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Prof Choi gave a keynote presentation entitled ‘Probing the “nano-bio” interactions between DNA-based nanostructures and the cell’ in the BME 2014 Biomedical Engineering International Conference.

Dr Lei Zhang joined our group as a Post-doc fellow. Welcome!

Invited by Prof Karen Chan in the Division of Life Science, HKUST, Prof Choi gave a seminar entitled ‘Probing the “nano-bio” interactions between DNA-based nanostructures and the cell’. [Abstract]

Prof Choi was interviewed by students from Maryknoll Convent School (Secondary Scetion) last Chrismas and the article was recently published in their 2013-2014 school bulletin. [Click here for the article copy].

A group of St. Paul's Co-educational College students joining a one-week attachment programme in Biomedical Engineering Programme, CUHK, visited Bionanotechnology Lab on Nov 18, 2014. Prof Choi briefed them about how research in bionanotechnology is like, and gave a talk on the importance of engineering in Hong Kong.

Bionanotechonolgy Lab welcomed our first Post-doc fellow, Dr Zhong Chen!!!

Ruyi Chen (left) and Cola Ho (right) are starting their 1st year PhD study here in Bionanotechnology Lab. Welcome girls! Find out more about them in here.
Prof Choi was invited to teach the course "Introduction to Nanomedicine:
Basic Concepts and Applications" in the Globex Summer Program 2014 hosted by the College of Engineering at Peking University from July 7 to July 26, 2014.

Prof Choi's work (as co-first author) titled “Intracellular Fate of Spherical Nucleic Acid Nanoparticle Conjugates” was published in JACS! In this work, we explore in detail how three-dimensional DNA nanostructures traverse inside the cell after their initial cellular entry. [Abstract & Full Text]
Prof Choi was performing in the Annual Concert of the Engineering Faculty CUHK on April 8, 2014 in Lee Hysan Concert Hall, Esther Lee Building, CUHK. Check it out!
Violin Choi Chung Hang, Jonathan - 小提琴 蔡宗衡 (ELEG)
Piano Wu Yiqian, Shirley - 鋼琴 鄔一謙 (BMEG)
Sonata in E minor for Piano and Violin composed by W. A Mozart
E小調小提琴及鋼琴奏嗚曲 莫札特作曲
Mozart was intrigued by the idea of a sonata for piano and violin, in which both instruments form a true partnership rather than the earlier practice of one instrument accompanying the other. In his lifetime, he wrote about 35 sonatas for piano and violin. He wrote the first when he was six and the last in 1788, three years before his death. Only one is in a minor key, the Sonata in E minor, K. 304, written in 1778 in Paris. The minor tonality gives this music dignity and gravity. Indeed, his mother was terminally ill around the time of the composition of this two-movement sonata. Although the sonata was composed when Mozart was only 22, it is regarded as one of his finest chamber works.
Violin Choi Chung Hang, Jonathan - 小提琴 蔡宗衡 (ELEG)
Piano Wu Yiqian, Shirley - 鋼琴 鄔一謙 (BMEG)
Sonata in E minor for Piano and Violin composed by W. A Mozart
E小調小提琴及鋼琴奏嗚曲 莫札特作曲
Mozart was intrigued by the idea of a sonata for piano and violin, in which both instruments form a true partnership rather than the earlier practice of one instrument accompanying the other. In his lifetime, he wrote about 35 sonatas for piano and violin. He wrote the first when he was six and the last in 1788, three years before his death. Only one is in a minor key, the Sonata in E minor, K. 304, written in 1778 in Paris. The minor tonality gives this music dignity and gravity. Indeed, his mother was terminally ill around the time of the composition of this two-movement sonata. Although the sonata was composed when Mozart was only 22, it is regarded as one of his finest chamber works.

(left) Prof Choi and Shirley Wu performing Sonata in E minor for Piano and Violin; (right) Cola, Prof Choi and Shirley in the backstage.