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Course Description  (AY 2021 - 2023)

Course Code

Course Title


Abdominal Ultrasonography 1


Abdominal Ultrasonography 2 & Small part Ulreasonography


Vascular Ultrasonography


Paediatric Ultrasonography


Musculoskeletal Ultrasonography


Obstetric Ultrasonography


Clinical Attachment


Foundation Studies in Ultrasound and Research


Critical Review Studies


Research Study

Course Code

Course Title



Abdominal Ultrasonography 1


This course will introduce an in-depth knowledge on the sonographic anatomy, common pathologies and scanning techniques of the hepatobiliary system, pancreas, spleen, adrenal glands and gastrointestinal system. Case-based tutorials will be conducted to facilitate the students to critically analyze different sonographic findings in order to work out the diagnosis. The technical pitfalls, differential diagnosis, correlative imaging, alternative investigations and useful clinical information will be discussed.   Advanced imaging such as 3D imaging, contrast-enhanced ultrasound and elastography are also included. (Remarks: live demonstration and hands-on practicals on live subjects will be provided)


Abdominal Ultrasonography 2 & Small part Ultrasonography


This course will introduce an in-depth knowledge on the sonographic anatomy, common pathologies and scanning techniques of the urogenital system of both females and males, and small parts (thyroid, parathyroid, salivary glands, lymph nodes, scrotum and breasts). Case-based tutorials will be conducted to facilitate the students to critically analyze different sonographic findings in order to work out the diagnosis.  The technical pitfalls, differential diagnosis, correlative imaging, alternative investigations and useful clinical information will be discussed.  (Remarks: live demonstration and hands-on practical will be provided)


Vascular Ultrasonography


This course will focus on peripheral and visceral vasculatures.  It will provide an in-depth knowledge and practical skills needed to perform Doppler ultrasound examinations in the following areas: extracranial arteries, peripheral arterial and venous system, and visceral organs.  An introduction of adult echocardiography will also be provided. (Remarks: live demonstration and hands-on practicals on live subjects will be provided)


Paediatric Ultrasonography


This course is designed to provide comprehensive knowledge of the sonographic anatomy, common pathologies and scanning techniques in neonatal brain, spine, neck, abdomen, hips and musculoskeletal system.  Clinical approach including diagnosis, assessment and management of patients will be taught.  Case-based tutorials will be conducted to facilitate the students to critically analyze different sonographic findings for diagnostic work-up. (Remarks: live demonstration will be provided)


Musculoskeletal Ultrasonography


This course will cover the anatomy, scanning approaches and pathologies of upper limb (shoulder, arm, elbow and forearm), lower limb (hips, thigh, knee, calf, ankle and foot), and abdominal wall. The location, echopattern, vascularity and artefacts of the bone, tendon, ligament, bursa, muscle, nerve and adipose tissues will be discussed. Special attention will be given to obtain the standard imaging planes to identify the various structures in the upper and lower limbs and abdominal wall. Case-based tutorials will be conducted to enhance students' ability to critically analyse various sonograhic features and their relationship with different pathologies. (Remarks: live demonstration and hands-on practicals on live subjects will be provided)


Obstetric Ultransonography


This course will introduce the basic concept of embryology, the normal and abnormal sonographic appearance of fetal structures. The pregnancy including complications in the first, second and third trimester will be discussed. A brief sonographic screening of chromosomal abnormalities and genetic syndrome in the first and second trimester scans will be provided. Clinical approach includes biochemical screening for Downs syndrome and open neural tube defect will be covered. The students need to understand the prevalence, etiology, prenatal sonographic features and prognosis for certain common fetal abnormalities. Determination of the number, size, location and chorionicity of pregnancy will be discussed. Brief discussion on multiple pregnancy and its associated assessment, placental location, fetal structural abnormalities and their correlations to pregnancy complication will be included. A discussion on the ultrasound scanning of adnexal regions and understanding of the maternal diseases that are related to pregnancy will be required. (Remarks: live demonstration will be provided)


Clinical Attachment


The clinical attachment aims to provide students with the opportunities to familiarize with and enhance the scanning skills acquired in the lectures and practical sessions; to experience the practice in hospital settings including ultrasound related patient care and infection control; and to be exposed to a wide range of abnormal / complex cases.  The clinical attachment consists of 15-day attachment at Department of Imaging and Interventional Radiology, Prince of Wales Hospital.  Hands-on examinations on patients under supervision may be provided if prevailing workload allows.  Students must attain full attendance of the 15-day attachment, complete the Practicum Record with no less than the designated number of cases required, and demonstrate the "Basic Techniques" as listed in the Practicum Record during the clinical attachment.         


Foundation Studies in Ultrasound and Research


This course will introduce the fundamental concepts of physical ultrasound & instrumentation as well as research methodology.   In the former, physical principle of different modes of sonographic imaging (gray-scale and pulsed Doppler Imaging);  optimization of control settings in ultrasound equipment; effect of ultrasound artifacts on the image quality and diagnosis; bioeffects and safety of ultrasound; and quality assurance tests etc will be  taught.  In the latter, the concept of research design, descriptive statistics, epidemiology, statistical methods (sample size estimation, null hypothesis testing, significant difference, parametric and non-parametric tests, and correlation and reliability analysis etc) will also be discussed.


Critical Review Studies


This course aims to enhance the students' knowledge in evidence-based practice through a systematic guided review of research literature.    Students will be taught the meaning of evidence-based practice, good clinical practice and different types of epidemiological studies.  They will also learn  how to perform literature search using electronic database; critically appraise scientific articles related to not only clinical ultrasound  but also other clinical topics  focusing on the rationale of the study, appropriateness of study design, correctness of data analysis, significance of the results and thoroughness of the discussion.    


Research Study


 This course aims to enhance the students’ understanding of the key components of  research such as ethics approval, literature research, data analysis and report writing through conducting a small scale research study.   The students in group are required to do an independent study in a designated subject under the supervision of teacher(s) from the faculty and participate in group presentations on their research topics.  Each student needs to complete a dissertation no more than 3,000 words. A maximum of 10 students will be accepted for this course.  Selection will be based on the exam performance of the students in research methodology