Publications of Jun Zou in Refereed Journals
(with Yat Tin Chow and Fuqun Han)
A direct sampling method for simultaneously recovering
inhomogeneous inclusions of different nature.
SIAM J. Sci. Comput.,
accepted for publication.
(PDF file)
- (with I.B. Aicha,
G.-H. Hu and M. Vashisth)
Uniqueness for time-dependent inverse problems with
single dynamical data.
J. Math. Anal. Appl.,
accepted for publication.
(PDF file)
- (with Xinlin Cao,
Huaian Diao and Hongyu Liu)
On novel geometric structures of Laplacian
eigenfunctions in R^3 and applications to inverse
SIAM J. Math. Anal.,
accepted for publication.
(PDF file)
- (with Ying Liang, Hua
Xiang and Shiyang Zhang) Preconditioners
and their analyses
for edge element saddle-point systems arising from
time-harmonic Maxwell equations.
Numerical Algorithms
86 (2021), 281-302.
(PDF file)
- (with
Huaian Diao, Long Zhang and Hongyu Liu)
Unique continuation from a generalized impedance
edge-corner for Maxwell's system and applications to
inverse problems.
Inverse Problems 37
(2021), 035004.
(PDF file)
- (with Yifeng Xu and
Irwin Yousept) An
adaptive edge element approximation of a quasilinear
H(curl)-elliptic problem.
Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci.
(M3AS) 30 (2020), 2799-2826.
(PDF file)
- (with I.G. Graham
and E.A. Spence)
Domain decomposition with local impedance conditions
for the Helmholtz equation with absorption.
SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 58
(2020), 2515-2543.
(PDF file)
- (with Xinlin Cao,
Huaian Diao and Hongyu Liu)
On nodal and generalized singular structures of
Laplacian eigenfunctions and applications to inverse
scattering problems.
J. Math. Pure. Appl. 143
(2020), 116-161.
(PDF file)
- (with Habib Ammari
and Bowen Li)
Superresolution in recovering embedded electromagnetic
sources in high contrast media.
SIAM J. Imag. Sci. 13
(2020), 1467-1510.
(PDF file)
- (with Junqing Chen
and Ying Liang)
Mathematical and numerical study of a
three-dimensional inverse eddy current problem.
SIAM J. Appl. Math.
80 (2020), 1467-1492.
(PDF file)
- (with De-Han Chen
and Daijun Jiang)
Convergence rates of Tikhonov regularizations for
elliptic and parabolic inverse radiativity problems.
Inverse Problems 36
(2020), 075001.
(PDF file)
- (with Malte Winckler
and Irwin Yousept)
Adaptive edge element approximation for H(curl)
elliptic variational inequalities of second kind.
SIAM J. Numer. Anal.
58 (2020), 1941-1964.
(PDF file)
- (with Habib Ammari and
Bowen Li) Mathematical
analysis of electromagnetic plasmonic metasurfaces.
SIAM Multiscale Model. Simul.
18 (2020), 758-797.
(PDF file)
- (with Bangti Jin and
Zehui Zhou) On the
convergence of stochastic gradient descent for nonlinear
ill-posed problems.
SIAM J. Optimiz. 30
(2020), 1421-1450.
(PDF file)
- (with Dongling Wang and
Aiguo Xiao) Long-time
behavior of numerical solutions to nonlinear fractional
ESAIM: Math. Model. Numer. Anal.
(M2AN) 54 (2020), 335-358.
(PDF file)
- (with Dongling Wang)
Dissipativity and contractivity analysis for fractional
functional differential equations and their numerical
SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 57
(2019), 1445-470.
(PDF file)
- (with Guanghui Hu and
Long Li) Unique
determination of a penetrable scatterer of rectangular
type for inverse Maxwell equations by a single incoming
Inverse Problems
35 (2019), 035006.
(PDF file)
- (with Yat Tin Chow and
Kazufumi Ito) A
time-dependent direct sampling method for recovering
moving potentials in a heat equation.
SIAM J. Sci. Comput.
40 (2018), A2720-A2748.
(PDF file)
- (with De-Han Chen and
Bernd Hofmann)
Regularization and convergence for ill-posed backward
evolution equations in Banach spaces.
Journal of Differential
Equations 265 (2018), 3533-3566.
