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𠓛n.triangular shape; lid; the cover of utensil (arch.)
𠦝n.a script component depicting the scenario of a rising sun
𡆠var.variant ofreportedly introduced by Empress Wu of the Tang Dynasty
𨚵n.Name of a state during the Spring and Autumn era
particlean ancient form of the possessive particle 之 (arch.)
n.one, unity; the first; a, an, the; the same, uniform
n.clown, comedian, second of the twelve Terrestrial Branches
n.Third, third of the ten celestial stems
idiomat the same time
adj.the middle; target hit, attained; related to China
adv.suddenly, abruptly; first, at the beginning; for the first time
classifiernumerary adjunct for vehicles; the count of four (arch.)
n.black bird; swallow; duck; guts of a fish; second of the ten celestial stems
v.to squint; to narrow the eyes into a slit; to hlance side ways; to tuck
v.to divine by means of a willow stick writing on the sand
n.the first of the eight trigrams; the first of the 64 hexagrams, sky; monarch
n.well; pit; shaft of a mine; The Well, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Southern sky
n.surname; The Neck, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Eastern sky
n.The last of the twelve Terrestrial Branches
v.assist; spread the wings; shine; show
v.replace; take the place of
trans.Character used often in the transliteration of proper names of foreign languages; transcription of first syllable of Gamma Ray; transcription of Sanskrit 'gha' in Buddhist texts; transcription of first syllable of the Carmelite order
v.hang the head, bow the head; droop, hang down; lower
n.ornament worn as a pendant at the waist in ancient China
n.the commanding officer; establishment (for ancient army unit); a hundred
n.the ranks of ancient dance; a row of dancers employed at the ancestral sacrifices under the Chou dynasty
v.in the company of, along with
idiomon the contrary
v.be together with, be in the company of
n.the Dai nationality in South China
v.upset; be overthrown; collapse; subvert; fall flat; pour out; incline; bend the head; lean to; assay; test; smelt
n.flail; the whole
n.boy; youth; servant; page; name of the Zhuang ethnic group
adj.remote, out-of-the-way; evil; stubborn; rare, uncommon; eccentric
n.name of the god of South Sea in ancient Chinese myth; flash; name of fish
n.temperance; abstinence; an ancient festival to exorcise the demons causing any plague; to drive away pestilence
conj.if; supposing; in case; in the event of; in case of accidents; if anything untoward happens
n.one of the eight trigrams of baguah
n.plant of the jute family
n.hat or headgear worn during the Yin dynasty
adj.the best, ranked the first; coronary, coronal
adj.eldest; of the wife
n.the nether world; night; surname
n.knife; sword; razor; a kind of metal currency circulated in Chinese antiquity in the Qi State
v.to pare the edges and corners, to round off, to trim; to be worn or torn (away); to neglect; to dig
v.punishment of cutting off the feet of the criminal
n.the beginning; the first
v.cut the neck, behead
n.cuting of the feet
v.prick with knife; stick in the ground; stab
v.cut off the nose (a punishment in ancient China); cut off
n.Hsiung-Nu; abbreviation for the Central European State of Hungary;chest, bossom; breast
n.the bottle-gourd; music instruments using a gourd as base
n.the gourd-shaped ladle; a washbasin with a tubular handle to let the water run off
n.noon, midday; the south; the seventh of the twelve Terrestrial Branches
n.seal; a person assuming a kneeling posture (arch.); one of the characters used in kwukyel, an ancient Korean writing system
n.fourth of the twelve Terrestrial Branches; double knife (arch.); early morning hours; mortise; slot cut into wood to receive a tenon
n.danger; peril; The Rooftop, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Northern sky
var.the original form of
n.the thousandth part of a Chinese foot; likin tax; the thousandth part of a tael; unit of annual interest rate
n.The Three Stars, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Western sky; corresponding to the three stars in the centre of the constellation Orion (arch.)
n.the divine sagacity of sages
n.ancient times; books or orthodoxies of ancient sages; the ancients; a surname
v.hold in the mouth; contain; cherish, nurse, harbour; embody; restrain
n.The Kingdom of Wu (one of the Three Kingdoms); A surname
v.draw in the breath, inhale; suck up; absorb; attract
int.placed at the end of a sentence to express astonishment
n.the cry of a baby
n.harmony; peace; conciliation; the sum; peace
onomatopoeiathe bleating of lambs and sheeps
int.placed at the end of a sentence reconfirming assertion; modal particle indicating that things should only or can only be done a certain way
v.to put in the mouth
n.descriptive of the sound of reading
n.the cry of a crane, wild goose, etc
n.quotient (math.); travelling merchant (arch.); commerce, business, trade; trader, businessman, dealer; Shang Dynasty; Antares (lat.), main star of the Scorpio constellation (arch.)
v.hold in the mouth; harbor, cherish; contain; accept
n.the nitrogen hetero-cycle of organic compound
adj.a fish sticking its mouth out of the water; looking up to
adj.the sound of chirping; strong wind or rain
trans.the second syllable of curry
onomatopoeiathe meow of the cat
v.peck; irritate the respiratory organs; choke; feel unwell; bear
onomatopoeiathe sound of bird; singing of birds
v.chat; crack sth. between the teeth; talk
v.hold in the mouth
n.the cackling of fowls
n.flute-like wood-wind musical instrument introduced from the Uyghurs
int.used at the end of the sentence
v.cry out; argumentative; click of the tongue
trans.the first syllable of Mcdull
n.mouth; bill of the bird; mouthpiece; nozzle, spout
v.spit water from the mouth
v.keep in the mouth or eyes, contain; hold in the mouth
n.movement of a fish's mouth at the surface of water
v.taste, try the flavour of; experience
v.to move the mouth as in speaking; to chatter
n.top of the head or of the skull, fontanel; gap between the bones of an infant's skull
n.the lavatory, the toilet, the privy; the pigsty; the rubbish heap; grain-fed animals
adj.of the state; national
n.circle; dollar; official name of the Chinese legal tender (currency) and of the currencies of some other Asian countries
aux.combine with other verbs to show the continuation of the action
v.to fly upward; to gush; to assemble; to gather; to turn up the soil; to dig; to bring together
n.hole, pit; bank, ridge; one of the eight trigrams; one of the 64 hexagrams
n.earth; one of the eight trigrams; one of the 64 hexagrams; representing the earth
n.an octapole land; a domain; a limit; a hundred million; a battlefield; a front; flight of steps leading up to a house; a boundary; wilds beyond the frontier
n.the name of the ancient emperor of China
n.the field
n.the path leading to a tomb; a tomb passage; a boundary; a limit
n.toe wall; raised path between crop fields; margin; water flow on the mountains; ancient name of a place in Shanxi province
n.the field of razor calm; a large earthen wine jar without handles having a shape like a pear
n.the bull's-eye; the centre of the target for archery
adj.venerable; grave; referring to relationship between cousins of the same clan (usually bearing the same surname)
n.chalk; The Cretaceous Period (geological period 140-65m years ago) as in the term 白堊紀
n.interment of the coffin
n.the painted floor; the step
v.plaster the wall; to pave the wall or the floor
n.the edge of utensils
n.the grave
n.partition-wall; wall of a house; screen-wall; cliff; The Wall, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Northern sky
v.block up, stop up, clog up; cover; pile up, heap soil or fertilizer over and around the roots
n.the ninth of the ten celestial stems
adj.related to a senior female member of the family
n.lean pork taken from under the spinal column (arch.); distant place
v.respect; climb the official ladder
n.one of the Sixty-four Diagrams; secret signs made with the fingers
v.level to the ground
adj.the breath is dying out
n.hip, the stride of man; name of constellation; The Legs, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Western sky
v.report to the throne; memorialize the emperor; play music; celebrate; go forward, advance; display; achieve; produce
n.name of a prominent Buddhist monk in the Tang dynasty
v.pay respect; pay offerings to the dead, lay foundation
v.rouse; spread the wings; diffuse; exert oneself; act vigorously; raise; lift
n.woman; daughter; girl; The Girl, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Northern sky
n.a matchmaker; a go-between (representing the side of the female)
n.couple (arch.); wife; imperial concubine; the wife of the Crown Prince; goddess
n.the wife of mother's brother; the wife of wife's brother
n.a word used in woman's name; a concubine of Chou hsin who is the last ruler of the Shang dynasty
n.the wife of Chich, the last ruler of the Hsia dynasty
v.begin; be the first
n.wife of husbands elder brother; elder sister; surname; the elder ones among the many concubines married to the same husband
n.concubine of the Yellow Emperor
n.Chang'e the goddess of the moon
n.the name of a concubine of the father of the Emperor Yao
n.younger sister; sister-in-law; the younger ones among the many concubines married to the same husband
n.Aries; sow that seek for life mate; surname; The Bond, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Western sky
n.The legendary concubine of Emperor Huangdi, a surname
n.legal wife; the wife's eldest son
n.name of a lady who stole the elixir of immortality and fled with it to the moon
n.the appearance of an old woman; hag
n.The supposedly ugly wife of the ancient emperor Huangdi; nurse
v.be skillful at, have the knack of
n.evolution; succession to the throne; transmutation; abdication
n.son; child; posterity; bride; wife; the young of animal; bullet; shot; an officer; gentleman; a philosopher; person; offspring; fruit, seed of; first of twelve Terrestrial Branches
n.season; a quarter of the year; crop; the youngest brother; last of a series
var.(arch.) archetypic variant ofand 佇; nowadays used exclusively as the simplified form of 寧.
