Telephone (PWH office): (852) 3505-2858
(HKCH office): (852) 3513-3175
E-mail: reneewy@cuhk.edu.hk
Publons: AAA-6598-2020
Administrative support: Ms Stella Chan
Telephone (office): (852) 3505-2849
Professor CHAN Wan Yi, Renee
Associate Professor, Department of Paediatrics
Deputy Director, Hong Kong Hub of Paediatric Excellence
Co-Director, CUHK-UMCU Joint Research Laboratory of Respiratory Virus & Immunobiology
Investigator, Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences
BSc (Hons), MPhil, PhD, Diploma (Epidemiology)
Research Team: Respiratory Viruses
Renee Chan is currently Associate Professor at the Department of Paediatrics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. She is also the Co-Director of the CUHK-UMCU Joint Research Laboratory of Respiratory Virus & Immunobiology, Department of Paediatrics, CUHK and the Deputy Director (Laboratory) of the CUHK – Hong Kong Hub of Paediatric Excellence (HK-HOPE).
Prof. Chan’s research on ex vivo organ cultures of human respiratory tract has been world-leading and led to major publications in high impact journals. She is among one of the few research groups worldwide that can routinely utilize ex vivo cultures of human respiratory tissues for phenotypic characterization and risk assessments. This is now included in the WHO “Tool for Influenza Pandemic Risk Assessment”.
Prof. Chan has conducted research work in multiple pandemics, SARS-CoV, pandemic H1N1/09, sporadic outbreaks of avian influenza/H5N1, H7N9, MERS-CoV and currently SARS-CoV-2. Her team derives age-group and disease-entity specific differentiated epithelial cell and organoid cultures, in collaboration with otorhinolaryngologists and cardiothoracic surgeons of CU Medicine and scientists in the University Medical Centre of Utrecht in the Netherlands.
To date, Prof. Chan has published over 88 peer-reviewed research articles and has received 13 full-grants as Principal-investigator from 2010 to 2021 (HK$ 12.3M) and more than 12 full-grants as Co-I, 2010 to 2022 (HK$ 18.8M). Prof.Chan has received a number of awards for her research, including the Young Scientist Award (2010) of the Hong Kong Institution of Science.
Research Interests
Development of non-invasive respiratory mucosal sample collection tools for the analyses of virus, antibody, microbiota and immune mediators
Development and application of human primary respiratory epithelial cell models, including the air-liquid interface and the organoid cultures, to perform risk assessment for emerging infectious airway pathogens and research on the disease pathogenesis
Understanding of the biology of:
- viral interference observed in the epidemiological study
- rhinovirus infection in the paediatric population
- mucosal verse circulating immunoglobulins diversity
Academic Engagement in CUHK
Teaching programme: Perspectives in Clinical Sciences” (UGEB2791); MEDU3330 Viral Morphology and Replication
Summer Undergraduate Research Programme supervisor in 2015-2020, Office of Academic Link, CUHK
CUHK Host Family Programme in 2015-2021, Office of student Affairs. CUHK
Coordinator for Med 4-6, Shaw College
Member, Student Development Programmes Committee, Shaw College
1st Prize Oral Presentation: Joint Annual Scientific Meeting 2020, HKPS/HKCOP/HKPNA/HKCPN, Hong Kong 11/2020
HKIA Research Grant, Hong Kong Institute of Allergy, 9/2020
Outstanding Abstract Award, The 7th Shanghai-HongKong-Guangdong-Chongqing Paediatric Meeting, Shanghai, China 12/2019
Global Health Travel Award, Framing the Response to Emerging Virus Infections, Keystone Symposia, Hong Kong, 10/2018
Joint Research Travel Grant, University Medical Center – Utrecht, 07/2018
HKIA Research Grant, Hong Kong Institute of Allergy, 9/2018
Best Poster Presentation, 13th Congress of Asian Society for Paediatric Research, Hong Kong, 10/2017
Young Scientist Award, Hong Kong Institution of Science, Hong Kong, 11/2010
US Provisional Application No. 62/865,347. Invention Title: N-Substituted Oseltamivir Derivatives with Antimicrobial Activity
Selected Publications
Chan RW*, Tao KP, Ye Jiqing, Lui KKY, Yang Y, Ma C, Chan PKS*. Inhibition of influenza virus replication by oseltamivir derivatives. Pathogens 2022, 11(2), 237 *First and Co-corresponding author
Song YP, Hou J, Lam Kwok J, Weng H, Tang MF, Wang M, Tao KP, Wong GWK, Chan RW, Tsui SKW, Leung TF. Whole-genome shotgun sequencing for nasopharyngeal microbiome in pre-school children with recurrent wheezing. Frontiers in Microbiology Ref: 792556 accepted on 21 Dec 2021.
Chan RW*, Liu S, Cheung JY, Tsun GSD, Chan KCC, Chan KYY, Fung GPG, Li AM, Lam HS* (2021) The mucosal and serological immune responses to the Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) vaccines. Frontiers in Immunology 2021 Oct, 12:744887 First and *co-corresponding authors
Tsun JGS, Liu S, Lui GCY, Chan KYY, Chan KCC, Ng RWY, Chan PKS, Li AM, Lam HS, Chan RW*. The dual-use of nasal strip in the surveillance of active and convalescent SARS-CoV-2 cases. European Respiratory Journal 2021 Dec, 58:PA3483
Qu FY, Zhao SR, Cheng GY, Rahman H, Xiao QR, Chan RW, Ho YP. Double emulsion-pretreated microwell culture for the in vitro production of multicellular spheroids and their in situ analysis. Microsystems & Nanoengineering 2021 May, 7.