(PDF file)
- (with Daijun Jiang and
Hui Feng) Quadratic
convergence of Levenberg-Marquardt method for elliptic
and parabolic inverse Robin problems.
ESAIM: Math. Model. Numer. Anal.
(M2AN) 52
(2018), 1085-1107.
(PDF file)
- (wth Haijun Wu)
Finite element method and its analysis for a nonlinear
Helmholtz equation with high wave numbers.
SIAM J. Numer. Anal.
56 (2018), 1338-1359.
(PDF file)
- (with Yinnian He)
A priori estimates and optimal finite element
approximation of the MHD flow in smooth domains.
ESAIM: Math. Model. Numer. Anal.
52 (2018), 181-206.
(PDF file)
- (with Habib Ammari and
Yat Tin Chow)
Super-resolution in imaging high contrast targets from
the perspective of scattering coefficients.
J. Math. Pure. Appl.
111 (2018), 191-226.
(PDF file)
- (with Irwin Yousept)
Edge element method for optimal control of stationary
Maxwell system with Gauss Law.
SIAM J. Numer. Anal.
55 (2017), 2787-2810.
(PDF file)
- (with Na Huang and
Chang-Feng Ma) Analysis
on block diagonal and triangular preconditioners for a
PML system of an electromagnetic scattering problem.
Comput. Math. Appl.
74 (2017), 2856-2873.
(PDF file)
- (with Bangti Jin and
Yifeng Xu) A convergent
adaptive finite element method for electrical impedance
IMA J. Numer. Anal.
37 (2017), 1520-1550.
(PDF file)
- (with De-Han Chen and
Bernd Hofmann)
Elastic-net regularization versus l1-regularization for
linear inverse problems with quasi-sparse solutions.
Inverse Problems
33 (2017), 015004 (17pp).
(PDF file)
- (with Yifeng Xu)
A convergent adaptive edge element method for an optimal
control problem in magnetostatics.
ESAIM: Math. Model. Numer. Anal.
(M2AN) 51
(2017), 615-640.
(PDF file)
- (with Habib Ammari and
Yat Tin Chow) Phased and
phaseless domain reconstructions in the inverse
scattering problem via scattering coefficients.
SIAM J. Appl. Math.
76 (2016), 1000-1030.
(PDF file)
- (with Yat Tin Chow and
Kazufumi Ito) Analysis
on a nonnegative matrix factorization and its
SIAM J. Sci. Comput.
38 (2016), B645-B684.
(PDF file)
(with Habib
Ammari and De-Han Chen)
Well-posedness of an
electric interface model and its finite element
Math. Models Meth. Appl. Sci. (M3AS) 26
(2016), 601-625.
(PDF file)
- (with Xiao-Chuan Cai
and Xiaomao Deng)
Two-level space-time domain decomposition methods
for three-dimensional unsteady inverse source
J. Sci. Comput.
67(2016), 860-882. (PDF
(with Hua Xiang) Randomized
algorithms for large-scale inverse problems with general
Tikhonov regularizations.
Inverse Problems 31 (2015), 085008.
- (with Yat Tin Chow, Kazufumi Ito and Keji Liu) Direct
sampling method for diffusive optical tomography.
SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 37 (2015),
(PDF file)
- (with Xiaomao Deng and
Xiao-Chuan Cai) A
parallel space-time domain decomposition method for
unsteady source inversion problems.
Inverse Problems and Imaging
9 (2015), 1069-1091.
(PDF file)
(with Qiya Hu,
Chunmei Liu and Shi Shu)
An effective preconditioner for a PML system for
electromagnetic scattering problem.
ESAIM: Math. Model. Numer.
Anal. 49 (2015), 839-854.
(PDF file)
- (with Yifeng Xu) Analysis
of an adaptive finite element method for recovering the
Robin coefficient.
SIAM J. Control Optimiz. 53
(2015), 622-644.
(PDF file)
- (with Yat Tin Chow) A
numerical method for reconstructing the coefficient in a
wave equation.
Numer. Methods PDEs
31 (2015), 289-307.
(PDF file)
- (with Hui Feng and
Daijun Jiang)
Overlapping domain decomposition methods for linear
inverse problems.
Inverse Problems and Imaging
9 (2015), 163-188.
