Seminars |
Seminars in 2014
2014 |
Mar 11-13 Professor ZHANG, Hongming Nankai University/ University of Wisconsin-Madison
Two lectures will be given at CUHK by Professor Hongming Zhang of Nankai University and University of Wisconsin-Madison on March 11 (Tuesday) and March 13 (Thursday), 2014, jointly sponsored by The Language Acquisition Laboratory and the Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Details of the two seminars are as follows:
Lecture 1: 關於韻律音系學與漢語韻律研究的若干問題 ---兼論“音步”和“韻律詞”(in Mandarin)[abstract]
Date: March 11, 2014 (Tuesday) Time: 16:30 - 18:15 Venue: LT2, Lee Shau Kee Building, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Lecture 2: A linguistics approach to Chinese poetic studies[abstract]
Date: March 13, 2014 (Thursday) Time: 16:30 - 18:15 Venue: LT4, Lee Shau Kee Building, Chinese University of Hong Kong
2013 |
Nov 18 Professor LU, Jianming Peking University
The Language Acquisition Laboratory and the Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages are hosting a public seminar by Professor Lu Jianming of Peking University during November 26, 2013 (Tuesday), at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Details of the seminar is as follows:
Title: 我的語言研究心得 (in Mandarin)
Date: November 26, 2013 Time: 4:15p.m. - 6:15p.m. Venue: LT1, Lee Shau Kee Building, Chinese University of Hong Kong [poster]
Oct 15-17 Professor YANG, Charles University of Pennsylvania, USA
We are pleased to present two lectures on language acquisition and language change by Professor Charles Yang of University of Pennsylvania during October 15-17, 2013. Details of the two seminars are as follows:
Lecture 1: The development and evolution of grammar [abstract]
Date: October 15, 2013 (Tuesday) Time: 16:30 - 18:15 Venue: LT1, Lee Shau Kee Building, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Lecture 2: Predicting language change [abstract]
Date: October 17, 2013 (Thursday) Time: 11:00 - 13:00 Venue: Room 220, Fung King Hey Building, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Oct 16-18 Professor Szabolcsi, Anna New York University
"Natural Language Quantification – Compositionality in Quantifier Phrases and Quantifier Words"
We are pleased to present a linguistics lecture series on “Natural Language Quantification – Compositionality in Quantifier Phrases and Quantifier Words” by Professor Anna Szabolcsi of New York University, who will be speaking on her recent cross-linguistic research on quantification.
Details of the series are as follows:
Lecture 1: Three classes of quantifier phrases [abstract] Date: October 16, 2012 (Tuesday) Time: 4:30pm – 6:15pm Venue: LSK LT2 (Lee Shau Kee Building), Chinese University of Hong Kong
Lecture 2: Indefinites and Universal Decomposed [abstract] Date: October 17, 2012 (Wednesday) Time: 4:30pm – 6:15pm Venue: LSK LT2 (Lee Shau Kee Building), Chinese University of Hong Kong
Lecture 3: Comparatives and Superlatives Decomposed [abstract] Date: October 18, 2012 (Thursday) Time: 4:30pm – 6:15pm Venue: LSK LT2 (Lee Shau Kee Building), Chinese University of Hong Kong
[poster][abstracts of the three lectures]

May 16, 2012 Professor LABOV, William University of Pennsylvania, USA Professor WANG, William S.-Y. The Chinese University of Hong Kong
"A Dialogue on Sound Change: Past, Present and Future"
The 19th century Neogrammarians held that sound change is phonetically conditioned, gradual, regular, and affects all words of the lexicon at the same time. The last century saw breakthrough developments in the study of how sound change spreads through the lexicon, and how it takes place through variation in real time. This forum brings together two pioneering scholars whose seminal ideas have advanced the theory of sound change, in a dialogue with a panel of Chinese historical linguists and sociolinguists. [poster]

