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Prof Choi presented his group's recent findings of gold nanoparticle as a self-therapeutic treatment for psoriasis. See the coverage by MIMS Dermatology, RTHK Radio 1 Healthpedia Program, and 10 other Hong Kong news outlets: Ta Kung Pao, Oriental Daily News (news clipping), Hong Kong Economic Times (news clipping), Sky Post, Sing Tao Daily, HK01, AM730, Headline Daily, Bastille Post, Epoch Times HK. Also check out coverage by CUHK: Communications and Public Relations Office, Faculty of Engineering, CUHK in Touch, CUHKUpDates and CUHK eNews.

Dr Liu's work entitled "A pH-reversible fluorescent probe for in situ imaging of extracellular vesicles and their secretion from living cells" was published in Nano Letters! Congratulations! [Abstract & Full Text]
Alisa passed her PhD thesis defense. Congratulations!

Alisa's work entitled "Alkyl-terminated gold nanoparticles as a self-therapeutic treatment for psoriasis" was published in Nano Letters! Congratulations! [Abstract & Full Text]
Ashley passed her PhD thesis defense. Congratulations!

Ashley's work entitled "Dopamine receptor-mediated binding and cellular uptake of polydopamine-coated nanoparticles" was published in ACS Nano! Congratulations! [Abstract & Full Text]
Bohan and Cola's work entitled "Sub-10 nm substrate roughness promotes the cellular uptake of nanoparticles by upregulating endocytosis-related genes" was published in Nano Letters! Congratulations! [Abstract & Full Text]