adj.ancestral; the most distinguished
n.house; mansion; home; apartment; room; wife; The encampment, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Northern sky
n.officials in charge of the allotment to the feudal nobles
n.the third of the twelve Terrestrial Branches; fellow officer
v.to awake from the sleep; to realize; to meet
n.great domain, country, world, the Earth
n.one inch below the wrist where a Chinese physician takes the patient's pulse (arch. , med.); inch
n.archery, being one of the 6 basic items of classical education in Chinese antiquity
n.junior officer; a military rank (above the rank of warrant officer and below that of major); vice-county magistrate
v.to swell; swelling (of the legs)
n.corpse, cadaver; wizard acting as surrogate for the dead during funeral rituals (arch.); a spirit tablet (arch.)
v.to impersonate the dead (arch.)
n.buttocks; end of the spine; rump; sacrum; coccyx
n.tail; rear, behind; the end; extremity; stern; promontory; remaining part; remnant; The Tail, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Eastern sky
n.in time, in place; the set time
n.the youngest
v.tread on; experience; put on; ascend the throne; fulfill; assume
n.village, camp, hill; the third of the 64 hexagrams
n.mountain without vegetation (some give the opposite meaning);residence of one's mother
n.the name of a mountain in Henan province of China
n.cave, cavern; the sound of ironwork
n.a territorial division during the Ming dynasty; mountain in the province of Gansu
n.Xiao mountain; the name of a mountain in Henan
v.landslide, landslip; collapse, crash to the ground, burst apart; fall in ruin; break, down burst
n.the name of a mountain in Szechwan
n.cliff; cave; a place in State of Sung during the Spring and Autumn Period
n.The Dang Mountain
n.the name of a mountain in Gansu province; the place of sunset
n.the irregular outline of a range of hills
n.a path on a hill; Wuling mountain ridge; a high mountain; the ridge or the highest peak of a mountaiin; a mountain track
n. a nationality in South-Western China; one revolution or one round of circular motion; cuckoo the bird
n.the top of a mountain; summit; peak
n.the sixth of ten celestial stems (arch.); self, oneself;
n.wind; one of the eight trigrams of bagua; southeast
n.calico; cotton cloth; shirting; linen; cloth; a kind of metal currency circulated in Chinese antiquity in the Jin States
v.rearrange the books
n.teacher, instructor, master; model, example; multitude; troops, army; capital city; a division in the Chinese army
adv.completely, entirely; at the same time, altogether
n.of or by the concubine; the common people; a surname
n.rooms around the principal room; houses; a corridor, a verandah, a porch; eaves; a covered way;
n.court of the palace; the Court
v.put on a man's hat ceremonially signifying one's coming of age; put at the head; put before
n.the bow
n.the young
v.stretch, string, extend, expand; draw a bow; set forth; snare; open out; make a display, publish, proclaim; The Extended Net, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Southern sky
n.a bow stretched to the full
v.to draw a bow to the full
v.play on stringed instrument; snap the fingers; bounce, rebound; press down; accuse, criticize
n.divinatory commentary in The Book of Changes; a hog; a hedgehog; a porcupine
v.sweep; expose to the sun
n.sacrificial vessels; cardinal principle (arch.); the Yi nationality
onomatopoeiathe sound of a drum
pron.that, those; the other, the another
n.descendant; posterity; the back of; offspring; rear
n.the stone used for crossing river
adj.imperial or royal; related to the emperor, the empress, the king, or the queen
v.penetrate; remove; strip off; destroy; cultivate on the share system
n.heart; mind; affection; intention; centre; middle; The Heart, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Eastern sky
n.the anniversary of the death
v.to disgrace; to have the honor to be; to throw forward
v.to be ashamed; to change the complexion
n.nature; disposition; spirit; temper; property; quality; character; sex; gender; character used to make up abstract nouns in the translation of loanwords
v.the heart beats with terror, palpitate with fear
v.be on the alert against; distress, sad
v.violate; pass the appointed time, delay; lose, miss
v.love; be fond of; like; be keen on; covet; cherish, treasure; hold dear; take good care of; be apt to; be in the habit of
v.be used to; be in the habit of
v.carry in the bosom; cherish; dwell on; long for; comfort; conceive
n.an axe-like weapon (arch.); the fifth of the ten celestial stems
n.weapons; army; chariot; warfare; an ancient name for the people in the west; soldier; surname
n.city, citadel (arch.); achievement; result; the whole; one tenth of a sum (一成)
n.house; building; room; wife, concubine; branch of a family; The Room, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Eastern sky
n.the bolt for fastening a door from outside; a bar; a door
n.upright bar for fastening door; latch of the door; door bolt
v.carry on the palm; support with the hand
v.be dressed up as, play the part of, disguise
v.criticize; comment; endorse a petition; reply officially to an inferior; make an order of court; officially authorize; lease; arrange for the purchase of; sell wholesale; slap, smack
v.pickle out, gouge out; pry; nitpick, expose; break off with the fingers and thumb; choose
v.throw at, throw into, fling, hurl; jump into; cast (as a vote); present; hand over to; go in the direction of; project
v.strike with the hand; pat; clap; beat
v.salute with the hands folded; hump up; surround
n.a torturing device used for sqeezing the victim's fingers
v.place the hand on; press down, push down; stop, repress, restrain, control; leave aside; examine, check, refer to
v.carry on the arm; wear sth.over ones shoulder or at ones side
v.hold sth. under the arm; coerce; harbor; carry
v.to pluck; to gather in the fingers; to rub; to scrape off; strock
v.mold, knead with the fingers; pinch, hold beween the fingers; fabricate, make up
v.wind thread or rope; seek, get to the bottom of the matter; deck out, make up
v.twist with the fingers; to take a pinch
n.palm of the hand; sole of the foot; paw; shoe sole; shoe heel
v.support sb. by the arm; assist; tuck in; hide; thrust in one's belt
n.arrow-quiver; a move in Taichi (太極), being the first part of a sequence of four moves constituting the trick Lanquewei 攬雀尾
v.to beat the nightwatches; to grasp
v.to carry on the shoulder
v.to roll up sleeves; to slap with the palm; to hit; to push; to lift up; to fill
v.lift in the hand; raise, put forward, bring up; pull up; pick up; mention; refer to; bring forward; suggest; carry; promote
v.to tug upward, to pull up; to promote; to hold the saddle; to eradicate
v.to fold; to trot; to divide into portions; to abandon; to give up; to sort out the divining stalks
v.drive a nail, wedge,etc. into the wall
v.to dab with a soft dry object that is sopped up with the liquid; to move; to wipe tears; to bind
v.rub with the hands
v.to tear, to peel, twist with the fingers; to pinch (Cant.)
