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ancient, 找到 160 個
particlean ancient form of the possessive particle 之 (arch.)
n.assistant officer (in ancient China); deputy
n.ren,an ancient measure of varying length; Ren village
n.ornament worn as a pendant at the waist in ancient China
n.the commanding officer; establishment (for ancient army unit); a hundred
n.the ranks of ancient dance; a row of dancers employed at the ancestral sacrifices under the Chou dynasty
n.ancient place name; surname
n.name of the god of South Sea in ancient Chinese myth; flash; name of fish
n.temperance; abstinence; an ancient festival to exorcise the demons causing any plague; to drive away pestilence
n.Yan River; one of nine empire divisions of ancient China
n.one of nine empire divisions of ancient China; short for Hepei province
n.knife-edge, blade; sword, knife; an ancient measure of varying length
v.cut off the nose (a punishment in ancient China); cut off
n.ancient board game (arch.)
n.seal; a person assuming a kneeling posture (arch.); one of the characters used in kwukyel, an ancient Korean writing system
adj.ancient, age-old; old, former
n.ancient times; books or orthodoxies of ancient sages; the ancients; a surname
n.a wry mouth; a surname; name of an ancient country
n.name of an ancient song
n.ancient musical instrument similar to ocarina
n.earthen terrace; an earthen stand for putting goblets in ancient ceremonies; circles
n.the name of the ancient emperor of China
n.toe wall; raised path between crop fields; margin; water flow on the mountains; ancient name of a place in Shanxi province
n.grave; ancient classics
n.black and solid earth; adobe table in ancient wineshop; wineshop
n.The supposedly ugly wife of the ancient emperor Huangdi; nurse
adj.beautiful; fine looking; elegant (in ancient Southern dialects)
n.ancient name for woman
n.lady-in-waiting; ancient term for female court officials
n.proper name of ancient state
n.government official in ancient China; prime minister
n.islet in river (arch.); a region; a state; departmental division, political division; a county; empire division in ancient China
n.cloth used by ancient males for binding up their hair
n.a piece of cloth for ancient men to tie their hair; cap
n.one of nine empire divisions of ancient China
n.dagger-axe(an ancient weapon); weapons; war
n.weapons; army; chariot; warfare; an ancient name for the people in the west; soldier; surname
n.an ancient axe
n.name of a state in Western region of ancient China
n.one of nine empire divisions of ancient China
adj.old; ancient; former
n.ancient place name
n.the ancient flag or banner made of a yak's tail; the yak's tail; a yak; a yak-like hill; the name of a kind of star; an outstanding person; the hair; the feather; the wool; the down
n.the ribbon of a flag; the tassels on ancient crowns; fringes of pearls on crowns; a pennant
adv.formerly; ancient; in beginning
n.the ancient name of protein; genitals of human being
n.ancient instruments of torture
n.an instrument made of wood used in ancient times to start the orchestra
n.astrolabe used to perform augury in ancient China; a kind of tree
n.one of nine empire divisions of ancient China; bridge over a brook; beam; ridge; joist; fine grain
n.hardwood; terminal posts used in building a wall in ancient times; mainstay, pillar; evergreen shrub
n.a call to arms in ancient times; letter
v.smear the blood of a sacrifice on the mouthan ancient form of swearing an oath; to drink; to smear the blood
n.base; root; Di nationality in ancient China; one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Eastern sky
n.wriggle springlet; traps to catch beasts (ancient meaning)
n.ancient sacrifice by drowning lifestock or sinking precious jade (arch.); a surname
n.Wu River; Wu mountain; Wu,an ancient place
浿n.ancient name of a river now in North Korea; ancient name of a county
n.name of river in ancient China
n.name of river in ancient Shandong
n.name of a river in Yong prefecture in ancient China
n.rapids; Long River in ancient times
n.ancient surname
n.chimney (ancient meaning); torch tied by straw
n.wooden tablets or slips for writing in ancient times; archives, documents; correspondance; books
n.a badger like animal in ancient China; an ethnic minority in China
n.a wild animal in ancient legend
n.Lao nationality; a word that the northerners would call the southerners in a scold during the ancient times
n.a kind of ape; a minority in ancient China (in today's Sizhuan)
n.an ancient musical instrument
n.an ancient chinese musical instrument
n.an ancient earthen utensil for steaming rice; an utensil for distilling water
n.calamity, disaster; an ancient pottery (arch.); Zi River; evil; ground that has been under cultivation for one year
n.an ancient utensil
n.an utensil used for containing food in ancient times; lid of a caldron
n.big eyes; name of an ancient state
n.ancient musician; drum
n.ancient town near the present Ichang in Hupeh
n.ancient sacrifices to ancestors
n.ancient woodwind instrument, pipe
n.series; grade; degree; class; order; sequence; graduates in ancient times
n.ancient kind of string instrument
n.a wood wind instrument in ancient China
n.ancient kind of string instrument
n.an ancient musical pipe; sound
n.carriage harness or rope; one of the five areas in ancient times; Sui river
n.purse; small bag; sack; place in ancient China in today's Gansu province
n.an ancient silk
n.the trimmed lower hem of the ancient Chinese gown.
