Dr. LOO, Fong Chuen (Jacky) |
Post-doctorial Fellow |
Research Interests: Surface Plasmonic Resonance Biosensor, Lab-on-a-disc |
jackyfcloo@cuhk.edu.hk |
Dr. CHEN, Yuzhi |
Post-doctorial Fellow |
Research Interests: Fiber-based Surface Plasmonic Resonance Sensor |
kenfrankchen@163.com |
Dr. ZHANG, Haixi |
Post-doctorial Fellow |
Research Interests: Surface Plasmonic Resonance |
haixizhang@gmail.com |
Mr. KWOK, Hochin |
PhD Student |
Research Interests: Centrifugal microfluidic platform, instrumentation of surface plasmon resonance sensor |
hckwok@ee.cuhk.edu.hk |
Ms. Zhuang Ziyun |
Research Associate |
Research Interests: Instrumentation of surface plasmon resonance sensor |
ziyunzhuang@cuhk.edu.hk |