v.press with the hand or finger
n.using the side hand to strike
v.feel with the hand; rub; scour; polish; grope for; scrape; touch
v.to knead, to roll round with the hand ; to gather; to wheel, to spiral, to hover; to hold; to model; to lead
v.rub with the hands, wipe, press with the hand and more downwards; mix, mingle; hold
v.fish for, dredge up, scoop up from the water; drag for; gain by improper means
adj.fill to the point of bursting
n.the Dai nationality; Shan state
v.raise, hold up a curtain,skirt,etc.from the bottom; sprinkle; wind, disorder; incite, provoke, stir up; flirt with
v.lift up; prop up, bear, support; hold; cup one hand in the other before the chest
v.carry with a pole over the shoulder; take responsibility; undertake; sustain
v.to blow one's nose with the fingers
v.pick, pluck; hold in the lap
v.pass through; jab the poker into a stove to stir the fire in order to remove the ashes
v.help by the arm, support with hand; mix, mingle
v.imitate, follow the example of; fulfil; verify; put forth effort, labour earnestly, devote to
v.dare; presume; venture; have the confidence to; be certain
n.dipper; Chinese peck for measuring grain or liquid; measuring unit containing 10 sheng, or roughly 1.63 gallons; name of constellation (Ursa Major); The Dipper, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Northern sky
n.the edge of an axe; a big hoe
n.square; rectangle; region; locality; direction; trend; aspect of; place; plan; prescription; recipe; method; device; involution, power; the centre, the focus
n.scallops along the lower edge of a flag (arch.); parade
idiomby the side of
n.a red flag; a felt; a silken banner hanging from a staff bent over at the top
n.the ancient flag or banner made of a yak's tail; the yak's tail; a yak; a yak-like hill; the name of a kind of star; an outstanding person; the hair; the feather; the wool; the down
adv.thereupon; forthwith; subsequently; right away; the second star (Urs Major β) of the constellation Dipper
n.arrowhead (arch.); clan, tribe; class; family; death penalty imposed on the whole family; race, nationality
n.the ribbon of a flag; the tassels on ancient crowns; fringes of pearls on crowns; a pennant
n.in the evening; late in the day; sunset; dusk
v.to stand in the sun
v.hold (one's head) high; force up the prices
n.vast expanse of the sky
n.light of the sun
n.dawn; when the sun rises; early morning; daylight
n.star; point of light; planet; spark; heavenly body; The Star, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Southern sky
n.spring (of the year); a season; love; lust; life, vitality
n.the warmth of the rising sun; sunlight
v.be to the west
n.Pleiades nebula, The Hairy Head, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Western sky
n.Name of feudal state Jin in the Eastern Zhou dynasty; also name of the imperial dynasty (265-420 CE) that succeeded the Wei Dynasty; Short for Shanxi (Shan1Xi) province; one of 64 hexagrams
v.shine upon; dry in the sun
v.dry up; the sun up; to dry in the sun
n.last day of the lunar month; night
n.a shadow cast by the sun; the sunshine; the light; the day; the time; the gnomon of a sundial; the orbit
v.the sun going behind clouds
v.dry in the sun; suspend, treat coldly
adj.warmth of the sun; hot; fluffy
n.the bright shining of the sun
n.the rising sun; the sunshine
v.dry in the sun; exhibit; stick out; stand out; bulge
v.to dry up; dried by exposing to the sun
n.the new-risen sun; the sun that appears above the horizon; the full glare of the sun
n.the sun that is hidden by clouds
adj.the sun about to rise
adj.the sun below the horizon
n.expose to the sun; expose to the open air
v.expose to the sun, dry in the sun, bask; print by light; shine upon
n.group, team; a surname; people of the same kind
v.place both hands above the eyes to look better into the distance (arch.)
n.the moon; month
n.the ancient name of protein; genitals of human being
n.the first phase of the moon
v.the crescent moon appears
n.the strips of meat cut from the flank and dried in the wind; Qu county
n.moon appearing in the west sky towards the end of the lunar month
n.the first day of the lunar month, new moon, dark moon; early morning; north
v.visit in the beginning of each moon (arch.); bear (arch.)
pron.I, my; the royalI” (used exclusively by the emperor or king to meanI”), the sovereign
n.the name of a plant
n.a low and square stool; a stake; the stump of a tree; sterility
n.the handle of Big Dipper; single-plank bridge; dip-iron
n.the rudder
n.the tip of a twig; the end
n.the East; host; owner of business
n.The East (arch.)
n.the male nettle-hemp
n.the side of a ship or boat; an oar; a rowing-sweep; a stand for bending a bow
n.the girder; large tie-beams
n. The vertical pole of the rack used for silkworm culture
n.the number of seven
n.the watchman's rattle
n.willow; The Willow, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Southern sky
n.an instrument made of wood used in ancient times to start the orchestra
n.the pointed end of an arrow; Mongolian snakegourd; a builder's frame for measuring
v.investigate, examine, check; consider the facts; estimate
n.plums, prunes; plum flower, one of the Four Junzi Flowers (四君子) of China
n.pieces of wood hinged at the ends; chopsticks
v.behead and put before the public
n.small pillars that support the roof; joist; club; cane
n.birchleaf pear; wild plums; the crab apple tree; white poplar; Chinese bush cherry
n.large-leaved dogwood; the type of bird which is good at imitating other birds' twitter or chirp
n.the coat hanger; a clothes-horse
n.ox yoke placed on the horns (to prevent the ox from hurting people); wooden board
n.bushes and shrubs (arch.); name of feudal state Chu in the Eastern Zhou dynasty
n.lintel over the door; cross beam
n.the shield; a balustrade; banister; a rail; the horizontal bar of a railing; a parapet
v.reach the end of, push to extremes; stop at nothing
n.principal columns of a hall; a unit to count the quantity of houses; pillar
n.tree trunk; pillar; important officials of the state
v.to assist; to support in the state
n.the base of a pillar; support
n.wooden tray; revolving part at the front of a plow
槿n.Hibiscus; the rose of Sharon; a tree, the blossoms of which fade in a day
n.stake, pile; the first player in a game; a piece of (case)
n.the heaven tree
n.the paddle or oar; a boat
n.machine; changes; motions; the origin of; the moving power of; loom; mechanism; catch; trigger; opportunity; moment; chance; crucial point; pivot; key link; occasion
n.small evergreen shrub; the tea plant (Camellia sinensis); Catalpa, a genus of mostly deciduous trees
trans.first syllable of the foreign word for lemon
n.a kind of tree; date-plum; jelly fungi; short pillar on the beam
n.quiver (case for arrows); the vessel for storing armor, bow and arrow, etc.
