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     tion better than words.
             “Emoticons  can  deliver  deli-
     cate feelings that words cannot. Plus,
     they are very cute,” Kim adds.
             Emoticon, or emotion icon,
     refers to simple artworks used in on-
     line communication. KakaoTalk, an
     application used by 46 million Kore-
     ans, launched its first official emoticon
     ‘Kakao Friends’ in November 2012.
             According to Adobe’s ‘Report
     on Global Emoticon Trend’ published
     in July 2021, emoticon usage was 10
     per cent higher in South Korea than
     the worldwide average. About 76 per
     cent of Koreans use emoticons instead
     or words in online communication.        Cute and simple Ogu emoticons are very popular among young
             Moon Jong-beum is the cre-              people. (Photo Courtesy of Moon Jong-beum)
     ator of the emoticon series ‘Platypus      “Ogu was originally designed        “I feel so happy because many
     Ogu’. He studied pottery and started   for a lamp. I thought the platypus tail  people love Ogu. And I am happy
     designing emoticons since 2017.     resembles a lightbulb,” says Moon.  too, as there is no cost such as rental
             “I started designing emoti-  “I turned it into an emoticon,  as I  spending and material cost when I
     cons after reading an article about   thought it was cute too,” he says.  design emoticons,” says Moon. “All I
     emoticon designers making a fortune.                                    need is a tablet PC. The income also
     I thought it was worth a try since I                                    makes me feel happy,” he chucles.
     studied art in college,” the 31-year-old                                       Moon shares that the hardest
     designer says.                                                          part of creating emoticons is giving
             Ogu is Moon’s most popular                                      them ‘emotions’. “Anger, for example,
     emoticon character and one of the                                       can be expressed in so many different
     most successful emoticon characters                                     ways. I have to find the right expres-
     in KakaoTalk, with at least 30,000 se-                                  sion for each emoticon,” he says.
     ries sold monthly. Each series is sold                                         “I want to show something
     at 2,500 won (US $2.5). The series is                                   new when I create a new series,” says
     very popular among young Koreans                                        Moon. “I have created more than 20
     for its cute and simple design.                                         Ogu series now. I do not want to re-
                     “                                                       use  expression  that  have  been  used

       Emoticons can de-                                                     before,” he adds.
                                                                                    Moon recommends his job
        liver delicate feel-                                                 to people who are patient and enjoy

      ings that words can-                                                   drawing. “You have to draw the same
                                                                             picture over and over again, so pa-
                   not.                                                      tience is crucial,” he says. “I draw at
                                                                             least 100 sketches for one series.”
                                                                                    Before an emoticon is avail-
                                         Each emoticon series has its own    able for sale in KakaoTalk Emoticon
                     ”                   theme, size and even sound in it.   Shop, it has to go through rounds
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