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River, 找到 184 個
n.Yan River; one of nine empire divisions of ancient China
n.Shan county; Shan River
n.cliff, precipice, (river) bank, cave (arch.); factory, workshop
n.Jiang River; an ethnic group in Western China; a surname
n.Ji River; concubine; professional female singer; beauty
n.name of a star; Wu river; Wu prefecture
n.a surname; Gui River; Gui prefecture
n.river, stream
n.stream; river; Short for Sichuan Province
n.islet in river (arch.); a region; a state; departmental division, political division; a county; empire division in ancient China
n.shield; stem; bank of a river; consequence, result
n.the stone used for crossing river
n.Zan River; oak
n.pillar; Chinese soapberry; Huanshui River; Huanshan Mountain
n.A phonetic trasncription of the Sanskrit name of river Ganges
n.water; fluid; liquid; river
n.name of a river and a villiage in Shandong province
n.Fan town; Fan state; Fan river
n.branch of a river
n.nighttide, evening tide; ebb tide; ebb; Xi River
n.winding catchment, a stream which leaves the main branch and afterwards flows into it; the ditch of stagnant water; Si River; the water bank
n.a surname; Ru River
n.Yangzi River (arch.); large river
n.Mi(luo) river in Hunan province where Qu Yuan drowned himself
n.Bian River in Henan Province; Bian prefecture, Eastern capital of North Song Dynasty (=Kaifeng nowadays)
n.Wen River
n.Fen River in Shanxi province
n.Yi River; Yi mountain
n.Yuan River
n.name of river;
n.Zhuan River
n.take a holiday; thin rice gruel; Mu river
n.Mian River; Mian prefecture; Mian county
n.name of a river; name of a town in the State of Wei; dimness
n.Shu River
n.tributary; arm, small bay in a river; Tuo River
n.stream, river
n.Gu River near Tianjin city
n.Ju River
n.Bi River
n.pond; the Hong River
n.Mao lake; still waters; River in Kiangsu
n.Si River; mucus
n.the name of a river in Hebei
n.Ling River; actor, acress; surname
n.school (arch.); Pan river
n.Yin River
n.a whirlpool; the Fu River; an eddy; a race; used in place-names to indicate the spot as a stopping-place for boats
n.Zhu River; a small stream in Shantung
n.river in shaanxi
n.Wei River
n.Xiao River
n.Yuang River
n.Tao River; Tao town
n.Affluent of the Yellow River in Henan
n.low wetland; Ru river
n.Xun River
n.Huanshui River
n.Ming River
n.deep pond; depression; Wa River; a winding ditch
n.proper noun for a river in Shenxi
n.Xi River
n.Wu River; Wu mountain; Wu,an ancient place
浿n.ancient name of a river now in North Korea; ancient name of a county
n.name of river in ancient China
n.Tu River; December (arch.)
n.black mud; Nie River
n.Jing river; Jing prefecture; Jing county
n.Su River in Shansi
n.tiny stream; Ju River
n.Fu River; Fu prefecture
涿n.water drop; Zhuo River; Zhuo prefecture
n.Zi River; Zi prefecture
n.rice; Xi River
n.Qi River; Qi prefecture; Qi mountain
n.Fei River
n.Song River; ice bloom
n.Pi River
n.silt; river sludge; sediment; mud
n.Lu River; the tributary of the River Hsiang in Hunan
n.Huaihe River
n.Yu river
n.Lai river; rhe
n.name of a river in Shanxi; Wei River; Wei prefecture (arch.); the roaring of rapids
n.Wei River
n.Xiangjiang River; short for Hunan province
n.Zhen River
n.Huangshui River; moat
n.Ju River in Henan province
n.Yan River; surname
n.Wei River
n.river in Hubei province
n.name of river in ancient Shandong
n.Li River, river in Anhui and Jiangsu provinces
n.name of a river in Henan province
n.Zhen River, one of the sources of the River Hwai in Henan
n.the urine; something that resembles the urine; the sound of rice-washing; Sou River
n.a river in Hu Bei province of China
n.Ru River
n.Chu river; Chu prefecture
n.Wengjiang River; the rising of the clouds; the appearance of a watery expanse
n.name of a river in Henan province
n.Fu River