(PDF file)
- (with Habib Ammari, Yat
Tin Chow and Keji Liu) Optimal
shape design by partial spectral data.
SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 37
(2015), B855-B883.
(PDF file)
- (with Yifeng Xu) Convergence
of an adaptive finite element method for distributed flux
Math. Comput. 84
(2015), 2645-2663.
(PDF file)
- (with Guoping Liang,
Feng Shi and Yubo Zhao)
New splitting methods for convection-dominated diffusion
problems and Navier-Stokes equations.
Comput. Phys. 16
(2014), 1239-1262.
(PDF file)
- (with Patrick Ciarlet,
Jr. and Haijun Wu)
Edge element methods for Maxwell's equations with strong
convergence for Gauss' laws.
SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 52
(2014), 779-807.
(PDF file)
- (with Keji Liu and Yongzhi Xu) Imaging wave-penetrable
objects in a finite depth ocean.
Appl. Math. Comput. 235
(2014), 364-376.
(PDF file)
(with Yat Tin Chow
and Kazufumi Ito) A direct sampling method
for electrical impedance tomography.
Problems 30 (2014), 095003 (25pp). (PDF
- (with Habib Ammari and
Yat Tin Chow) The
concept of heterogeneous scattering coefficients and its
application in inverse medium scattering.
SIAM J. Math. Anal. 46 (2014),
2905-2935. (PDF
- (with K. H. Chan, Y. He
and K. Zhang) A
finite element analysis on fluid motion in librating
triaxial ellipsoids.
Numer. Methods PDEs 30 (2014),
1518-1537. (PDF
- (with G. Bao and H. Liu) Nearly cloaking the full Maxwell
equations: cloaking active contents with general conducting
J. Math. Pure. Appl. 101
(2014), 716-733.
(PDF file)
- (with G. Bao and H.
Zhang) Unique
determination of periodic polyhedral structures by
scattered electromagnetic fields II: the resonance case.
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 366
(2014), 1333-1361.
(PDF file)
(with Jingzhi Li and Hongyu Liu)
Locating multiple multiscale acoustic scatterers.
SIAM Multiscale Model. Simul.
12 (2014), 927-952.
(PDF file)
- (with Guihua Long and Yubo Zhao) A temporal fourth-order
scheme for the first-order acoustic wave equations.
Geophys. J. Int. 194
(2013), 1473-1485.
(PDF file)
- (with Kazufumi Ito and Bangti Jin) A direct sampling
method for inverse electromagnetic medium scattering.
Inverse Problems 29 (2013)
095018 (19pp).
(PDF file)
- (with Qiya Hu and Shi Shu) A discrete weighted Helmholtz
decomposition and its application.
Numerische Mathematik 125
(2013), 153-189.
(PDF file)
- (with Hua Xiang) Regularization with randomized SVD for
large-scale discrete inverse problems.
Inverse Problems 29 (2013)
085008 (23pp).
(PDF file)
- (with Jingzhi Li) A direct sampling method for inverse
scattering using far-field data.
Inverse Problems and Imaging
7 (2013), 757-775.
(PDF file)
- (with Keji Liu) A multilevel sampling algorithm for
locating inhomogeneous media.
Inverse Problems 29 (2013)
095003 (19pp).
(PDF file)
- (with Kazufumi Ito and Bangti Jin) A two-stage method for
inverse medium scattering.
J. Comput. Phys. 237
(2013), 211-223.
(PDF file)
- (with Jingzhi Li, Hongyu Liu and Hongpeng Sun) Imaging
acoustic obstacles by singular and hypersingular point
Inverse Problems and Imaging
7 (2013), 545-563.
(PDF file)
- (with Keji Liu and Yongzhi Xu) A parallel radial bisection
algorithm for inverse scattering problems.
Inv. Prob. Sci. & Engr.
21 (2013), 197-209.
(PDF file)
- (with Xiaomao Deng and Yubo Zhao) On linear finite
elements for simultaneously recovering source location and
Int. J. Numer. Anal. Modeling
10 (2013), 588-602.
(PDF file)
- (with Hongyu Liu, Zaijiu Shang and Hongpeng Sun) Singular
perturbation of reduced wave equation and scattering from an
embedded obstacle.
