AM Session
Opening Address by Mr. Leong Cheung
Executive Director, Charities & Community,
The Hong Kong Jockey Club
Officiating Address by Dr. Lam Ching-choi, SBS, JP
Chairman, Elderly Commission, HKSAR Government
The Significance of the eHealth Project to Community Care of Older People
- Prof. Jean Woo
Director, CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Primary Care in Hong Kong
- Prof. Samuel Y.S. Wong
Professor and Director, The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Medico-social Integration in Community Care of Older People - How the eHealth Project Has Furthered Development
- Dr. Ruby Yu
Senior Research Fellow, CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
NGO Forum
- Prof. Jean Woo
Director, CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Mr. Kenneth Chow
Service Director, The Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian Association - Mr. Wilson Chui
Senior Social Work Supervisor, Caritas Services for the Elderly - Mr. Francis Li
Elderly Service Director, The Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council - Ms. Olive Sin
Deputy Social Service Coordinator (Elderly Service), Pok Oi Hospital
ICOPE Training in Hong Kong
- Prof. Angela Leung
Deputy Director, WHO Collaborating Centre for Community Health Services, School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Panel Discussion 1
The Future Direction of Medico-social Integration in Community Care of Older People in Hong Kong
- Prof. Jean Woo
Director, CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Dr. Cissy Choi
Head (Primary Healthcare Office), Food and Health Bureau, HKSAR Government - Dr. Carolyn Kng
Consultant (M&G), Head of Division (Geriatrics),HKEC Service Director (Primary and Community Health Care), Chairman, HA Geriatric Subcommittee, Hospital Authority - Dr. Ruby Lee, JP
Consultant Family Medicine (Elderly Health Service), Department of Health, HKSAR Government - Dr. Pamela Tin
Head of Healthcare and Social Development, Our Hong Kong Foundation
PM Session
Lunch Break (Own Arrangement)
Rapid Geriatric Assessment Using Mobile App in Primary Care
- A/Prof. Reshma A Merchant
Head of Division, Division of Geriatric Medicine, Department of Medicine, National University Hospital, Singapore
Integrated Care for Older People Screening Tool for Measuring Intrinsic Capacity
- Prof. Piu Chan
Professor and Director, Department of Neurobiology, Geriatrics and Neurology, Clinical and Research Center on Parkinson’s Disease, National Clinical Research Center for Geriatric Disorders, Xuanwu Hospital of Capital Medical University
The First ICOPE Remote Monitoring Platform in the Occitania Region (France)
- Prof. Bruno Vellas
Professor of Medicine, Head of Gérontopôle, Toulouse University Hospital, France
Panel Discussion 2
Future Development of Digital Health in Integrated Care of Older People in Hong Kong
- Prof. Samuel Y.S. Wong
Professor and Director, The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Dr. Elsie Hui
Service Director (Primary & Community Health Care),
New Territories East Cluster, Hospital Authority - Prof. Angela Leung
Deputy Director, WHO Collaborating Centre for Community Health Services, School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University - Ms. Tammy Leung
Service Director, Aberdeen Kai-fong Welfare Association Social Service Centre - Dr. Joyce Tang
Medical Director, United Christian Nethersole Community Health Service
Intrinsic Capacity and its Associations with Incident Dependence and Mortality
- Prof. Martin Prince
Professor of Epidemiological Psychiatry, Director, King’s Global Health Institute Assistant Principal (Global Health), King’s College London, London, United Kingdom
Concluding Remarks
- Prof. Jean Woo
Director, CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Guests of Honor

Opening Address by Mr. Leong Cheung
Executive Director, Charities & Community,
The Hong Kong Jockey Club

Officiating Address by Dr. Lam Ching-choi, SBS, JP
Chairman, Elderly Commission, HKSAR Government

Topic: The Significance of the eHealth Project to Community Care of Older People
Speaker: Prof. Jean Woo
Director, CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Topic: Primary Care in Hong Kong
Speaker: Prof. Samuel Y.S. Wong
Professor and Director, The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Topic: Medico-social Integration in Community Care of Older People – How the eHealth Project Has Furthered Development
Speaker: Dr. Ruby Yu
Senior Research Fellow, CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Topic: ICOPE Training in Hong Kong
Speaker: Prof. Angela Leung
Deputy Director, WHO Collaborating Centre for Community Health Services, School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Topic: Rapid Geriatric Assessment Using Mobile App in Primary Care
Speaker: A/Prof. Reshma A Merchant
Head of Division, Division of Geriatric Medicine, Department of Medicine, National University Hospital, Singapore

