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           But he has never expected that so  ing room is now replaced by a Keung   “People message me to say thank
        many married men share his feelings.  To poster,” he sighs.             you because they have a lot of fun
        “I set up the group on the night of    RC says he actually did not feel up-  reading posts in the group. Then I re-
        July 3. At first, there were only a few  set at the beginning. “As long as she  alize a small step I take can bring joy
        group members. The number soared  doesn’t spend all her time watching  to many, so I  journey on,” he says.
        to 10,000 the next day. It only took  Keung To’s music video and reading   “I hope this group can spread posi-
        a week for the group to have over  Facebook or Instagram posts about  tivity to Hongkongers as we have ex-
        280,000 members,” he says.          him, it is still acceptable,” he says. “But  perienced depressing times in recent
           Groups members  name them-       she keeps testing my limit,” he smiles  years. When people talk about this
        selves “ex-husbands” as their wives  wryly.                             group, I hope they can think of some-
        have been too obsessed with Mirror     RC admits that it is stressful to  thing happy,” RC says.
        members and have emotionally aban-  manage the group, as the number of    “I don’t mean to ask people to es-
        doned their husbands.               followers grows. Mental support from  cape from reality, but I hope they can
                                            group members has become his mo-    be a bit more relaxed,” he adds.
                                          “                                             A “Ruined” or

          I hope this group can spread positivity to                                  Happier Marriage?
                                                                                  One of the “ex-husbands” who
          Hongkongers as we have experienced de-                                found comfort in the Facebook group

                   pressing times in recent years.                              is Alex Yuen. He described the group
                                                                                as “the source of joy”. His wife Vi-
                                          ”                                     karoonie Wong is a fan of Ian Chan
                                                                                Cheuk-yin, one of the main vocals in
                                                                                the boy band.
                                                                                  “After reading stories shared by the
                                                                                ‘ex-husbands’, I know my situation is
          The Joy in Depressing Times                                           not that miserable. She only puts up
           The Facebook group, now with                                         Ian’s posters at home,” he laughs.
        over 300,000 members, has become                                          The couple has been married for
        extremely popular among married                                         six years with two kids aged four and
        men with similar experience. “Ex-                                       two. Their marriage has been “ruined”
        husbands” share stories on how their                                    after Wong watched “We are the Lit-
        wives are madly in love with Mirror.                                    tles”, a ViuTV drama about young
           “My girlfriend hopped on a bus                                       volleyball players featuring Ian Chan
        with Keung To’s advertisements, and                                     Cheuk-yin, a 28-year-old member in
        she is screaming now, what should I                                     the boy band.
        do?”  a  member  said  in  a  post  dated                                 “I wondered who this charming
        September 19.                                                           guy was when I was watching the dra-
           “My wife bought all products en-                                     ma! Then I found out he is Ian, then
        dorsed by Keung To - from Pandora                                                      “
        to ice cream mooncakes,” another ex-
        husband shared in post dated on Au-                                     If being a fan of Ian
        gust 5.
           “My wife was not very crazy (about                                     can make my wife
        Keung To) at the beginning. She just                                     happy, then let’s do
        kept talking about Keung To every
        day. After I set up the Facebook group,   Vikaroonie Wong’s room  is                  it.
        she  has  been  putting  up  more  and   blanketed with Mirror posters.
        more Keung To posters at home,” RC   (Photo courtesy of Vikaroonie                     ”
        says. “Our wedding photo in the liv-             Wong)
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