Aug 21-22, 2012
CUHK-Nankai Workshop on Language Documentation and Language Acquisition
This workshop aims to enhance awareness of minority languages of China, and to promote interest in research on acquisition of these languages, from a comparative and cross-linguistic perspective. Details of the workshop are as follows:
Date: August 21-22 (Tuesday and Wednesday), 2012
Time: 2:00p.m. - 6:00p.m. (August 21); 9:00a.m.-6:10p.m. (August 22)
Venue: Room 220, Fung King Hei Building, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Professor Li Bing (李兵教授) and Professor Yeshes Vodgsal Atshogs (意西微薩 · 阿錯教授) of Nankai University will be giving lectures on their research on Altaic and Tibetan languages.
[poster1] [poster (with paper titles)] [workshop programme ]

Dec 22-23, 2010
Workshop on Acquisition of Scope and Phrase Structure:
Comparative Perspectives
This workshop explores how abstract logical structures involving quantifiers and variables develop in young children in a variety of languages, with a focus on Chinese, Japanese, Korean, English and Dutch. The papers will shed light on universal principles as well as cross-linguistic variation in children's representation of scope.
Keynote speakers:
Stephen Crain (MacQuarie University)
Yukio Otsu (Keio University)
Venue: Lecture Theatre 3, Teaching Complex at Western Campus (TCW), the Chinese University of Hong Kong
[poster ] [poster2 (with paper titles) ] [workshop programme ] [registration form ]

Dec 29-30, 2009
Workshop on Milestones in the First Language Acquisition of Chinese
The Workshop on Milestones in the First Language Acquisition of Chinese was held on December 29-30, 2009 at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, organized by Language Acquisition Laboratory of the Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages. The event provided a forum for researchers who had been constructing norms for first language development of Chinese, based on either longitudinal naturalistic observations or cross-sectional experimentation. The workshop featured 20 paper presentations by speakers from China, Taiwan, Korea, and Hong Kong, a parasession on methodology in child Chinese corpora, and a special lecture on the acquisition of Korean.
[ poster ] [workshop programme ] [newsletter ]
Dec 26, 2007
Workshop on Acquisition of Functional Categories in Asian Languages
The Workshop on Acquisition of Functional Categories in Asian Languages was held on December 26, 2007 at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). The workshop was organized to explore the properties of functional categories in Asian languages from the perspective of language acquisition, and to enhance understanding of the ontogenetic development of these categories. The paper presentations mainly focused on aspects of the functional categories of DP, IP and CP, examined from the vantage point of different languages.
[poster ]

Aug 16, 2007
Workshop on Early Child Phonology
The Workshop on Early Child Phonology was held on August 16, 2007 at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), organized by Language Acquisition Laboratory of the Department of Linguistics and Modern Language. This workshop also included a research methodology seminar on early child phonology and a theme lecture, both given by Professor Barbara Davis, University of Texas.
[ poster ] [ workshop programme ]