Topic: Integrated Care for Older People Screening Tool for Measuring Intrinsic Capacity
Speaker: Prof. Piu Chan
Professor and Director, Department of Neurobiology, Geriatrics and Neurology, Clinical and Research Center on Parkinson’s Disease, National Clinical Research Center for Geriatric Disorders, Xuanwu Hospital of Capital Medical University

Topic: The First ICOPE Remote Monitoring Platform in the Occitania Region (France)
Speaker: Prof. Bruno Vellas
Professor of Medicine, Head of the Gérontopôle, Toulouse University Hospital, France

Topic: Intrinsic Capacity and its Associations with Incident Dependence and Mortality
Speaker: Prof. Martin Prince
Professor of Epidemiological Psychiatry, Director, King’s Global Health Institute. Assistant Principal (Global Health), King’s College London, London, United Kingdom
Views from NGOs

Speaker: Mr. Kenneth Chow
Service Director, The Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian Association

Speaker: Mr. Wilson Chui
Senior Social Work Supervisor, Caritas Services for the Elderly
Panel Disscussion 1
The Future Direction of Medico-social Integration in Community Care of Older People in Hong Kong

Speaker: Dr. Cissy Choi
Head (Primary Healthcare Office), Food and Health Bureau, HKSAR Government

Speaker: Dr. Carolyn Kng
Consultant (M&G), Head of Division (Geriatrics),HKEC Service Director (Primary and Community Health Care), Chairman, HA Geriatric Subcommittee, Hospital Authority
Panel Disscussion 2
Future Development of Digital Health in Integrated Care of Older People in Hong Kong

Speaker: Dr. Elsie Hui
Service Director (Primary & Community Health Care), New Territories East Cluster, Hospital Authority

Speaker: Prof. Angela Leung
Deputy Director, WHO Collaborating Centre for Community Health Services, School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Concluding Remarks

Speaker: Prof. Jean Woo
Director, CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Question : During the past two years facing Covid situation, any difficulties for NGOs in implementing different activities for elderly via zoom?
Dr. Ruby Yu : Thanks for your questions. Yes, older people encountered some technical difficulties in getting connected to Zoom activities. So, some trainers/programme officers also used WhatsApp to support older people in their efforts to get connected. Regarding usability, we found that the interface and the limited screen size of the Zoom meeting room hindered the use of text chats. Also, some social workers told me that computer literacy of older people, particularly the older age groups, was low. So I think it is important to enhance older people’s digital literacy and increase their capacity in using computer/touch-screen devices.
Question : Does the issue of not meeting the needs of cases found create an issue? Wonder if ICOPE is suitable for very disabled seniors e.g. CFS 5-9…
Dr. Ruby Yu : Thanks for your questions. ICOPE screening tools, which covers various domains of intrinsic capacity (IC), can be used for case finding (as the first step). Those who are identified with limitation in IC should then undertake a more comprehensive assessment (not only with a conventional history taking but also a comprehensive assessment on the person’s preferences and social needs) and also care planning. Sometime referral to specialized care may be needed. If the frail person is not receiving any support/undergoing any intervention, I think the person can also undertake the ICOPE screening and assessment. It provides an opportunity for the person/carers to understanding the health status of different IC domains and needs. Then the person can take part in appropriate interventions to improve IC and functional ability.
Question : How the service of EHC and district health centres complement each other? Thank you.
Dr. Ruby Lee : Elderly Health Centres aim to address the multiple health needs of the elderly by providing integrated primary health care services to them. Preventive, promotive and curative services are provided from a family medicine perspective using a multi-disciplinary team approach. Elders aged 65 or above are eligible for enrolling as members of Elderly Health Centres. Enrolled members are provided with services of health assessment, counselling, health education and curative treatment. At present, we help to promote DHCs and have collaboration with them.