J. Dynam. Diff. Eqns. 24
(2012), 803-821.
(PDF file)
- (with Ralf Hiptmair and Jingzhi Li) Convergence analysis
of finite element methods for H(curl; Omega))-elliptic
interface problems.
Numerische Mathematik 122
(2012), 557-578.
(PDF file)
- (with Kazufumi Ito and Bangti Jin) A direct sampling
method to an inverse medium scattering problem.
Inverse Problems 28 (2012)
025003 (11pp). (PDF
- (with Ralf Hiptmair and Jingzhi Li) Universal Extension
for Sobolev Spaces of Differential Forms and Applications.
Journal of Functional Analysis
263 (2012), 364-382.
(PDF file)
- (with Hui Feng and Daijun Jiang) Convergence rates of
Tikhonov regularizations for parameter identification in a
parabolic-elliptic system.
Inverse Problems 28 (2012)
104002 (20pp).
(PDF file)
- (with Jingzhi Li, Hongyu Liu and Hongpeng Sun)
Reconstructing acoustic obstacles by planar and cylindrical
J. Math. Phys. 53 (2012)
103705. (PDF file)
- (with Bangti Jin and Yubo Zhao) Iterative parameter choice
by discrepancy principle.
IMA J Numer Anal 32 (2012),
1714-1732. (PDF
- (with Junqing Chen and Yifeng Xu) An adaptive edge element
method and its convergence for a saddle-point problem from
Numer Methods PDEs 28
(2012), 1643-1666.
(PDF file)
- (with Ralf Hiptmair and Jingzhi Li) Real interpolation of
spaces of differential forms.
Mathematische Zeitschrift
270 (2012), 395-402.
(PDF file)
- (with Philippe G. Ciarlet, Patrick Ciarlet, Jr., Oana
Iosifescu and Stefan Sauter) Lagrange multiplier in
intrinsic elasticity.
Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci.
21 (2011), 651-666.
(PDF file)
- (with Jingzhi Li, Jianli Xie and Jun Zou) An adaptive
finite element reconstruction of distributed fluxes.
Inverse Problems 27 (2011)
075009 (25pp) (PDF
- (with Kazufumi Ito and Bangti Jin) A new choice rule for
regularization parameters in Tikhonov regularization.
Appl. Anal. 90 (2011),
1521-1544. (PDF
- (with Bangti Jin) Hierarchical Bayesian inference for
ill-posed problems via variational method.
J. Comput. Phys. 229
(2010), 7317-7343.
(PDF file)
- (with Hui Feng and Daijun Jiang) Simultaneous
identification of electric permittivity and magnetic
Inverse Problems 26 (2010)
095009 (20pp) (PDF
- (with Ralf Hiptmair and Jingzhi Li) Convergence analysis
of finite element methods for H(div; Omega)-elliptic
interface problems.
J. Numer. Math. 18 (2010),
187-218. (PDF
- (with Gang Bao and Hai Zhang) Unique determination of
periodic polyhedral structures by scattered electromagnetic
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 363
(2011), 4527-4551.
(PDF file)
- (with Junqing Chen and Yifeng Xu) An adaptive inverse
iteration for Maxwell eigenvalue problem based on edge
J. Comput. Phys. 229
(2010), 2649-2658.
(PDF file)
- (with Jingzhi Li and Hongyu Liu) Strengthened linear
sampling method with a reference ball.
SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 31
(2009), 4013-4040.
(PDF file)
- (with Hongyu Liu and Hai Zhang) Recovery of polyhedral
scatterers by a single electromagnetic far-field
J. Math. Phys. 50 (2009)
123506. (PDF
- (with Bangti Jin) Numerical estimation of the Robin
coefficient in a stationary diffusion equation.
IMA J. Numer. Anal. 30
(2010), 677-701.
(PDF file)
- (with Jingzhi Li, Jens Markus Melenk and Barbara Wohlmuth)
Optimal a priori estimates for higher order finite elements
for elliptic interface problems.
Appl. Numer. Math. 60
(2010), 19-37.
(PDF file)
- (with Lijuan Wang) Error estimates of finite element
methods for parameter identifications in elliptic and
parabolic systems.
Disc. Cont. Dyn. Sys. - Series B
14 (2010), 1641-1670.
