Prof. SHAW Pang Chui

  • Address:
    (Office): Rm 180, Science Centre South Block
    (Lab): Rm 195, Science Centre South Block and Rm310,
    Science Centre East Block
  • Phone:
    (Office): (852) 3943 1363
    (Lab): (852) 3943 8027
  • Fax: (852) 2603 7246
  • Email:
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Professor Pang-Chui Shaw obtained his Ph.D. degree from Imperial College, University of London, UK. He is now Deputy Director of Institute of Chinese Medicine, Director of Li Dak Sum Yip Yio Chin R & D Centre for Chinese Medicine and Professor and Director of Biochemistry Programme, School of Life Sciences. He also serves as Chairman of the Endangered Species Advisory Committee, Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department of the Hong Kong SAR and Visiting Professor, Jinan University, China. He has trained more than 50 Ph.D. students, published more than 220 refereed articles, three books and has obtained four USA and four Chinese patents.

Authentication, quality control and pharmacological studies of Chinese medicinal material; structure-function study on pharmacologically important proteins.

  1. Jiang, L.L., Lo, Y.T., Chen, W.T. and Shaw, P.C. (2016) DNA authentication of animal-derived concentrated Chinese medicine granules. J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 129: 398-404.
  2. Ma, J.Y., Wong, K.L., Xu, Zy., Au, K.Y., Lee, N.L., Su, W.W., Li, P.B. and Shaw, P.C. (2016) N16, a nacreous protein, inhibits osteoclast differentiation and enhances osteogenesis. J. Nat. Prod. 79: 204-212.
  3. Wong, Y.L., Wong, K.L. and Shaw, P.C. (2015) Rapid authentication of Cordyceps by lateral flow dipstick. J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 111: 306-310.
  4. Lo, Y.T., Li, M. and Shaw, P.C. (2015) Identification of constituent herbs in ginseng decoctions by DNA markers. Chin. Med. 10(1): 1.
  5. Li, M., Au, K.Y., Lam, H., Cheng, L., But, P.P.H. and Shaw, P.C. (2014) Molecular identification and cytotoxicity study of herbal medicinal materials that are confused by Aristolochia herbs. Food Chem 147; 332-339.
  6. Li, M., Wong, Y.L., Jiang, L.L., Wong, K.L., Wong, Y.T., Lau, C.B.S. and Shaw, P.C. (2013) Application of novel Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) for rapid authentication of the herbal tea ingredient Hedyotis diffusa Willd. Food Chem. 141: 2522-2525.
  7. Li, M., He, J., Jiang, L.L., Ng, S.K., Wang, H., Lam, F.Y., Zhang, Y.M., Tan, N.H. and Shaw, P.C.* (2013) The Anti-arthritic effects of Aconitum Vilmorinianum, a folk herbal medicine in Southwestern China. J. Ethnopharmacol. 147: 122-127.
  8. Li, M., Au, K.Y., Lam, H., Cheng, L., Jiang, R.W., But, P.P.H. and Shaw, P.C. (2012) Identification of Baiying (Herba Solani Lyrati) commodity and its toxic substitute Xungufeng (Herba Aristolochiae Mollissimae) using DNA barcoding and chemical profiling techniques. Food Chem. 135: 1653-1658.