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Stop Tutoring!
hina bans private tutoring in was predicted to grow from RMB ¥800 ganisations and the 2021 Election
school curriculum subjects to billion (US $123.7 billion) in 2019 to Committee Subsector Ordinary Elec-
Creduce the burden of excessive over RMB ¥1 trillion (US $0.15 tril- tions.
schoolwork on kindergarten to 12th lion) by 2025 in a 2020 report by Oli- Our team explores a growing trend
grade pupils. The policy dubbed the ver Wyman, a management consult- of young farmers in Korea, the craze
“double reduction” only allows pri- ing firm. But businesses now struggle for Hong Kong boy band Mirror and
vate classes on weekdays with limited to make profits after a regulation on youngsters in China using “blind box-
hours. tuition fees has been issued alongside es” to meet new friends. Varsity re-
Our Periscope section investigates the policy. porters also talk to various interesting
how China’s tutoring crackdown af- With many classes cancelled, tu- people including former Apple Daily
fects tutoring agencies, teachers, stu- toring agencies face great financial journalists, Hong Kong’s first regis-
dents and parents. pressure from refunding tuition fees tered ethnic minority social worker
According to Ministry of Educa- and compensating employees who Jeffrey Andrews, an Irish polyglot and
tion, 10.78 million students registered are cut due to the change. Many pri- a game content creator in China.
for the 2021 Gaokao, university en- vate tutors cannot afford to pay their Have an enjoyable read!
trance examination in China, with an mortgage because of unemployment
increase of 70,000 compared with last or massive pay cuts.
year. While only about 9.67 million Varsity also examines political
were admitted as undergraduates to and social issues in Hong Kong such
regular higher education institutions as cultural heritage conservation, the Linn Wu
in 2020. redevelopment of To Kwa Wan, the
Private tutoring market in China disbandment of pro-democracy or- Chief Editor
Varsity Magazine, Issue 160, November 2021
Editorial Office School of Journalism and Communication, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sha Tin, N. T., Hong Kong
Contact Telephone: 3743 7680 Fax: 3603 5007 Email:
Print Regal Printing Limited, 11/F, Wyler Centre Phase 2, 192-200 Tai Lin Pai Road, Kwai Chung, N. T., Hong Kong