(PDF file)
- (with Bangti Jin) Numerical estimation of piecewise
constant Robin coefficient.
SIAM J. Control Optim. 48
(2009), 1977-2002.
(PDF file)
- (with Xiao-Chuan Cai and Si Liu) Parallel overlapping
domain decomposition methods for coupled inverse elliptic
Comm. Appl. Math. Comput. Sci.
4 (2009), 1-26.
(PDF file)
- (with Junqing Chen and Yifeng Xu) Convergence analysis of
an adaptive edge element method for Maxwell's equations.
Appl. Numer. Math. 59
(2009), 2950-2969.
(PDF file)
- (with Bangti Jin) Augmented Tikhonov regularization.
Inverse Problems 25 (2009),
025001. (PDF file)
- (with Jingzhi Li and Masahiro Yamamoto) Conditional
stability and numerical reconstruction of initial
Comm. Pure. Appl. Anal. 8
(2009), 361-382.
(PDF file)
- (with Bangti Jin) A Bayesian inference approach to the
ill-posed Cauchy problem of steady-state heat conduction.
Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engr.
76 (2008), 521-544.
(PDF file)
- (with Bangti Jin) Inversion of Robin coefficient by a
spectral stochastic finite element approach.
J. Comput. Phys. 227
(2008), 3282--3306.
(PDF file)
- (with Jingzhi Li and Hongyu Liu) Multilevel linear
sampling method for inverse scattering problems.
SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 30
(2008), 1228-1250.
(PDF file)
- (with Hongyu Liu) Uniqueness in determining multiple
polygonal scatterers of mixed type.
Disc. Cont. Dynam. Sys., Series B
9 (2008), 375-396.
(PDF file)
- (with Qiya Hu and Shi Shu) A mortar edge element method
with nearly optimal convergence for three-dimensional
Maxwell's equations.
Math. Comput. 77 (2008),
1333-1353. (PDF file)
- (with Jingzhi Li) A multilevel model correction method for
parameter identification.
Inverse Problems 23
(2007), 1759-1786.
(PDF file)
- (with Hongyu Liu and Masahiro Yamamoto) Reflection
principle for the Maxwell equations and its application to
inverse electromagnetic scattering.
Inverse Problems 23
(2007), 2357-2366. (PDF
- (with Hongyu Liu) Zeros of the Bessel and spherical Bessel
functions and their applications for uniqueness in inverse
acoustic obstacle scattering.
IMA J. Appl. Math. 72
(2007), 817-831.
(PDF file)
- (with Yanping Lin and Kai Zhang) Studies on some perfectly
matched layers for one-dimensional time-dependent systems.
Adv. Comput. Math. 30
(2009), 1-35. (PDF
- (with Hongyu Liu and Masahiro Yamamoto) New reflection
principles for Maxwell's equations and their applications.
Numer. Math.-Theo. Meth. Appl.
2 (2009), 1-17.
(PDF file)
- (with Jianguo Huang) Uniform a priori estimates for
elliptic and static Maxwell interface problems.
Disc. Cont. Dynam. Sys., Series B ,
7 (2007), 145-170.
(PDF file)
- (with Hongyu Liu) On unique determination of partially
coated polyhedral scatterers with far field measurements.
Inverse Problems 23 (2007),
(PDF file)
- (with Kit Hung Chan and Keke Zhang) Spherical interface
dynamos: mathematical theory, finite element approximation,
and application.
SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 44
(2006), 1877-1902.
(PDF file)
- (with Hongyu Liu) Uniqueness in an inverse acoustic
obstacle scattering problem for both sound-hard and
sound-soft polyhedral scatterers.
Inverse Problems 22 (2006),
(PDF file)
- (with R. Hiptmair and G. Widmer) Auxiliary space
preconditioning in $H_0(curl;\Omega)$.
Numerische Mathematik 103
(2006), 435-459.
(PDF file)
- (with Qiya Hu) Nonlinear inexact Uzawa algorithms for
linear and nonlinear saddle-point problems.
SIAM J. Optimization 16
(2006) , 798-825.
(PDF file)
- (with P. Ciarlet, Jr., B. Jung, S. Kaddouri and S.
Labrunie) The Fourier singular complement method for the
Poisson problem. Part II: axisymmtric domains.
