ENGG 2760A / ESTR 2018: Probability for Engineers

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Fall 2022

Recent Announcements

Teaching Staff

name email office office hour
Andrej Bogdanov
andrejb@cse.cuhk.edu.hk SHB 926 Fri 2–4
Chen Kexin
kxchen@cse.cuhk.edu.hk SHB 1024 Fri 4–5
Gong Shizhan
szgong22@cse.cuhk.edu.hk SHB 1024 Thu 10–11
Hu Jingyu
jyhu@cse.cuhk.edu.hk SHB 902 Mon 1-2
Li Jianan
jnli22@cse.cuhk.edu.hk SHB 1026 Fri 2-3
Yang Xikai
Head TA
xkyang22@cse.cuhk.edu.hk SHB 1026 Fri 9–10

Course Description

Probability is the mathematics that allows us to reason about situations that involve uncertainty. In this course we will learn how to model problems using probability and how to analyze them.


date topic materials
1Sep 5
Sep 7
Probability and counting §1.1, 1.6
Sep 12
Sep 14
Mid-autumn festival
2Sep 19
Sep 21
Axioms. Conditional probability §1.2-1.3
3Sep 26
Sep 28
Bayes' rule. Independence §1.4-1.5
4Oct 3
Oct 5
Random variables §2.1-2.4
5Oct 10
Oct 12
Expectation, Variance, Joint PMFs §2.4-2.5
6Oct 17
Oct 19
Conditioning and independence §2.6-2.7
7Oct 24
Oct 26
Continuous random variables §3.1-3.3 +pdf
Oct 31
Nov 2
Midterm exam
ESTR project proposals
8Nov 7
Nov 9
Multiple continuous random variables §3.4-3.5
9Nov 14
Nov 16
Continuous Bayes' rule, Derived RVs §3.6, 4.1
10Nov 21
Nov 23
Correlation, large deviations §4.2, §5.1-5.2
11Nov 28
Nov 30
The central limit theorem
ESTR presentations
§5.3-5.5 +pdf
TBA Review
Final Exam

Tutorials, Homeworks, and Quizzes

Homeworks won't be graded. They will be issued on Monday and discussed in the Thursday tutorial. Come to tutorial prepared. Tutorial participation counts towards your grade.

A short quiz with a single question related to the homework will be given out in the first 15 minutes of tutorial on the following Thursday. The lowest two quiz grades will be dropped from the count.

Course information

ESTR 2018 students

ESTR 2018 follows the same format as ENGG 2760A, but with additional readings and exercises, and a project to be presented near the end of the semester. The exams and quizzes will be the same as in ENGG 2760A.

Projects will be done in groups whose size will depend on enrollment. They will involve a short report and a presentation. The readings and exercises can be used as project leads, but you are expected to propose your own topic in consultation with the course instructor or the TA. Your participation grade will be largely affected by the project.