n.big square banner or feather banner used in ancient Chinese army or in ceremony; a streamer
trans.Kophen (ancient Central Asian country or place, near Punjab or Kashmir nowadays)
n.the name of an ancient farm tool; a rake for drawing earth over newly-sown grain, a harrow; the handle of a hoe
n.axilla; the right wing of an ancient military camp
n.a kind of grass; Shun, the name of a legendary monarch in ancient China; surname
n.a long swift boat; an ancient warship
n.a herb mentioned in ancient text
n.one of nine empire divisions of ancient China; thorns; brambles; my wife; cane
n.an aromatic plant mentioned in ancient Chinese literature; iris; flower
n.a kind of grass mentioned in ancient texts, used as inlay of shoes
trans.the second syllable of the name for Tibet in ancient China (Tobo)
n.captive; slave; non-Han nationalities living in the North and West in ancient times
n.swaddling clothes; a rope; an ancient apparatus for catching tiger; a cloth used for carrying children on the back
n.the etiquette that ancient women need to perform
n.ancient raincoat
n.an ancient measuring tool; a goblet
n.an ancient place name Zi; illness; defect
n.elephant (arch.); one of nine empire divisions of ancient China; short for Henan province
n.a northern minority nationality in ancient Han dynasty
n.hub cap; circular cap at the head of cart's hub; wheel; ancient place name
n.a piece of wood serving as a brake to halt a carriage; an ancient measure of varying lengths; wheel
n.bridle of horse, reins; name of an ancient nomadic tribe in the north-western borderland of the Shang Dynasty
n.an ancient place in the state of Wu; name of an ancient river
n.Ancient Pi state; Pi prefecture, Han dynasty county in modern Jiangsu; surname
n.Bin town in ancient State of Sung, which is now in Shantung
n.an ancient name for districts in Kansu and Shensi
n.ancient state in Shandong province; surname
n.an ancient feudal state, in today's Shanxi province
n.Gao State- an ancient fief in Shantung bestowed on the eldest son of Wen Wang; rare surname
n.Qi hill (ancient place name); Qi county (ancient county name)
n.an ancient state in Henan
n.name of a district in ancient Shandong
n.proper noun, name of an ancient town
n. a place in Henan province; an ancient state in Henan
n.proper noun for an ancient state; surname
n.Wu, ancient place name
n.Yin county (ancient county name); limit; border
n.surname Deng; an ancient state in today's Hubei
n.cauldron used in ancient China
n.break; an ancient farm tool; the rich and bright colors of the sword
n.an ancient unit of weight; potters wheel; tuning standard
n.ancient firearm; gun; the axe; bird blunderbuss; punching pin
n.sickle; grain crops harvested; ancient place name located in today's Anhui province
n.an ancient weight measure; baht, bat; surname
n.zi, an ancient measure of weight
n.an ancient musical instrument; metal sheath of spear handle
n.money, coins; ancient unit of weight
n.surname; a kind of cauldron used in ancient China; ring
n.an ancient unit of weight
n.an ancient weapon which similar to a fork
n.name of a renowned ancient sword
n.brass ornament; ancient dart-like weapon; javelin
n.anvil; axe or mat used for cutting sb. in two at the waist (a punishment in ancient China); name of a star
n.gate of an alley; lane; door, house; community of 25 families in ancient China; native village; surname
n.the ancient form of the preceding
n.the side door of the palace; the residence of the imperial concubines; the bedroom of one's parents; women's quarters; the examination hall or room for imperial examinations in ancient times
n.an ancient musical instrument; surname; nephew (arch.)
n.aisle leading to the coffin chamber of an ancient tomb; tunnel
n.pheasant; an ancient measure unit
n.one of nine empire divisions of ancient China
n.ancient surname
n.one of nine empire divisions of ancient China; colour of nature
n.sheath; drum used in army in ancient China
n.ball used in ancient China; a surname
n.surname; one of seven main warring states in ancient China; Korea
n.ancient music; name of music composed by Emperor Shun
v.ancient punishment of shaving off the hair of a criminal; lop off tree branches
n.salmon; name of a fish in ancient; macular hemibarbus; cooked fish
n.the river deery, the general name for the hornless deer, a small deer- the muntjac; the name of an ancient country
n.an ancient small cooking vessel with two loop handles and three or four legs; a tripod with a small opening on the top
n.a drum used in the army in ancient China; drumlet