Numerische Mathematik 102
(2006), 583-610.
(PDF file)
- (with Hongyu Liu) Some new additive Runge-Kutta methods
and their applications.
J. Comput. Appl. Math. 190
(2006), 74-98.
(PDF file)
- (with P. Ciarlet, Jr., B. Jung, S. Kaddouri and S.
Labrunie) The Fourier singular complement method for the
Poisson problem. Part I: prismatic domains.
Numerische Mathematik 101
(2005), 423-450.
(PDF file)
- (with Jianli Xie) Numerical reconstruction of heat fluxes.
SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 43
(2005), 1504-1535.
(PDF file)
- (with P. Ciarlet, Jr. and E. Garcia) Solving Maxwell
equations in 3D prismatic domains.
Comptes Rendus Mathematique
339:10 (2004), 721-726.
(PDF file)
- (with Qiya Hu) A nonoverlapping domain decomposition
method for Maxwell's equations in three dimensions.
SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 41
(2003), 1682-1708.
(PDF file)
- (K.Chan, K.Zhang, X.Liao and G. Schubert) A
three-dimensional spherical nonlinear interface dynamo.
The Astrophysical Journal
596 (2003), 663-679.
(PDF file)
- (with Patrick Ciarlet, Jr. and Jianguo Huang) Some
observations on generalized saddle-point problems.
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.
25 (2003), 224-236.
(PDF file)
- (with Qiya Hu) Substructuring preconditioners for
saddle-point problems arising from Maxwell's equations in
three dimensions.
Math. Comput. 73 (2004),
35-61. (PDF
- (with Eric T. Chung and Qiang Du) Convergence analysis of
a finite volume method for Maxwell's equations in
nonhomogeneous media.
SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 41
(2003), 37-63.
(PDF file)
- (with Benyu Guo) Fourier spectral projection method and
nonlinear convergence analysis for Navier-Stokes equations.
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 282
(2003), 766-791.
(PDF file)
- (with Eric T. Chung) The eigenvalues and eigenspaces of
some discrete div- and curl-related operators.
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.
24 (2003), 1149-1160.
(PDF file)
- (with Jianguo Huang) A mortar element method for elliptic
problems with discontinuous coefficients.
IMA J Numer. Anal. 22
(2002), 549-576.
(PDF file)
- (with Qiya Hu) Two new variants of nonlinear inexact Uzawa
algorithms for saddle-point problems.
Numerische Mathematik 93
(2002), 333-359.
(PDF file)
- (with Jianli Xie) An improved model function method for
choosing regularization parameters in linear inverse
Inverse Problems 18
(2002), 631-643.
(PDF file)
- (with Jianguo Huang) Construction of explicit extension
operators on general finite element grids.
Appl. Numer. Math. 43
(2002), 211-227.
(PDF file)
- (with Xiao-Chuan Cai) Some observations on the L2
convergence of the additive Schwarz preconditioned GMRES
Numer. Linear Algebra Appl.
9 (2002), 379-397.
(PDF file)
- (with Jianguo Huang) Some new a priori estimates for
second-order elliptic and parabolic interface problems.
J. Differential Equations
184 (2002), 570-586.
(PDF file)
- (with K. Chan, K.Zhang and G. Schubert) A nonlinear
vacillating dynamo induced by an electrically heterogeneous
Geophysics Research Letters
28 (2001), 4411-4414.
(PDF file)
- (with K. Chan, K.Zhang and G. Schubert) A non-linear, 3-D
spherical alpha-square dynamo using a finite element method.
Physics of the Earth and Planetary
Interiors 128 (2001), 35-50.
(postscript file)
- (with Ben-yu Guo) An augmented Lagrangian method for
parameter identifications in parabolic systems.
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 263
(2001), 49-68.
(PDF file)
- (with Qiya Hu) An iterative method with variable
relaxation parameters for saddle-point problems.
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.
23 (2001), 317-338.
(PDF file)
- (with Eric T. Chung) A finite volume method for Maxwell's
equations with discontinuous physical coefficients.
Inter'l J. Appl. Math. 7
(2001), 201-223.
(PDF file)
- (with Heinz W. Engl) A new approach to convergence rate
analysis of Tikhonov regularization for parameter
identification in heat conduction.