n.tributary; a branching river (used in place names)
n.Hutuo River; the bank of a stream
n.The name of a river in Shanxi province
n.a river in Hu Bei province
n.dripping water; rain pattern, river in Guangxi province
n.bubble; Ou River
n.the Han River (arch.); name of a dynasty; the Milky Way, the Galaxy; man, male adult; a surname
n.ripple; Lian River
n.Lei River (arch.); Tahe River
n.Zhang River; Zhang state
n.Yang River
n.Hui River; Hui spring
n.Wu River
n.Lu River; Lu state
n.water pool; branching stream; Huang River
n.Lao River; accumulated water after raining; Liao River
n.old use for nautical fathom; waterside; Jiujiang city; Xun River
n.name of a river in Yong prefecture in ancient China
n.Tong River; Tong pass
n.Lao river
n.the ice floating on a river during the spring thaw; a corpse; ice
n.gully, ravine, brook; mountain stream; ten vigintillion (arch.); Jian River
n.Sheng River; the name of a river in Henan and Shandong
n.name of a tributary of the Yangtze River in Sichuan
n.Li River
n.a river in Hubei; a bank; a foreshore; waterfront
n.intermittent stream or river
n.a river in Guang Xi Zhuang autonomous region
n.Huihe River; water ditches in field
n.Huanshui River
n.name of a river in today's Henan
n.Ju River
n.Lian River; surname
n.river bank; a river in He Nan province; gush
n.Sui River
n.a rapid river; branch of the river
n.a moat or a trench; the Hao River; Haozhou prefecture
n.Ru River; urine
n.Pu River; Pu prefecture; county in Henan Province; surname
n.Wei River; Wei prefecture, Wei county
n.Luo River
n.ditch, gutter, drain; river
n.the Chan he River
n.a river in Hunan province; a place in Xiangxiang city of Hunan province
n.Lu river; Lu prefecture
n.Xiao river
n.name of a river in antiquity
n.rapids; Long River in ancient times
n.Rang River (in Henan province); flowing of water
n.She river
n.a river in Shandong province; a sluice
n.Ba River in Shensi; Ba city
n.Luan River; Luan county; Luan prefecture
n.the River Gan in Jiangxi
n.the grunting of an ox; Chou River
n.a river in Hu bei; a bank; a foreshore
n.the hornless river deer; the roebuck
n.earthy ware; small cup; Ou town; Ou river
n.one of bell's handle; road flanked by walls; Yong river; Ningbo city; a measure of capacity
n.calamity, disaster; an ancient pottery (arch.); Zi River; evil; ground that has been under cultivation for one year
n.marshland; paddy field; highland along a river bank
n.side altar inside ancestral temple; river in Shandong
n.a ceremony of purification held on the edge of a river in spring and autumn for averting evils
n.Xie River
n.carriage harness or rope; one of the five areas in ancient times; Sui river
n.continuous flow of river
n.Chinese trumpet creeper; Chinese milk vetch; Tiao River
n.river in Shandong province
n.Short for Liaoning province; Liao or Khitan dynasty (907-1125); Liao River of northeast China
n.an ancient place in the state of Wu; name of an ancient river
n.Heyang county (old county name); Heshui River
n.Pi town; Pi county; Pi river
n.sweet wine; juice, sap; Li River
n.negative or female principle in nature; genitals (both male and female); north of a hill (e.g. 華陰); south of a river (e.g. 淮陰)
adj.clear; bright; superior; upper; front; positive; south of a hill (as in 衡陽) or north of a river (as in 洛陽) where more sunlight can be expected
n.corner of a mountain or river; corner; outlying place; nook
n.a bend in the river; mountain recess; bay; bend; corner
n.Ge state; diaphragm; Ge county; Ge River; yoke; tripod; vessel used for cooking or steaming
n.a big fish; the huge fish found in the Yellow River that is said to be unable to close its eyes; a widower; a unmarried man
n.fresh water fish similar to a river dolphin
n.the river deery, the general name for the hornless deer, a small deer- the muntjac; the name of an ancient country