Research Focus


In this program, we seek to understand the genetic basis of brain development for normal functioning and its dysfunction in developmental and degenerative disorders. We aim to apply novel and generic method applicable to the studying of landscape of gene expression underlying both normal brain development and neurological disorders in animal models and human samples. This will be accomplished by developing platforms for single cell isolation and high throughput transcriptome sequencing, as well as establishment of bioinformatics computing facilities. Two main directions include:
  1. Genetic basis of neural circuitry development
  2. Genetics of circuitry dysfunction in brain disorders, including rare neurological diseases

Representative publications

  • Koon AC, Chan HYE (2017) Drosophila melanogaster As a Model Organism to Study RNA Toxicity of Repeat Expansion-Associated Neurodegenerative and Neuromuscular Diseases. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience (Review article: 10.3389/fncel.2017.00070)

  • Li L, Ng NK, Koon AC, Chan HYE (2017) Expanded polyalanine tracts function as nuclear export signals and promote protein mislocalization via eEF1A1 factor. Journal of Biological Chemistry 292:5784-5800.
    (Press release)

  • Yu AC, Chan AYY, Au WC, Shen Y, Chan TF, Chan HYE (2016) Whole-genome sequencing of two probands with hereditary spastic paraplegia reveals novel splice-donor region variant and known pathogenic variant in SPG11. Cold Spring Harbor Molecular Case Studies doi: 10.1101/mcs.a001248