n.a coffin, especially the inner one; Chinese parasol tree
n.the bowbeam
n.by the emperor himself; surname
v.smear the blood of a sacrifice on the mouthan ancient form of swearing an oath; to drink; to smear the blood
n.The planet Jupiter (arch.), annual displacement of planet Jupiter along its orbit; year; age; harvest
n.man buried alive with the dead
n.A phonetic trasncription of the Sanskrit name of river Ganges
v.die, perish; fall from the sky or outer space
n.a die-young person; the dead in a battle
殿adj.at the rear
aux.used at the beginning of a sentence
n.ten-thousandth part of an ounce; atom; the down on plants; fine long hair; writing brush
n.a fine woollen blanket or cloth; a mat used by the emperor in worshipping
n.base; root; Di nationality in ancient China; one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Eastern sky
adj.of the people; folk
n.the common people; subjects; vassals; rustic
n.protium, the most common isotope of hydrogen
n.neon (Ne); No.10 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.deuterium 2H (an isotope of hydrogen); heavy hydrogen, with 1 neutron in the nucleus, so atomic weight=2
n.xenon (Xe), no. 54 of the periodic table, a chemical element
n.fluorine (F); No.9 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.the old name for
n.niton; radon (Rn); No.86 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.hanging fog; mist; the generative forces of heaven and earth, by means of which all things are reproduced constantly
n.xenon (Xe), no. 54 of the periodic table, a chemical element
n.helium (He);No.2 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.oxygen (O); No.8 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.krypton (Kr); No.36 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.hydrogen (H); No.1 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.argon (Ar); No.18 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.nitrogen (N); No.7 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.chlorine (Cl); No.17 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.the life-giving influences of nature; spirit of harmony; prosperity
氿v.to spurt from the side
n.winding catchment, a stream which leaves the main branch and afterwards flows into it; the ditch of stagnant water; Si River; the water bank
n.mercury; hydrargyrum (Hg); No.80 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.name of a river; name of a town in the State of Wei; dimness
n.pond; the Hong River
n.law; statute; regulation; rule; legal standard; plan; method; way; mode; model; the dharma; magic arts; example; (Chinese name for ) France
n.the name of a river in Hebei
v.comment on; make an entry, record, register; fix the mind on, concentrate; stake; pour; annotate
v.sail against the current; trace back to; whirl
prep.by the time, when
n.a whirlpool; the Fu River; an eddy; a race; used in place-names to indicate the spot as a stopping-place for boats
n.Affluent of the Yellow River in Henan
n.any of the three ten-day divisions of a month
v.to rinse the mouth
n.the riverbanks; the limit
n.the appearance of clear water
n.Lu River; the tributary of the River Hsiang in Hunan
v.the water leaks into a boat
n.name of a river in Shanxi; Wei River; Wei prefecture (arch.); the roaring of rapids
onomatopoeiathe sound of waves
n.the sound of flowing water
n.the slush
v.go against the stream; recall
n.Zhen River, one of the sources of the River Hwai in Henan
n.the urine; something that resembles the urine; the sound of rice-washing; Sou River
v.to mix the powder with water; to wash; to excrete stool and urine; to urinate; to spit; to excrete semen; to soak in water as meals
n.bromine (Br); No.35 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.Wengjiang River; the rising of the clouds; the appearance of a watery expanse
v.to be painted strongly; to float, as the clouds
n.upwelling; excessive rain; water with white light; the capital of western Zhou dynasty
n.the water of washing rice; urine; water in which rice has been boiled
n.Hutuo River; the bank of a stream
n.The name of a river in Shanxi province
n.the Han River (arch.); name of a dynasty; the Milky Way, the Galaxy; man, male adult; a surname
adj.the outgush of water
n.the saline-alkali soil impregnated from the tide
n.the ice floating on a river during the spring thaw; a corpse; ice
n.Sheng River; the name of a river in Henan and Shandong
n.name of a tributary of the Yangtze River in Sichuan
n.a rapid river; branch of the river
n.a moat or a trench; the Hao River; Haozhou prefecture
n.the Chan he River
n.the River Gan in Jiangxi
n.the remnants of an expiring candle; candle stub
var.variant of 災, an archaic way of writing the script
n.the wick of an oil lamp; a candle wick; a torch; a lamp; a lantern; an ignitable columnar thing; stick of incense
v.to melt; to roast; to scorch; to warm at the fire
onomatopoeiathe sound of a fiercely-burning fire (Cantonese)
adj.circling in the air; solitary; lonely, alone; desolate; sad; orphaned
v.blow the fire; instigate
n.village of the Hsiung Nu
v.to toast; to burn; to dry by exposing to the sun; to bake by fire with little oil; to roast; to dry
v.to dry at the fire; to scorch; to burn; to heat
n.slanting pillar; cross bar, horizontal timber across the legs of a chair or table
n.ox; cow; bull; The Ox, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Northern sky
n.the animal power unit
n.the grunting of an ox; Chou River
n.name of the legendary beast in Chinese myth; Armadillo; Cingulata
n.a kind of fierce Mongolian dog; a species of wild dog with black mouth and nose; the prison; the lock-up; the elk
n.the black long-tail ape
n.the golden monkey; the marmoset; the marmoset saddle
n.name of a beast, a kind of tapir; a fierce beast depicted on the door of prisons
n.a fabulous beast, a tribute animal presented to the Chinese emperor, probably a lion
n.the lion; a wild beast or a wild horse which can do 500 li (250 kilometers) a day
v.be fed up with; to eat to the full
n.the macaque; a monkey with yellow hair
n.a kind of beasts; a jackal; the name of a tribe in Kwangsi and Hunan
n.a dog breed in Southern part of the Zhao state
n.the hornless river deer; the roebuck
n.Lao nationality; a word that the northerners would call the southerners in a scold during the ancient times
v.to hunt in night; to hunt with the torches
n.the long-mouth dog; Xian nationality; a black dog with yellow head
n.a tribe of Scythians which invaded China during the Hsia dynasty
n.the rhesus monkey; the macaque; a female monkey
n.a dog with a long snout or muzzle; a derogatory name of the northen nomads (later known as Hsiungnu or Huns) given by the Chinese in the Zhou Dynasty
n.jade with defect; jade carver; surname; a state in the Western region
onomatopoeiathe sound of jingling or tinkling a jade
n.necklace; ornaments for the neck;
n.pearl; bead; pupil of the eye
n.pearl or jade earring; ear-ornaments with jade or pearl; the tangent arch of the sun or the moon; solar prominence; the ears of the sword
v.to pierce the ear; to insert
n.top gem of the pendants from a girdle
n.a jade tablet or baton, which varied in shape according to different ranks, conferred upon the feudal princes by the emperor as a symbol of dignity and authority
n.a jade tablet signifying the sceptre
n.the jade piece put in the mouth of the dead before the burial
n.(arch). the vein lines (or 'grain') of processes jade; reason; principle; fitness of things; right; texture; grain of wood; logic; truth
n.the decoration on the upper part of the sheath of a sword
n.The Chinese lute or guitar; a general name for certain musical instrument
n.a ceremonial jade; the tortoise shell
