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      furniture shops.                   petting Wong’s cat at the shop.     go with the flow,” she says.
         “Furniture Street” is now packed   Wong says her business has not      Also being subjected to move are
      with shops selling bread, noodles, pa-  benefited from the newly launched  ethnic minority residents in the cul-
      per offerings, and many more.      MTR line as her regular customers  turally diverse community. According
         A hardware store and a candy  were relocated to public housing es-  to the 2016 Population By-Census,
      shop which Mok used to visit are  tates in other districts. “I am suffering  10.1 per cent of Kowloon City Dis-
 By Kajal Aidasani
      closed. The site where they located is  from 60 per cent business loss, mean-  trict’s population, To Kwa Wan in-
      now zoned for urban renewal.       ing almost no salary,” she says.    cluded,  were ethnic  minorities. One
        Kalo Supermarket, a grocery shop    The shop owner says her old cus-  of them is Pakistan-born Wasal Khan,
      run by Winnie Wong, is one of those  tomers still visit her at the shop. “They  owner of Mashaallah Provision Store,
      affected by the redevelopment plans.  come back two to three times a week  who feels uncertain about the future.
      Her shop moved from Hung Fook  to  take  a final  glimpse before more     He has lived in To Kwa Wan for
      Street to Yuk Shing Street, in June.   buildings get demolished,” she says.  nine years, and his shop which sells
        “To be honest, small shops like us   Although she feels attached to the  South Asian snacks opened two years
      are all struggling. We are just wait-  blue-collar neighbourhood, she be-  ago.
      ing for government’s compensation,”  lieves it is time to use an uplift.   Khan’s home and his shop are both
      Wong says.                            “The walls are cracked and leakage  in the redevelopment area. He has
        Her  shop has  withstood the  test  is a problem. It is similar to old people  signed the relocation agreement but
      of time in one of Hong Kong’s old-  like me. When your internal system  has not been informed about the of-
      est districts for nearly two decades. It  is malfunctioning, there is no way to  ficial vacate date yet.
      was even featured in a local illustrator,  repair. You have to change the entire   His monthly rental expense stays
      Wai-wai’s postcard set entitled “Vin-  thing,” she says.               at HK$8600 during the years of urban
      tage Shop with Love” with 19 sketches   The 55-year-old grocery shop  renewal project. But his business has
      of shops in 2016.                  owner has spent 30 years in To Kwa  dropped 70 per cent since the redevel-
        Wong’s shop was loved by the  Wan. She hopes she can stay in the  opment projects emptied five streets
      community - kids used to go for soda  district for the rest of her life.   by the end of August.
      drinks after school, and their parents   “My youth is here,” she sighs. “I   “Buildings are cleared up. They are
      bought daily necessities such as soy  will live here anyway, but I am not  all empty places now. Before there was
      sauce.  Workers  used  to  gather  there  sure about my shop. The neighbour-  no MTR, and now there is,” 43-year-
      for beer, and some spent quality time  hood is changing, and all I can do is to  old Khan says.
                                                                                Khan thinks he does not benefit
                                                                             from the new MTR line as his old cus-
                                                                             tomers are no longer here. They order
                                                                             delivery by telephone once in a while,
                                                                             and do not do shopping as often as
                                                                                According to the Urban Renewal
                                                                             Authority’s  website,  a  “people  first,
                                                                             district-based, public participatory”
                                                                             approach should be adopted to carry

                                                                              The neighbourhood is

                                                                             changing, and all I can

                                                                            do is to go with the flow.

     Customers used to spend quality time petting the cat at Kalo Supermarket.                ”
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