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move, 找到 47 個
v.confuse; wrap in; wrap up, bind up, move around; canvass,canvas; take sth.with ladle,dipper, etc.
v.to move on; to go out
v.move; start; shake; excite; rouse; take action; stir; act; get moving; change, alter
v.move; persuade
v.bulge; move, shift
int.sound addressing a horse or cart-animal to command it to move forward
v.to move the mouth as in speaking; to chatter
v.to move
v.move from one place to another; change; exile
v.influence; move, affect, touch; feel, sense
v.move; dip; shift
v.shake; move; excite to action; flap; relieve; save; restore order; recall; receive; contain; rise with force and spirit; brace up
v.fall, drop, shed, come off; move; shake; change; lose
n.arrow-quiver; a move in Taichi (太極), being the first part of a sequence of four moves constituting the trick Lanquewei 攬雀尾
v.move; shake; wave; wield, direct, command; sprinkle; scatter; wipe away; disperse
v.to dab with a soft dry object that is sopped up with the liquid; to move; to wipe tears; to bind
v.move, remove, shift, transport, transfer
v.poke together, move with a stick together; stick up, turn upward; snap, break sth.long and narrow
v.support from under, buttress; sustain; move or push with a pole; maintain, keep up; open. unfurl
v.shake, move
v.put, place; spread; arrange; set in order; wave to and fro; shake; move
v.to swim; to move or rove freely; to parade
v.revolve; circle; spin; move in an orbit; come back
v.converge; gather together; hurry to; move close to; make up; happen to
v.move; disturb; swing, sway, wave; loose in morals
v.to move; to surpass; to be or become an heir; to inherit
v.move across; shift; transmit; convey; influence; change; remove; alter
v.push with a punt-pole and cause a ship to move
v.surround; wind round; make a detour; coil; move round; circle; revolve
n.act, deed; move
v.raise, elevate with the hands, lift; begin, initiate; move; recommend; bring forward; cite; enumerate; elect, choose
v.ritual slaughter; smear; move
v.to move slowly (in the manner of a worm); to tip-toe
v.to move, to flinch; to be nimble
v.to move in a zigzag or meandering fashion
v.blackmail; change, move; cheat; to swindle
v.meet face to face, move towards; wonder, surprised
調v.transfer; move; change, shift; tune; stir up, instigate, provoke; mix; blend; harmonize; adjust; train; investigate; arrange
v.walk; run; go, leave; travel; move; leak, let out, escape
v.to falter; unable to move
v.urge; quicken, speed up, step up; accumulate, save; move
v.shift; move; turn; change direction; revolve; transfer; transmit; pass on
v.to meet face to face; to move towards; to slip away; to go to meet; to receive as a guest
退v.retire; withdraw; recede; decline; yield; abate; send away; exorcise; move back; retreat
v.advance; move forward; move ahead; enter; make progress; urge forward; come into; go into; get into; eat; drink; take; submit; present; offer
v.move; change; relocate; transfer, migrate
v.mount, ascend, jump, gallop, prance, rise; move; make room for