trans.the first syllable of yoga
n.beautiful jade; stone inferior to jade; the second star in the bowl of the constellation Big Dipper (Urs Major β)
n.a pearl that is not quite round; third star of the Big Dipper
n.the lustre of gems
n.pulp; flesh; the interior part
n.large plate or pan; bricks for fixing the inside wall of a well; brickwork of a well; surname
n.armour; fingernail; tithing; shell; carapace; first of the ten celestial stems
n.the border of field; limits; bank
n.the raised paths between fields; boundary; border
v.to come before the gods; to terminate
n.hand-net (arch.); name of a constellation that resembles a hand-net; The Net, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Western sky
n.field with burned grass as fertilizer; She nationality; fields in the third year of cultivation
v.burn grass and wood in the field and use the ash as fertilizer
n.the land measure of 12 or 30 mu; a garden
n.the stem of a fruit
n.epigasteric pain; hernia; Xenon (Xe); No.54 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.lump in the abdomen; ruffian
n.hernia; diseases of the bladder; gravel; measles
n.the clonic convulsion
n.favus of the scalp
n.paralysis; numbness of the limbs
n.chronic swelling of the spleen; addiction, weakness for
n.last of the ten celestial stems
n.solemn declaration before the gods; oath; convenant; alliance; contract; league
n.the utmost
v.examine, scrutinize; watch; be on the alert; economize, save; omit, leave out
adj.blind in one eye; having one small eye smaller than the other; faraway; very small; exquisite, ingenious
v.see, look at, observe, watch; read; examine; look in the direction of; consider, think; look after, take care of, guard; look upon; regard; treat; call on, visit
n.disease of the eyes, cataract; crime, fault, unfortunate mistakes; eclipse; catastrophe, calamity; hardship, pain
n.the canthus, canthi; eye sockets; the orbit
n.area between the eyebrows and the eyelashes
n.socket of the eye; rim of eye
n.pupil of the eye; eye
n. pupil (of the eye)
v.look sideways, cast a sidelong glace; look far into the distance
n.beauty of the eyes and the eyebrows
n.corner of the eye; small grievance
n.pupil of the eye; eyeball
v.open the eyes; look
v.to look into the distance
n.Strabismus, a misalignment of the eyes; one of the 64 hexagrams
adj.blind; having no pupil to the eye
v.close the eyes in death; sleep, doze off
v.conceal secret from, hide the truth from; deceive
n.look down from a height, bird's-eye view; peep at; look far into the distance
n.pupil of the eye; sight, vision, view
n.the sliding weight of a steelyard; stone roller; brick; piece
n.arsenic (As); No.33 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.silicon (Si); No.14 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.selenium (Se); No.34 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
onomatopoeiathe sound of stones knocking together
n.ancient town near the present Ichang in Hupeh
n.sulphur (S); No.16 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.boron (B); No.5 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.the pestle, worked with the foot, used for hulling rice;
n.iodin; iodine (I); No.53 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.tellurium (Te); No.52 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.carbon (C); No.6 of the Periodic table; a chemical element
n.punishment by dismembering the head and extremities from the body; right falling stroke in Chinese calligraphy
v.knock against sth.hard; kowtow; crack sth. between the teeth
n.thin stone; water flowing over stones; noise of a rapid, or of carts; phosphorous; phosphorus (P); No.15 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.god of the soil; altars to the god of the soil; god of the earth, god of the land; sacrifices to the local gods; village, hamlet; company; society; group of families; organised body; agency
v.worship; offer sacrifice to the gods or spirts of the dead
n.Ormazda, god of the Zoroastrians; Manicheanism, extended to god of the Manicheans
n.the god of the earth
n.the ceremony of offering sacrifice to gods to wash away evil influence
v.to bury in the same tomb; to worship ancestors
n.spirit; god, deity, divinity; the soul; the mind; genius; expression, look; nerves; energy
n.the ancestral temple or hall
n.sacrificial rite or ceremony of pouring wine to irrigate the field as libation for the deities
n.a ceremony of purification held on the edge of a river in spring and autumn for averting evils
n.ancestor worship held by the emperor or the feudal princes; grand sacrifice;
v.to make a sacrifice to the god of war before a campaign
v.pray, perform rituals; curse by the gods (arch.); drink wine after ritual baths
n.a term applied to a deceased father after his tablet has been placed in the ancestral temple
n.the reputed founder of the Xia Dynasty
n.ear of grain; grain in the ear (Bible expression) (arch.)
n.cricket (OBS/BS, arch.); autumn; fall of the year; a season, a time; harvest time; year
n.fine variety of rice (arch.); feudal state of Qin; the Qin dynasty; short for Shanxi (Shan3xi) province
v.halt; put up at; change into mourning garments after the allotted period has passed
n.darnel; ryegrass; young buds of the willow
n.millet or broomcorn millet; cereals, food crops; The God of Cereals; Ji town (arch.)
n.rice growing in the field; paddy
n.the pulp; a bumper harvest; the stalk of grain; the fully grown paddy; full; Rang county; ten billions
idiomafter all, in the end
n.hollow or empty space (arch.); free time, leisure; deficit; translation of the Sanskrit notion of śūnya
n.a tablet-shaped hold; a wooden pail; a small door or window; a hole in the wall
idiomafter all; in the end
n.the end
n.the large-sized hairpin of women
n.a bamboo trap for fishing at the opening of a weir
n.pen; pencil; writing brush; stroke of the brush or pen
v.to divine by stalks of plants; divining rod; diviation as prescribed in Iching or the Book of Changes
n.bamboo mat spread on the floor for people to sit on; seat; feast
n.sieve; dust pan; garbage bag; The Winnowing Basket, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Eastern sky
n.bamboo split or strip; the rind of reed or sorghum
n.projecting overhang at the lower edge of a roof; eaves of house; brim
n.the flag as sign of a tavern (arch.); screen, curtain
n.seal script used throughout the pre-Han period
n.bamboo shoots shell; the sheath that envelops the joints of the bamboo; the first leaves of the bamboo
n.essence, the best; pure grain
n.knot; inferior silk; the Huihe nationality; surname
n.the fabric made from waste silk; the silk; a thread; a clue
idiomafter all; in the end
n.the hem
v.twist; twine, bind; gibbet; hang by the neck; cut; skein, hank
v.to comb the hair
n.the spoke near the axle; a rope; a rope for drawing water; a well-rope
n.carriage harness or rope; one of the five areas in ancient times; Sui river
v.arrange the threads for weaving; arrange; gather up; take count of; sum up; inquire into
v.to wear; to tie, to bind up; to coil up; carry on the arm; to string together; to roll up
n.affix; ornament on the edge of sth.
v.burst, split; open, the skin is torn; break open as flowers burst
n.ornament made of leather placed beneath the tail of bulls or horses
n.rope on the handle or hilt of a knife or sword; Gou mountain; surname
v.fly in the air
n.the silken fabrics; the arrow for shooting birds; Zeng state
n.color silk fabrics; fine thin silk; a silk pass; the fine gauze; the frayed edges of silk; silk torn into pieces, one of which was given as a credential and the other retained
n.the trimmed lower hem of the ancient Chinese gown.