Chan RW, Chan KC, Chan KYY, Lui GCY, Tsun JGS, Wong RYK, Yu MWL, Wang MHT, Chan PKS, Lam HS, Li AM. SARS-CoV-2 detection by nasal strips: A superior tool for surveillance of paediatric population. Journal of Infection 2021 Apr, 82:96-99. First author
Pun CS, Wang H, Tao KP, Tsun JGS, Yu WY, Chen XY, Wang MH, Chan PKS, Leung TF, Chan RWY*. Discovering the molecular determinant in rhinoviruses by virus-genotype to disease-phenotype association in paediatric patients in Hong Kong. European Respiratory Journal 2020 July, 56:1152.
Lui G, To HK, Lee N, Chan RW, Li T, Wong RY, Hui DS, Ip M. Adherence to treatment guideline improves patient outcomes in a prospective cohort of adults hospitalized for community-acquired pneumonia. Open Forum Infectious Diseases 2020 Apr, 7(5):ofaa146.
Leung TF, MF Tang, Leung ASY, Kong APS, Liu TC, Chan RW, Ma RCW, Sy HK, Chan JCN, Wong GWK: Cadherin-related family member 3 gene impacts childhood asthma in Chinese children. Pediatric Allergy and Immunology 2020 Feb; 31(2):133-142
Cheng WT, Hon KL, Chan RW, Chan LC, Wong W, Cheung HM, Qian SY. Outcome of status asthmaticus at a pediatric intensive care unit in Hong Kong. The Clinical Respiratory Journal 14:462-470.
Chan LL, Nicholls JM, Peiris JM, Lau YL, Chan MC, Chan RW. 2020. Host DNA released by NETosis in neutrophils exposed to seasonal H1N1 and highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza viruses. Respiratory Research 2020 Jun, 21(1):160.
Wang H, Tao K, Leung CY, Hon KL, Yeung CA, Chen Z, Chan KP, Leung T-F, Chan RW. 2019. Molecular epidemiological study of enterovirus D68 in hospitalised children in Hong Kong in 2014–2015 and their complete coding sequences. BMJ open respiratory research 6:e000437.
Ko WSF, Chan PKS, Chan RW, Chan KP, Ip A, Kwok A, Ngai JCl, Ng SS, On CT, Hui DS. Molecular detection of respiratory pathogens and typing of human rhinovirus of adults hospitalized for exacerbation of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Respiratory Research 2019 Sep 13;20(1):210
Bui CH*, Chan RW*, Ng MM, Cheung M, Ng K-c, Chan MP, Chan LL, Fong JH, Nicholls J, Peiris JM. 2019. Tropism of influenza B viruses in human respiratory tract explants and airway organoids. European Respiratory Journal 2019 Aug 54(2):1900008 Equal contribution*
Chan RW, K Tao, J Tsun, W Yu, HC Wang, Y Song, M Tong, C Ng, P Chan, W Lee, T Leung. Tropism of human rhinovirus C in lower respiratory tract American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2017 201:A4045.
Leung TF, Chan RW, Kwok A, Ho WC, Tao MK, Hon KL, Cheng FW, Li AM, Chan PK. School‐based surveillance for influenza vaccine effectiveness during 2014‐2015 seasons in Hong Kong. Influenza and other respiratory viruses 2017 11:319-327.
Chan RW, Chan LL, Mok CK, Lai J, Tao KP, Obadan A, Chan MC, Perez DR, Peiris JM, Nicholls JM. Replication of H9 influenza viruses in the human ex vivo respiratory tract, and the influence of neuraminidase on virus release. Scientific reports 2017, 7:1-11.
Tong AS, Hon KL, Tsang YCK, Chan RW, Chan CC, Leung TF, Chan PK. Paramyxovirus Infection: Mortality and Morbidity in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. Journal of tropical pediatrics 2016, 62:352-360.
Chan MC, Kuok DI, Leung CY, Hui KP, Valkenburg SA, Lau EH, Nicholls JM, Fang X, Guan Y, Lee JW, Chan RW, Webster RG, Matthay MA, Peiris JS. Human mesenchymal stromal cells reduce influenza A H5N1-associated acute lung injury in vitro and in vivo. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2016, 113:3621-3626.
Chan LL, Bui CT, Mok CK, Ng MM, Nicholls JM, Peiris JM, Chan MC, Chan RW. Evaluation of the human adaptation of influenza A/H7N9 virus in PB2 protein using human and swine respiratory tract explant cultures. Scientific reports 2016, 6:35401.
Chan RW*, Hemida MG*, Kayali G*, Chu DK, Poon LL, Alnaeem A, Ali MA, Tao KP, Ng HY, Chan MC. Tropism and replication of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus from dromedary camels in the human respiratory tract: an in-vitro and ex-vivo study. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine 2014, 2:813-822. Equal contribution*