Inverse Problems 16 (2000),
(PDF file)
- (with Z. Chen and Q. Du) Finite element methods with
matching and nonmatching meshes for Maxwell equations with
discontinuous coefficients.
SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 37
(2000), 1542-1570.
(PDF file)
- (with Masahiro Yamamoto) Simultaneous reconstruction of
the initial temperature and heat radiative coefficient.
Inverse Problems 17
(2001), 1181-1202.
(PDF file)
- (with Kazi Ito) Identification of some source densities of
the distribution type.
J. Comput. Appl. Math. 132
(2001), 295-308.
(PDF file)
- (with Y.L. Keung) An efficient linear solver for nonlinear
parameter identification problems.
SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 22
(2000), 1511-1526.
(PDF file)
- (with Chang-Pu Sun and Kenneth Young) Numerical algorithms
for the determination of the potential of a conservative
system from its normal mode spectra.
Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and
General 32 (1999), 3833-3849. (postscript)
- (with P. Ciarlet) Fully discrete finite element
approaches for time-dependent Maxwell's equations.
Numerische Mathematik 82
(1999), 193-219.
(PDF file)
- (with H.T. Banks) Regularity and approximation of systems
arising in electromagnetic interrogation of dielectric
Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim.
20: 7&8 (1999), 609-627. (compressed
- (with Z. Chen) An augmented Lagrangian method for
identifying discontinuous parameters in elliptic systems.
SIAM J. Control Optim. 37
(1999), 892-910.
(PDF file)
- (with K. Kunisch) Iterative choices of regularization
parameters in linear inverse problems.
Inverse Problems 14 (1998),
(PDF file)
- Numerical methods for elliptic inverse problems.
Int. J. Comput. Math. 70
(1998), 211-232.
- (with Z. Li and D. Wang) Theoretical and numerical
analysis on a thermo-elastic system with discontinuities.
J. Comput. Appl. Math. 92
(1998), 37-58. (compressed
- (with J. Xu) Some nonoverlapping domain decomposition
SIAM Review 40 (1998),
(PDF file)
- (with X.-L. Cheng and H.-C. Huang) Quadrilateral finite
elements for planar linear elasticity problem with large
Lame constant.
J. Comput. Math. 16:4
(1998), 357-366. (compressed
- (with Y.L. Keung) Numerical identifications of parameters
in parabolic systems.
Inverse Problems 14 (1998),
(PDF file)
- (with T. Chan and S. Go) Boundary treatments for
multilevel methods on unstructured meshes.
SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 21
(1999), 46-66.
(PDF file)
- (with Z. Chen) Finite element methods and their
convergence for elliptic and parabolic interface problems.
Numerische Mathematik 79
(1998), 175-202.
(PDF file)
- (with K.-H. Hoffmann) Finite element analysis on the
Lawrence-Doniach model for layeblue superconductors.
Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim.
18:5&6 (1997), 567-589. (compressed
- (with Hong-Ming Yin and BenQiang Li) A degenerate
evolution system modeling bean's critical-state type-II
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical
Systems, Series A 8 (2002), 781-794. (postscript)
- (with P. Ciarlet) Finite element convergence for the
Darwin model to Maxwell's equations.
RAIRO Math. Modelling Numer. Anal.
31 (1997), 213-249. (postscript)
- (with T.F. Chan) A convergence theory of multilevel
additive Schwarz methods on unstructured meshes.
Numerical Algorithms 13
(1996), 365-398. (compressed
- (with T.F. Chan and B. Smith) Overlapping Schwarz methods
on unstructublue meshes using non-matching coarse grids.
Numerische Mathematik 73
(1996), 149-167.
(PDF file)
- (with K.-H. Hoffmann) Parallel solution of variational
inequality problems with nonlinear source terms.
IMA J. Numer. Anal.
16:1(1996), 31-45.
- Finite element approximation for nonlinear systems
describing multi-component phase transitions with
J. Intelligent Mat. Sys. Struct.
6:1 (1995), 38-48.
- (with K.-H. Hoffmann) Finite-element approximations of
Landau-Ginzburgs equation model for structural
phase-transitions in shape-memory alloys.
RAIRO Math. Modelling Numer. Anal.