n.the flaxen thread; a kind of plant like the ramie; black and solid earth; an arch; a squat; a wide-mouthed jar for containing wine
n.net (arch.); the net of justice
n.the net for birds or fish
n.the handle of the Big Dipper; a hill; the name of certain stars and the gods supposed to live in them
n.the brown bear; a kind of bear
n.clan name of Chu State in the Spring and Autumn period
n.the Qiang nationality living in Sichuan
v.to mix; to interpolate; the sheep crowd
v.circle in the air, soar
v.soaring in the heights
n.eye opacity; a feather cover; the nebula; a screen; the five-coloured bird; a shade
n.wings; shelter; The Wings, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Southern sky
v.harrow the ground
n.the weeding hoe; the indulgence in sensual pleasures
n.the name of an ancient farm tool; a rake for drawing earth over newly-sown grain, a harrow; the handle of a hoe
v.to plough with the rake
n.ear; that which is at the side; handle; fungus; projection
n.lobule of the ear (or its hanging piece of soft tissue); mostly used as proper name in antiquity
adv.slightly; for the moment
v.to cut the left ears of the captives or the slain
v.to bury temporarily by the roadside
adv.at first, at the very beginning
n.the region between the heart and the diaphragm
v.hold sb.back by the elbow, hinder
n.stomach; The Stomach, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Western sky
v.turn the back on, turn away; disavow; memorize, recite from memory, learn by heart; carry on the back; act contrary to, violate
n.the ulcer of the lip; the gizzard; pustules of any kind; a rush or eruption; measles; various kinds of fever
n.axilla; the right wing of an ancient military camp
n.the large intestine; the body
n.callus, callosity on the hands or feet; abdominal distention
n.shank; leg; shin; shinbone; tibia (the thicker of the two long bones between knee and ankle)
n.the tenderloin; the meat at the back of an animal
n.internal organs of the body
n.(Cant.) the smell of oily food that has gone bad
n.the callous skin on the feet
n.fat covering the intestines; the omentum; mail genitals, penis (vulg.)
n.sheepy odor; rank odor; smell of mutton; a technical term from Chinese medicine for the center of the chest
n.the 12th moon of the lunar year; the seventh day after birth; year end sacrifice; dried meat
v.sacrifice at the end of the lunar year
n.a target; a guidepost; a rule; a law; a provincial judge; the terminal; a spile; a limit; a small post
n.one of three stars in Ursa Major, one of the three highest dignitaries of State; platform; stage, terrace; stand, support; Taiwan Province; desk, table
v.to separate the grain from the husk
n.magpie; shoes with a thick double-layered sole; the sole of a shoe; clog; footgear worn by the emperor or high officials
v.raise, elevate with the hands, lift; begin, initiate; move; recommend; bring forward; cite; enumerate; elect, choose
v.to stick out the tongue
n.a kind of grass; Shun, the name of a legendary monarch in ancient China; surname
n.midships; the middle point of the length between both ends of a ship; the middle point of the load waterline length
n.the side of a ship or airscraft; board; gunwale
var.variant of 屆, used in the State of Song (宋)
n.the stem of a boat; prow of a ship
n.one of the eight trigrams; one of the 64 hexagrams
n.the countenance changing
n.wild; the mat grass in the lairs of beasts and birds
n.the chinese water-chest-nut- Scirpus tuberosus; the shortened form of a common, chinese harbaceous peony
n.plant of the salt marshes, its root is medicinal
n.the name of a plant
n.the pad in a shoe; the seed or the female plant of the nettle hemp; a gunny; a sackcloth; a rush
n.a surname; the thin layer inside the reed stalk; people dying from starvation
n.luxuriant growth of vegetation that blocks the path
n.the water shield; thatch; the loess hills
n.china root, a medicinal fungus found on the roots of some trees
n.the nuts of oak (arch.); grass; straw; herbs; weeds; draft; a style of writing
v.germinate; clear the field of weeds, weed
v.wear; carry on the back
n.jade tablet; a bitter edible plant; the white flower of congongrass,reeds,etc.; weed
n.the coriander
n.green foxtail; the bad
n.the villous themeda; a coarse grass used as mats; Jian town
n.chrysanthemum, one of the Four Junzi Flowers (四君子) of China
n.the celery cabbage, a variety of cabbage
trans.the first syllable of Bodhi-sattva
n.the wormwood; the Chinese catalpa; the firewood
n.turnip; the root of wild rice stem
n.golden ornament on the car cover; the corolla of a flower
n.orris root; leaf of the iris; medicine
n.the pedicel of a fruit, flower; end
v.to wear on the head
n.the stalk of garlics, rapes, etc.
particlenow; the above; for; because
adj.the young leaves are eaten
n.the convovulvus; parasitic plants such as mistletoe; Ribes ambiguum; grossulariaceae
n.the nettle: Urtica thunbergiana
trans.the second syllable of the name for Tibet in ancient China (Tobo)
n.the mushroom, champignon, mildew, mould ; gill fungus
n.Jobs tears; the heart of a lotus seed
n.a species of thyme, perilla (Perilla frutescens); transliteration of Soviet; Abreviation of the Chinese province of Jiangsu
n.epidendrum; orchid, one of the Four Junzi Flowers (四君子) of China
n.big mound (arch.); void; emptiness; empyrean; The Emptiness, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Northern sky
n.captive; slave; non-Han nationalities living in the North and West in ancient times
v.to move slowly (in the manner of a worm); to tip-toe
n.scales on the belly of a snake aiding locomotion; snail
n.marine crab; pest or insect destructive of the roots of seedlings
n.The Kingdom of Shu (one of the Three Kingdoms); caterpillar or larva of a butterfly or moth (arch.); Short for Sichuan province
n.wrigglers, larvae of the mosquito
n.egg; the Dan ethnic group in South-Western China
n.the solitary wasp; Eumenes pomiformis
n.the nymph of a locust, immature locusts
n.a wingless dragon of the clouds
n.a kind of insect that destructs the roots of rice seedlings; a pest; a fly which is used similarly to cantharides
n.a green beetle that makes a noise with its wings like a cicada; the horse-leech
n.the solitary wasp
n.a kind of scorpion; a sting in the tail
n.parasite; the most poisonous insects who survive after fighting each other; demagogic disease; superstition; grain moth
n.slave; savage, barbarians (in the south)
n.a vent in the sides of a garment; a slit in the middle of a skirt; the open seam of a garment which allows free movements
n.the legging of a pair of socks
v.burst, split; strip oneself naked to the waist; vindicate; give unprincipled support to
v.put a thing in the sleeve
n.buskins; knee-pads; costumes of aboriginals in the South
n.white underwear in summer; Uighur or Tajik robe buttoning down the front; a loop for fastening a button
v.suffer, be the object of; wear on the back
v.to hold something with the front of a Chinese jacket
v.tie horse with silk ribbon; curl upward, twine, wind; wave in the wind; sway
n.a border or band on the edge of a dress
v.to take off the clothes and expose the body; to carry in the girdle
v.decorate; fill, load, pack, hold; pretend, feign, make believe; dress, attire; deck; play the part; install, fit
adj.long dress billowing in the wind; flag flapping
v.be naked to the waist, divest or unbutton one's upper garment; take off the outer clothing
n.little quilt; pouch worn at the girdle; a loin-cloth
v.carry in the bosom or the sleeve; wrap, conceal
n.swaddling clothes; a rope; an ancient apparatus for catching tiger; a cloth used for carrying children on the back
n.the sheath of a sword
n.the front of clothes
n.the etiquette that ancient women need to perform
n.folds or pleats in a garment; folds of the stomach, intestines, etc.
