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                                         tion to know about him through this  1997 concert in which he danced in
                                         exhibition,” she adds.              red high heels while singing his song
                                            Ellie also has an Instagram page  Red (紅). I was so amazed! How could
                                         named  WindOfLeslie in which she  a man dance so delicately in high
                                         writes about her thoughts on Cheung’s  heels? How could he be so androgy-
                                         songs and films using her pseudonym.  nous? He was even more feminine
                                                                             than a woman!” Ellie says.
                                            A Life Enlightenment Journey        The Cantopop king has never hid-
                                            “I would say he has enlightened my  den his true self. He was the first idol
                                         whole life. I always get a bit emotional  to come out as gay in Hong Kong and
                                         when I talk about him. Loving him is  confessed his love to his childhood
                                         the best decision I have ever made in  friend Daffy Tong Hok-tak in the 90s.
                                         my life,” the teenager says with teary  Even for today, he is still a huge gay
                                         eyes.                               icon as it is not common for celebri-
                                             “He has always stayed in my heart  ties to come out publicly in the city.
                                         as I have been listening to his songs   “He dared to hold Tong’s hand
                                         since I was small. But I became a die-  while paparazzi were taking a picture
                                         hard fan after watching a video of him  of them! He has been encouraging
           Ellie holding up one of the   performing in red high heels at an ex-  more people to express themselves.
      poster of her exhibition of Leslie   hibition,” she says.              He has helped me to get rid of limits
      Cheung Kwok-wing. (Photo cour-        The daring star has been an indis-  set by the world and freed my mind,”
                tesy of Ellie)           pensable  part of  Ellie’s  life since she  she says.
                     “                   went to an exhibition named “Ambig-    “He is  ‘the avant-garde’  in Hong
                                         uously Yours: Gender in Hong Kong  Kong pop culture! Many people tell
        Loving him is the                popular culture” when she was 12 in  you to be yourself nowadays, but he
      best decision I have               2016.                               already did it twenty years ago - lov-
                                            Organised by M+ West Kowloon  ing himself and doing what he loved,”

      ever made in my life               Cultural District, the exhibition was  she says.
                                                                                When asked if she would like
                                         about gender ambiguity through
                     ”                   showcasing costume designs, music  to go back to the past to meet
                                         and films in pop culture.
                                                                             Cheung, she says:  “Of course I
                                            “At that exhibition, I watched his  would like to meet him, but I be-
      collections at home so I decided to sell
      some, hoping more Cheung’s fans can
      share the joy,” she says.
        “It is not easy to find these items!
      Sometimes I have to find them
      through overseas second-hand shop-
      ping websites. For the poster of Happy
      Together (春光乍洩) designed by the
      Cannes International Film Festival,
      I had to translate the film name into
      French and find it on the internet,” she
         “It was really exhausting to or-
      ganise the exhibition on my own,
      but I definitely did not regret it,” she
      says determinedly. “As a young fan of
      Cheung, I feel like it is my responsibil-   The red high heels Leslie Cheung Kwok-wing wore be-
      ity to let more people of my genera-        ing exhibited in the Hong Kong Heritage Museum.
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