2010 |
Mar 10 Professor CRAIN, Stephen MACCS, Macquarie University
"What are core linguistic principles?" [poster]
Apr 23 Professor SYBESMA, Rint University of Leiden
"What the distribution of sin 'first' can tell us about the question why Cantonese has more verbal and sentence particles than Mandarin" [poster]
May 31 Professor VANCE, Timothy National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics
"Shifting to a 2-Pattern Accent System in Tokyo Japanese? The Annoying Accentual Behavior of Surnames" [poster]
Dec 20 Professor OTSU, Yukio Keio University, Japan
"English teaching in Japanese schools - with particular focus on recent introduction of English teaching to public elementary schools" [poster]

2009 |
May 25-26 Professor HARLOW, Steve University of York, UK
A tutorial on HPSG and two lectures on "The proper treatment of initial consonant mutation in Celtic - a constraint-based account" and "Syntactic soft mutation in Welsh - a constraint-based alternative to the XP Trigger Hypothesis" [poster]
Sep 11 Professor NAKAYAMA, Mineharu The Ohio State University
"Acquisition of Inflectional Morphemes by Japanese EFL Learners" [poster]
2008 |
May 8-9 Professor KONG, Jiangping Peking University, China
"The study of phonation in China" and "A study on the origin of Tibetan tones"
May 14 & 16 Professor YAO, Xiaoping Beijing Foreign Studies University, China
"Humboldtian ideas of man and language" and "Modern western studies of the Chinese language"
May 15 Professor KWAN, Tze-wan Department of Philosophy, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
"Abstract concept formation: idealistic thought in archaic Chinese script forms"
Oct 3 & 6 Professor CHENG, Chin-chuan Academia Sinica and National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
"Micro views of language in time and space" and "Language ontology and folksonomy"
Oct 14 Professor HUA, Dongfan Shanghai International Studies University, China
"Chinese-Turkish comparative study"
Oct 16 Professor TAI, James National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan
"The essence of language: perspectives from sign language"

2007 |
Feb 7 & 9 Professor LIU, Danqing Institute of Linguistics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China
"Linguistic typology and cross-dialectal studies in Chinese: some case studies" and "The investigation of Chinese dialectal grammar: academic preparation, questionnaire and fieldwork"
Feb 27 & Mar 2 Professor MYERS, James National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan
A tutorial on the linguistic analysis software "Minijudge" and a talk on "The interpretation of frequency effects in phonology and morphology"
Aug 16-17 Professor DAVIS, Barbara University of Texas at Austin, USA
"Acquisition research: data and methods" and "Emergence of language complexity: the perspective from studies of acquisition" at the Workshop on Early Child Phonology
Aug 17 Professor MURASUGI, Keiko Nanzan University, Japan
"Very early language acquisition: a view from Japanese" at the Workshop on Early Child Phonology
Aug 17 Professor TSAY, Jane National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan
"Lexical effects in phonological development" at the Workshop on Early Child Phonology
Aug 29 Professor YANG, Xiaolu Tsinghua University, China
"Nature of early child grammar: a perspective from acquisition of Mandarin"
Oct 25-26 Professor LIN, Jonah National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
"An event-aspectual analysis of 'you' ("again") and 'zai' ("again")" and "On the syntax of conditionals in Mandarin Chinese"
Nov 8 Professor CRAIN, Stephen MacQuarie Center for Cognitive Science, MacQuarie University, Australia
"Are human languages logical?"
Dec 26 Professor CRAIN, Stephen MacQuarie Center for Cognitive Science, MacQuarie University, Australia
"Bringing logical form into focus" at the Workshop on Acquisition of Functional Categories in Asian Languages
Dec 26 Professor WEXLER, Ken Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
A commentary on Stephen Crain’s talk "Bringing logical form into focus" at the Workshop on Acquisition of Functional Categories in Asian Languages
2006 |
Aug 16 Professor FANG, Li Beijing Language and Culture University, China
A lecture on "The treatment of the nominal construction containing the character 'de' and its related theoretical issues"
Sept 8 Professor YANG, Xiaolu Tsinghua University, China
"Early grammatical development in child Mandarin"
Nov 13 Professor ZEE, Eric City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
"Typology and universals of the vowels in the Chinese dialects"
2005 |
Feb 22-23 Professor LEE, Chia-ying Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
"The mature of Chinese orthography-to-phonology transformations: fMRI and ERPs studies" and "The applications of fMRI and ERPs for language acquisition"