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      My Wife is Having an Affair        What Else is in a Blind Box?        Apple Daily Spirit Lives On
      with Mirror                        “Love”                              Former Apple Daily journalists remain
      Local pop boy band Mirror has stolen   Young people in China have come up   in their profession, despite declining
      married women’s hearts and “ruined”   with a new way of exchanging con-  press freedom.
      thousands of marriage.             tacts through blind boxes to meet new

      Photo Feature                      Lifestyle                           Editorial Board
      48                                                                     Advisors      Martin Wong

                                                                             Agnes Lam

      Heritage Conservation? Or                                              Francis Lee
      Amid rising attention to Hong Kong cul-                                Editor-in-Chief
      tural heritage by the young generation,                                Linn Wu
      the Central Market is newly opened to   62
      the public.                                                            Managing Editors Eve Lee
                                                                             Fiona Cheung
                                                                             Lynne Rao     Gloria Wei
      58                                 Millennials Return to Na-           Mandy Yim     Charlie Yip
                                                                             Kelly Yu
                                         More young people develop a career in   Online Editors
      2021 Election Committee            farming in South Korea.             Soweon Park   Hayley Wong
      Subsector Ordinary Elec-
      tions                                                                  PR and Marketing Officers
      The Election Committee subsector elections   About Varsity             Vivian Cao    Isaiah Hui
      was a far cry from the 2016 polls, in  terms of   Varsity is an award-winning magazine cre-  Reus Lok   Coco Zhang
                                         ated for the tertiary students and faculty of
      size of the electorate, with a 97 per cent drop
                                         Hong Kong. It is written, edited and designed   Art Directors and Proofreaders
      in registered voters.              by students in the School of Journalism and
                                         Communication at The Chinese University   Varsity reporters and editors
                                         of Hong Kong. The word ‘varsity’ like univer-
                                         sity, means pertaining to higher education.
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