news reporting.
       is a double-edged sword.
                                                              I think online journalism has become so popular during the pan-
        Doing interviews online allows reporters to arrange interviews   demic, and the trend may continue even when the pandemic ends.
       more easily because it is more convenient, and it becomes easier to   But I still like to communicate with people face-to-face because it is
       talk to people in other countries.                    easier to understand others.

        But technical issues may happen during interviews. I remember   I hope the pandemic will end soon, so we can get together with
       spending some time to learn how to use Google Meet because I have  people physically again.
       never used it before.

        I have also experienced internet lag during interviews, making it
       difficult to understand what interviewees were talking about.                           By Leung Pak-hei

                            Reporters turn to online meeting app like Google Meet to conduct interviews during
                                                       the pandemic.

       COVID-19 in My Eyes

       I n my eyes, COVID-19 is a challenge for the whole world.  washing hands regularly. I have also gotten used to having online
                                                             classes and learning to overcome anxiety day by day.
        Last year, COVID-19 created chaos all around the world. I remember   There are still a lot of challenges that the world is facing, includ-
       I left The Chinese University of Hong Kong for Chinese New Year in   ing economic recession and unequal vaccine distribution. I hope
       February, 2020. COVID-19 broke out all around China overnight at   governments and international organisations can work hand-in-
       that time. Since then, I have not been back to school.   hand to solve these problems effectively.

        The pandemic has not only led to work suspension and travel bans   Because of the pandemic, I did not really have the chance to enjoy
       but has also changed the way we live. I used to hang out a lot with   my time in Hong Kong. So, if the situation gets better, I hope to take
       friends. But due to the pandemic, I had to stay at home all day. The   some time to explore the city. I look forward to going back to CUHK
       silver lining in it is that I started to look for what I love to do alone   in September and enjoying my final year in school.
       in my free time.

        Many of us have gotten used to life with COVID-19. Governments
       around the world have been working on more strategies to contain
       the pandemic. People are more aware of the virus and have de-
       veloped good personal hygiene habits such as wearing masks and                              By Lynne Rao
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