Dr. Kathy Lui received her Bachelor of Science and Master of Philosophy degrees from the Department of Biochemistry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. With support from the full scholarship, Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Award, Dr. Lui completed her Ph.D at Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford, U.K. Dr. Lui was also the recipient of Senior Scholarship at Lincoln College, Oxford, and Peter Beaconsfield Prize in Physiological Sciences, Oxford. Thereafter, Dr. Lui received the Croucher Foundation Fellowship and continued her postdoctoral training at Massachusetts General Hospital and Department of Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology, Harvard University, U.S. Dr. Lui has established her own group in 2014 and received the prestigious Croucher Innovation Award in 2017. She is a founding member of the Young Academy of Sciences of Hong Kong since 2018 and received China’s NSFC Excellent Young Scientists Fund in 2019. |
The following highlights her current research efforts: |
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Immune cell mediated tissue regeneration |
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Cardiovascular regeneration in diabetes |
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Development of checkpoint blocking antibodies for stem cell transplantation |
Website: |
https://www.lihs.cuhk.edu.hk/en-us/research/investigators/luikathy.aspx |
http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/research/luilab |
Selected Publications (* Correspondence): |
1. |
Li J, Li X, Liang C, Ling J, Chen Z, Wong CK, Waldmann H, Lui KO*. (2020) Coreceptor blockade targeting CD4 and CD8 allows acceptance of allogeneic human pluripotent stem cell grafts in humanized mice. Biomaterials. 248:120013 |
2. |
Liang C, Yang KY, Chan VW, Li X, Fung THW, Wu Y, Tian XY, Huang Y, Qin L, Lau JYW, Lui KO*. (2020) CD8+ T-cell plasticity regulates vascular regeneration in type-2 diabetes. Theranostics. 10:4217-4232. |
3. |
Li J, Yang KY, Tam RCY, Chan VW, Lan HY, Hori S, Zhou B, Lui KO*. (2019) Regulatory T-cells regulate neonatal heart regeneration by potentiating cardiomyocyte proliferation in a paracrine manner. Theranostics. 9:4324-4341. |
4. |
Leung CS, Li J, Xu F, Wong ASL, Lui KO*. (2019) Ectopic expression of recipient CD47 inhibits mouse macrophage-mediated immune rejection against human stem cell transplants. FASEB J. 33:484-493. |
5. |
Leung CS, Yang KY, Li X, Chan VW, Ku M, Waldmann H, Hori S, Tsang JCH, Lo YMD, Lui KO*. (2018) Single-cell transcriptomics reveal that PD-1 mediates immune tolerance by regulating proliferation of regulatory T-cells. Genome Medicine. 10:71. |
6. |
Leung OM, Li J, Li X, Chan VW, Yang KY, Ku M, Ji L, Sun H, Waldmann H, Tian XY, Huang Y, Lau J, Zhou B, Lui KO*. (2018) Regulatory T cells promote apelin mediated sprouting angiogenesis in type 2 diabetes. Cell Reports. 24:1610-1626. |
7. |
Lui KO*, Howie D, Ng SW, Liu SB, Chien KR, Waldmann H*. (2014) Tolerance induction to human stem cell transplants with extension to their differentiated progeny. Nature Communications. 5:5629. |
8. |
Zangi L#, Lui KO#, von Gise A, Ma Q, Ebina W, Ptaszek LM, Spater D, Xu HS, Tabebordbar M, Gorbatov R, Sena B, Nahrendorf M, Briscoe DM, Li RA, Wagers AJ, Rossi DJ, Pu WT, Chien KR. (2013) Modified mrna directs the fate of heart progenitor cells and induces vascular regeneration after myocardial infarction. Nature Biotechnology. 31: 898-907. #Equal contribution |
9. |
Lui KO*, Zangi L, Silva EA, Bu L, Sahara M, Li RA, Mooney DJ, Chien KR*. (2013) Driving vascular endothelial cell fate of human multipotent isl1(+) heart progenitors with VEGF modified mRNA. Cell Research. 23: 1172-1186. |
10. |
Lui KO, Boyd AS, Cobbold SP, Waldmann H, Fairchild PJ. (2010) A role for regulatory t cells in acceptance of esc-derived tissues transplanted across an major histocompatibility complex barrier. Stem Cells. 28: 1905-1914. |