Fetal Morphology Scan

What is Fetal Morphology Scan?
Every pregnant woman, regardless of age and background, has 2—3% chance of having a baby with severe congenital abnormality. Fetal Morphology scan is an ultrasound examination performed at around 20 weeks of gestation to examine the fetal structures in detail for the detection of congenital structural abnormalities.
How accurate is Fetal Morphology Scan?
Fetal morphology scan includes detail examination of fetal structures like cranium, intracranial structure, orbits, lips, spine, heart, lung, diaphragm, stomach, kidneys, bladder, abdomen, umbilical cord, limbs and fetal sex. Fetal morphology scan can detect 80% of severe congenital structural abnormalities. However, it is not possible to detect all fetal malformations. Therefore, a normal report does not guarantee a normal baby after birth.
What would be done if the fetus is abnormal?
If the fetus is found to have congenital structural defects, we would arrange follow up ultrasound examinations. In addition, we would liaise with relevant specialists (e.g. neonatologist, paediatric surgeon) to discuss issues and make arrangements so that the baby would receive appropriate treatment after birth. If the fetus is found to have lethal condition, it is lawful to undergo termination of pregnancy before 24 weeks of gestation.
How to make an appointment?
In person: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Fetal Medicine Unit Office, Room 20, 2/F, Li Ka Shing Specialist Out-patient Clinic South Wing, Prince of Wales Hospital
By phone: Call The Chinese University of Hong Kong Fetal Medicine Unit Office at (852) 3505 4219 (Please leave your name, telephone number and specify your request)
Singleton (HKD $4,500)
Twins (HKD $10,000)