29:6 (1995), 629-655. (compressed
- (with K.-H. Hoffmann) The existence and uniqueness of
global solutions to a mathematical model for shape memory
Advances in Math. Sci. and Appl.
5:2 (1995), 343-362.
- (with T.F. Chan) Additive Schwarz domain decomposition
methods for elliptic problems on unstructublue meshes.
Numerical Algorithms 8
(1994), 329-346.
- (with K.-H. Hoffmann) Parallel efficiency of domain
decomposition methods.
Parallel Computing 19
(1993), 1375-1391.
- (with K.-H. Hoffmann) Parallel algorithms of Schwarz
variant for the variational inequalities.
Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim.
13 (1992), 449-462.
- (with H.-C. Huang) Schwarz chaotic relaxation (S-COR)
method and synchronous/asynchronous parallel algorithms.
Math. Numer. Sinica
14(1992), 102-106.
- (with H.-C. Huang) Algebraic subproblem decomposition
methods and parallel algorithms with monotone convergence.
J. Comput. Math. 10 (1992),
- (with H.-C. Huang) A posteriori error estimates for the
h-p version of the finite element method for 1-D problem.
Math. Numer. Sinica 12
(1990), 302-317.
- A class of nonlinear variational inequalities and their
numerical approximations.
Journal of Mathematics (China)
9 (1989), 33-42.
- A new fast solver-- monotone MG method (MMG).
J. Comput. Math. 5 (1987),
Publications of Jun Zou in Books & Refereed
- (with M. Yamamoto) Stability and uniqueness in
detremining a current source in quasistatic Maxwell
equations, Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation
(VI), editors: F. Kojima, T. Takagi, S. Udpa and J.
Pavo, IOS Press, Berlin/Tokyo, 2002, pp. 35-42.
- (with J. Cheng and M. Yamamoto) A priori strategy in
discretization of the Tikhonov regularization, Progress in
Analysis, editors: Heinrich G. Begehr, Robert P. Gilbert
and Man W. Wong, World Scientific, London, 2003, pp.
- A fictitious domain method for parabolic problems and
its finite element approximation, Advances in
Scientific Computing, editors: Z.-C. Shi, M. Mu,
W.-M. Xue and J. Zou, Science Press, Beijing/New York, Dec
2001, pp. 236-243.
- (with T.F. Chan and S. Go ) Multilevel spectral
partitioning of unstructured grids, Proceedings of the
11th International Conference on Domain Decomposition
Methods, editors: C.-H. Lai, P. Bjorstad, M. Cross
and O. Widlund. DDM Press, Greenwich, UK, 1998, pp.
- (with Y.L. Keung) Finite element methods for solving
parabolic inverse problems, High Performance
Optimization Techniques, editors: H. Frenk, K.
Roos., T. Terlaky and S. Zhang. Kluwer Academic
Publishers, Netherland, 2000, pp. 367-381.
- (with Y. Seid) Identifying parameters in elliptic
systems by finite element methods with multi-level
initializing techniques, Recent Advances in
Differential Equations, editors: P.L. Sachdev and
H.-H. Dai. Addison Wesley Longman, Edinburgh, 1998, pp.
213-228. (compressed
postscript) .
- (with Z. Chen) An efficient finite element method for
interface problems, Scientific Computing,
editors: G. Golub, S.H. Lui, F. Luk and R. Plemmons,
Springer-Verlag, 1997, pp. 188-194.
- (with T.F. Chan and S. Go ) Multilevel domain
decomposition and multigrid methods for unstructured
meshes: algorithms and theory,
in Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and
Engineering, editors: R. Glowinski, J. Periaux,
Z.-C. Shi and O. Widlund, John Wiley and Sons, 1997, pp.
159-176. (compressed
postscript) .
- (with T.F. Chan and B. Smith) Multigrid and domain
decomposition methods for unstructured meshes, Proceedings
of the 3rd International Conference on Advances in
Numerical Methods and Applications, editors: I.
Dimor, Bl. Sendov, P. Vassilevski, World Scientific,
Singapore, 1994, pp. 53-62.
- Finite element approximation to a nonlinear system
describing multi-component phase transitions with
dissipation, Proceedings of Second International
Conference on Intelligent Materials, Virginia, USA,
1994, pp. 1348-1359.
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