v.to carry with the front of a robe
n.horn; angle; corner; point; a tenth of a dollar; The Horn, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Eastern sky
n.a beaker; a goblet; a wooden writing-tablet; an angular object; a regular beam; the corner; a law; a rule; the sword handle; an angle
n.horn-like hair on the owl-head (arch.); beak; The Turtle Beak, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Western sky
n.name of county (Xie) in Shanxi province, birth place of the famous general Guan Yu; surname
觿n.a horn or ivory bodkin worn at the girdle for untying knots
onomatopoeiathe sound of a crash; scream; loud noise
v.measure; consider, seek for; caluminate, to slander the righteous; detest; blame
n.archaism, old saying, the meaning of a word
v.chant, sing, intone; narrate in poetic form; sing the praise of
v.to eulogize the dead
n.the words of teaching
v.sing the praise of; eulogize, praise
v.to teach wholeheartedly; to edit, to compile; to write; to have; to exhort with precepts; to discourse in the praise of something or someone; to compose
v.guard; protect; assist; take the part of; escort; shelter; shield
v.to decide judicially; report a case to the higher authorities, ask for instructions; distinguish
n.a kind of wild dog in the steppe; prison
v.bear; sustain; carry on the back; trust to, rely on; turn the back on; lose; fail; owe; betray
n.fine payable for one's crime among the southern tribes (comparable to indulgence in the West)
v.see sb. for the first time with gift; hold in one's hand
n.legendary first (or sixth) son of the dragon; turtle-like animal
n.Kingdom Yue in the late Spring and Autumn period; general term for Southern Chinese; Vietnam
idiomas soon as; by the time
onomatopoeiasound of steping on the ground
v.carry on the back; hunchback, humpback
n.the instep; the foot; the leg; the end; to calyx; a prostrate lie
v.wade into the water; touch; bump, collide; meet
v.to step; to stamp; to trot; to skip; to dance; to put the foot down
n.the horse-drawn carriage of an emperor; the imperial halting-place
v.to clear the traffic for the emperor's route, to keep persons off the route of the emperor when on tour
v.to overstep; to go beyond; to stride over; to step across; to skip over; to trample upon; to promote by pass the immediate leadership; to hold; to take
n.the human body; life; body
n.hub cap; circular cap at the head of cart's hub; wheel; ancient place name
n.a high-fronted, curtained carriage (arch.); front of a palace under the eaves; house; balcony; lavatory; window or door; star's name; Xuanyuan
n.cross board at rear of carriage (arch.); carriage; rash; peg for tuning stringed-instrument; The Chariot, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Southern sky
n.a small hole on the axletree; fender of the carriage; end of the axletree
n.horizontal bar in the front of a sedan chair
n.the rim or the felloe of a wheel; a tire
n.a pall to cover the hearse; funeral carriage
n.the track of a wheel; carriage, cart; road; way; error, lesson; rhyme of a song
n.execution by tearing the body apart with carts; strategic roads
n.large ring on the yoke of a carriage, used for grouping the reins
n.bridle of horse, reins; name of an ancient nomadic tribe in the north-western borderland of the Shang Dynasty
n.clam (arch.); the fifth of the twelve Terrestrial Branches; time, day, occasion
v.walk out of the straight path; extend
trans.character for Sanskrit transliteration such as the second syllable of Shakyamuni Buddha
conj.until; by the time; while
v.narrate; tell the details; state; transmit; hand down
def. art.the
trans.used to form the name 邏逤, which refers to the name of Lhasa in Tibet, used during the Tang Dynasty.
n.the mass
adv.then, therefore; to the full; already
adj.excessive; beyond the limit; undue
n.surname; inspector sent by the emperor to inform about public opinions
adv.still; yet; also; even; at the same time
n.an ancient place in the state of Wu; name of an ancient river
n.the name of a small principality in what is now called Shensi, the home to the founder of the Chou dynasty
n.Hou town in the State of Lu
n.Gao State- an ancient fief in Shantung bestowed on the eldest son of Wen Wang; rare surname
n.Xi- the name of a fief in the state of Chin; a crack; a rift; an illness
n.metropolis; capital; the whole
n.Yong feudal state in the Zhou Dynasty, in today's Henan
n.Zou village in Shantung (the birthplace of Confucius)
n.name of place in the state of Song during the period of Spring and Autumn; a surname
n.name of city in Lu state during the Spring and Autumn period
n.wine, wine vessel (arch.); the tenth of the twelve Terrestrial Branches; small You mountain
adj.crisp; limp, soft, weak; (of the skin)satiny
v.brew for the second time; ferment
v.filter; pour; dredge the waterways
n.bronze, metals in general (arch.); gold; money; Mercury (the solar planet); aurum (Au); No.79 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.gadolinium (Gd); No.64 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.yttrium (Y); No.39 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.ruthenium (Ru); No.44 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element; a metal of the platinum group
n.polonium (Po); No.84 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.scythe or sickle with long handle; samarium (Sm); No.62 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.vanadium (V); No.23 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.thorium (Th); No.90 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.neodymium (Nd); No.60 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.break; an ancient farm tool; the rich and bright colors of the sword
n.palladium (Pd); No.46 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.a square-mouthed wine vessel; francium (Fr); No.87 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.sodium; natrium (Na); No.11 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.calcium (Ca); No.20 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.holmium (Ho); No.67 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.titanium (Ti); No.22 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.scandium (Sc); No.21 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.niobium (Nb); No.41 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.cerium (Ce); No.58 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.bell; the tinkle of bells
n.cobalt (Co); No.27 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.long needle used in acupuncture; long lance; Beryllium (Be); No.4 of the Periodic table; a chemical element
n.uranium (U); No.92 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.potassium (K); No.19 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.wine vessel (arch.); short spear; thallium (Tl); No.81 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.bismuth (Bi); No.83 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.platinum (Pt); No.78 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element; thin sheet of metal
n.lead; plumbum (Pb); No.82 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.molybdenum (Mo); No.42 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.tantalum (Ta); No.73 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.californium (Cf); No.98 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.a hook; hook-shaped ornaments; erbium (Er); No.68 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.chromium (Cr); No.24 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.hafnium (Hf); No.72 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.riches; money; wealth; treasure; silver (Ag); No.47 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.ancient firearm; gun; the axe; bird blunderbuss; punching pin
n.brass; bronze; copper (Cu); No.29 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.the hole on an axe for installing a handle
v.hold in the mouth; accept; harbor, cherish; contain
n.rhodium (Rh); No.45 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.rubidium (Rb); No.37 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.iridium (Ir); No.77 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.indium (In); No.49 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.thulium (Tm); No.69 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.europium (Eu); No.63 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.caesium; cesium (Cs); No.55 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.antimony; stibium (Sb); No.51 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element; stibonium
n.aluminium (Al); No.13 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.americium (Am); No.95 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.ornament atop the head of a horse
n.zinc (Zn); No.30 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.barium (Ba); No.56 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.cramp; curium; Curkelium (Cm); No.96 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.osmium (Os); No.76 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.zirconium (Zr); No.40 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.lithium (Li); No.3 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.terbium (Tb); No.65 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.roentgenium (Rg); No.111 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.actinium (Ac); No.89 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.a needle; iron pin on the stick that pricks the horse
n.tin; stannum (Sn); No.50 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.manganese (Mn); No.25 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.rhenium (Re); No.75 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.neptunium (Np); No.93 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.mendelevium (Md); No.101 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element; a rare metal
