Prof. Lu is Associate Professor and the Director of Information Management at the Business College, Chinese Culture University, Taiwan as well as the CEO of the School of Continuing Education. He is also the president of Association of Continuing Education of Colleges and Universities in Taiwan(ACECUT), Executive Director of Hwa-Kang Xing-Ye Foundation, and Honorable Advisor of Chinese Society of Education Development Strategy(CSEDS).
In 2013, Prof Lu founded Asia Enterprise Architecture and Dynamic Research Center (aEAD) to implement enterprise architecture theory and provide training program to organizations. The Centre also provides consulting services for government agencies and companies to assist them with the development of planning and blueprint of information system and further optimize their operating systems in order to improve organizational transformation.
Prof. Lu was the chair and keynote speaker of 2013 Symposium on Enterprise Architecture and Information Technology (SEAIT) and 2014 Taiwan Forum of using EA for E-Governance of Government and Enterprises. Prof. Lu's current research focuses on e-learning technology development and application, information system planning, enterprise architecture, and information systems evaluation theories.
Title of Prof. Lu's presentation:
Challenges for a new Era: the Organizational Innovation of Continuing Education