n.frontlet; ornament mounted on the forehead of a horse
onomatopoeiafilled with the sounds of music instruments
n.strontium (Sr); No.38 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.germanium (Ge); No.32 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.magensium (Mg); No.12 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.cadmium (Cd); No.48 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.technetium (Tc); No.43 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.tungsten, wolfram (W); No.74 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.old capital of the West Zhou Dynasty; pickaxe
n.nickel (Ni); No.28 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.gallium (Ga); No.31 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.Bronze or champagne colored horse (arch.); Masurium (a now disqualified candidate for the Element No. 43)
n.the arrowhead; the head of a javelin
n.the arrowhead; an arrow; the head of a javelin; dysprosium (Dy); No.66 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.protactinium (Pa); No.91 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.the trigger of a crossbow; the old translation of the chemical element samarium (Sm)
n.frontlet; ornament mounted on the forehead of a horse
n.lawrencium (Lr); No.103 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.a sword-blade, knob on the guard of a sword; a surname
n.praseodymium (Pr); No.59 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.fermium (Fm); No.100 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.a small bell used in the army (arch.); bracelet
n.radium (Ra); No.88 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.arms, weapon; iron (Fe); No.26 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.darmstadtium (Ds); No.110 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.ytterbium (Yb); No.70 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.einsteinium (Es); No.99 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.dosage with the same amount
n.anvil; axe or mat used for cutting sb. in two at the waist (a punishment in ancient China); name of a star
n.ruthorfordium (Rf); No.104 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.lanthanum (La); No.57 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.iron parts connected to the bridle of a horse
n.gate of a village; portal at the entrance to a settlement; doorway
n.the gate or barrier across a lane; the door
n.threshold; gate; a commanding general or minister, door leading to the women's apartments; women's quarters; women; wife; a surname
n.dry moat outside a city wall; the legendary Langfengdian mountain (閬風巔)
n.the gate of heaven; the west wind; the palace gates of the emperor
n.sluice board for controlling water in the lock gate
n.a gatekeeper; a door-keeper; the gate of a palace; an eunuch; an entrance
n.the ancient form of the preceding
n.the side door of the palace; the residence of the imperial concubines; the bedroom of one's parents; women's quarters; the examination hall or room for imperial examinations in ancient times
n.the gate of small wall; a small wall; a city
v.late, near the end; surround, enclose; fail, decline, down hearted
n.the tower over a city gate
n.the door or window in an upper storey
adj.the whole
n.a wall around a market place; the gate leading to a market place
n.steps leading to the eastern door
n.a defile, a gorge, a mountain pass, a slope; the edge or niche near the kitchen stove; Xing town
n.sun; heat; the male or positive element in nature; principle of light and life
n.a bend in the river; mountain recess; bay; bend; corner
n.a dangerous condition of the State
n.the Sui Dynasty
n.the steep bank of a stream; a rough mountain path
v.fall from the sky or outer space; lose; die; destroy
n.aisle leading to the coffin chamber of an ancient tomb; tunnel
n. slave, servant (arch.); a way of writing prevalent in the Chin and especially the Han dynasties
n.the male of birds; person or state having great power and influence
n.the hunting of wild birds (arch.); delicacy
n.chick; infact; the young
n.one of the eight trigrams; one of the 64 hexagrams
n.one of the eight trigrams; one of the 64 hexagrams
v.waste; die out; no, not; disperse, blown away by the wind; to fascinate with
n.the surface; face; plane surface; side, aspect; extent; range; scale; scope
n.the jaw; the cheeks, a mole or spot on the face
n.dried leather; used in the Han Dynasty as part of the phonetic transcription of the name for (possibly) the Roman Empire
n.trappings under the neck of a horse; hide loop; surname
n.the Tungusic tribe
n.leather belt harnessed to the posterior part of livestock
v.tie the foot with ropes
n.the leg of a boot; the tube-shaped part of stockings or shoes]
n.the piece of leather used for soles on Chinese shoes; a patch
n.the end of a pool; a surname
n.nomads in the north; tartars
n.wrinkle or crease on the surface of leather; handling tools made of leather used on carriages
n.top, summit; crown of the head; a button formerly worn on the hat to indicate rank
n.nape of the neck; item; kind; income; funds; term
v.bow the head; stamp the foot; put in order, arrange, settle; prepare; pause; cease; injure; lose; discard
n.the lower jaw; cheek, chin
n.the lower jaw; chin
n.colour; face; countenance; the space between the eyebrows and the eyes; complexion; prestige
n.the forehead
v.care for, look after; regard; turn the head round to look; attend to; take into consideration; visit; call on
v.to frown one' brows; to knit the brows; to scowl
v.to sway in the wind
v.dance in the air, flutter; fade and fall
n.cool breeze of autumn; the south-west wind
adj.toseed by the wind or the wave
v.floating in the air
v.fly; go quickly; hover in the air; flutter in the air; dart
v.to sup, to dine; to soak the cooked rice in the water
v.eat to the full
v.decorate, garnish, embellish; adorn, dress up, polish, cover up; play the role of, act the part of; impersonate
n.donative grains; a sacrificial living beast; the red meat; grains as rations
v.carry food to laborers in the field
v.to feast; to provide dinner for; to entertain; to sacrifice; to offer food and drink; to enjoy; to receive entertainment; to grant; to offer in sacrifice or at a feast; to enjoy a sacrifice as the gods
idiomThe appearance of a container full of things (food)
v.carry on the back
v.carry on the back
n.the name of one of Mu Wang's steeds
n.horse with revolving hair on the back
n.horse, the tailhead of which is white in color
n.the noble steed; a vicious horse
n.horse with the right hind foot in white; horse
n.shinbone, tibia; the thicker of the two long bones between knee and ankle
n.the narrow part of the foot just above the ankle; cartilage of the chest or the rib case
n.body; whole person; trunk; limbs; a class od body of persons; the essentials of; the substance of; style; form
v.ancient punishment of shaving off the hair of a criminal; lop off tree branches
v.to dress the hair
n.tufts of hair left on the heads of children after hair cut
n.the tulip wine used in the offering sacrifice; a bowl case; sacrificial spirits made by fermenting millet and fragrant herbs
n.ghost; spirit; The Ghost, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Southern sky
n.the four stars in the bowl of the Big Dipper; chieftain, leader; chief
n.forest demon, elf; exhalation of the mountains and forests
n. One of the Seven Warring States; The Kingdom of Wei (one of the Three Kingdoms)
trans.adapted from the Sanskrit word मार, Māra
n.the mullet
n.the globe-fish
n.Short for Shandong province; vassal state Lu during the Spring and Autumn Period of the Eastern Zhou dynasty
n.a big fish; the name of Emperor Yu's father
n.the mackerel; the mullet; a stew of fish and meat
n.anchovy; the sheat fish
n.a big fish; the huge fish found in the Yellow River that is said to be unable to close its eyes; a widower; a unmarried man
n.the Chinese herring; a fish; a kind of shad; the spermary of a fish
n.Gadus morrhua; the codfish
n.scale of fish; sth.shaped like the scales of a fish; fish; a surname
n.horseshoe crab, the king crab; rainbow
n.the shrike; butcherbird; a songbird with a sharp bill
n.legendary bird whose feathers can be used as poison; a bird like resembling the secretary falcon (Sagittarius serpentarius)
n.hawk or eagle at the age of two
n.an owl; a fabulous bird which is said to eat the whole of its mother without the head
n.the female of the mandarin duck
n.the join name of some speicies of columbidae
n.the mynah
onomatopoeiathe cry of geese
n.a kind of bird in the Eastern part of China
n.the quail
n.the osprey or fish-eagle; the talented person
n.the pied wagtail
n.the common partridge
n.small bird like the tit or wren
n.small birds like the wren and the tit
n.oriental bullfinch, weaver bird; a mythical bird which supposedly can tell the fortune
n.male phoenix, mythical bird like the phoenix
n.the river deery, the general name for the hornless deer, a small deer- the muntjac; the name of an ancient country
n.an elk; the tailed deer; a brow; a young beast; the bank of waters
n.trees in the foot of a hill; foot of a hill or mountain
n.a black and blue figure; a ceremonial robe; a knee hide; the silk band; an ornamental textile of black and blue stripes used for the sacrificial robes of the emperor
n.an ancient small cooking vessel with two loop handles and three or four legs; a tripod with a small opening on the top
n.a drum used in the army in ancient China; drumlet
v.(of pigs) digging up earth with the snout
n.speak with a nasal twang; stoppage of the nose
n.gums (of the teeth)
v.to chew the cud (in cattle or other ruminants)
v.to expose the teeth
n.the gum of teeth
n.the roof of the month; palate
adj.imperial; related to the emperor