Research Team -
Respiratory Viruses
Principal Investigators
Research Staff
Dr. TAO Kin Pong, Mars
Dr. TSUN Gar Shun, Joseph
Dr. WANG Yan
Mr. LEI Chun Hei, Tony
Post-graduate students
Mr. WONG Kam San, Ben(PhD)
Dr. LIU Shaojun (PhD)
Mr. Behzad Nasiri Ahmadabadi
Research Scope
An overview of research focus
We have research subject recruitment sites and laboratories located in the Prince of Wales Hospital (Shatin) and the Hong Kong Children’s Hospital (Kowloon Bay). We study the epidemiology, pathogenesis, and immunology of respiratory viruses in children.
A list of research topics
Mucosal biomarkers in sleeping disorder, respiratory & allergic diseases
Mucosal immunity in respiratory viral infections
Functional grouping of rhinoviruses
Host responses to respiratory viruses in vivo and in vitro
Viral interference in population, individual and cellular levels
Antiviral and immunomodulatory drug testing: toxicity and efficacy in primary epithelial cell and organoid cultures
Selected publications
Liu S, Tsun JGS, Fung GPG, Lui GCY, Chan KYY, Chan PKS, Chan RWY*: Comparison of the mucosal and systemic antibody response in COVID19 recovered patients with one dose mRNA vaccine and healthy subjects with three doses of mRNA vaccines. Frontiers in Immunology Jan 31 2023 14:1127401 Corresponding author
Hui WF*, Chan RWY*, Wong CK, Kwok KHA, Cheung WL, Chung FS, Leung KKY, Hon KL, Ku SW: The sequential use of extracorporeal blood purification devices for cytokines removal in an adolescent with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Artificial Organ Research and Development Journal November 2022 68(12):e230-234 *Co-first and Co-corresponding author
Tao KP, Chong M, Chan KYY, Pun JC, Tsun JG, Chow SM, Ng CS, Wang MH, Chan Z, Chan PK, Li AM, Chan RWY*: Suppression of influenza virus infection by rhinovirus interference at the population, individual and cellular levels. Current Research in Microbial Sciences 2022 Jun 18,3:100147 *Corresponding author
Chan RWY*, Chan KC, Lui GC, Tsun JG, Chan KY, Yip JS, Liu S, Yu MW, Ng RW, Chong KK, Wang MH, Chan PKS, Li AM, Lam HS: Mucosal antibody response to SARS-CoV-2 in paediatric and adult patients: a longitudinal study. Pathogens 2022 Mar 24; 11(4):397
Chan RWY*, Tao KP, Ye Jiqing, Lui KKY, Yang Y, Ma C, Chan PKS: Inhibition of influenza virus replication by oseltamivir derivatives. Pathogens 2022 Feb 11; 11(2):237 *First and Co-corresponding author
Chan RWY, Liu S, Cheung JY, Tsun JG, Chan KC, Chan KY, Fung GP, Li AM, Lam HS (2021) Study on the mucosal and serological immune response to the Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) vaccines. Frontiers in Immunology 2021 12:744887 First and corresponding author
Chan RWY, Chan KC, Chan KYY, Lui GCY, Tsun JGS, Wong RYK, Yu MWL, Wang MHT, Chan PKS, Lam HS, Li AM (2021) SARS-CoV-2 detection by nasal strips: A superior tool for surveillance of paediatric population. Journal of Infection 2021, 82:96-99. First author
Pun CS, Wang H, Tao KP, Tsun JGS, Yu WY, Chen XY, Wang MH, Chan PKS, Leung TF, Chan RWY (2020) Discovering the molecular determinant in rhinoviruses by virus-genotype to disease-phenotype association in paediatrics patients in Hong Kong. European Respiratory Journal 2020 56: 1152. Corresponding author
Wang H, Tao K, Leung CY, Hon KL, Yeung CA, Chen Z, Chan KP, Leung TF, Chan RW (2019) Molecular epidemiological study of enterovirus D68 in hospitalised children in Hong Kong in 2014–2015 and their complete coding sequences. BMJ open respiratory research 6:e000437. Corresponding author
Bui CH*, Chan RW*, Ng MM, Cheung M, Ng K-c, Chan MP, Chan LL, Fong JH, Nicholls J, Peiris JM. 2019. Tropism of influenza B viruses in human respiratory tract explants and airway organoids. European Respiratory Journal 54. Equal contribution* Co-first author
Wai-san Ko F, Chan PK, Chan RW, Chan KP, Ip A, Kwok A, Ngai JC, Ng SS, On CT, Hui DS (2019) Molecular detection of respiratory pathogens and typing of human rhinovirus of adults hospitalized for exacerbation of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Respiratory research 20:210
Grants (as Principal-Investigator)
1. Study title: Study on the mucosal and serological immune response to the Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) vaccine
Funding source: Food and Health Bureau - Health Medical Research Fund
Study period: Jun 2023 to Jun 2025
Reference number: 19200131
2. Study title: SARS-CoV-2 receptor distribution, replication and immune response induced in the respiratory epithelial cells of paediatric and adult and the existence of alternative receptor
Funding source: Food and Health Bureau - Health Medical Research Fund - Commissioned Study
Study period: 1 May 2020 to 30 Apr 2022
Reference number: COVID190112
3. Study title: Functional Grouping of Rhinovirus by its association with clinical outcomes for better Disease Management and Therapeutic Development
Funding source: RGC General Research Fund
Study period: 1 Jan 2020 to 31 Dec 2022
Reference number: 14103119
4. Study title: The Use of Mammalian Respiratory Organ-Cultures in Identifying the Animal Model for Rhinovirus C Infection
Funding source: RGC General Research Fund
Study period: 1 Oct 2018 to 31 Mar 2020
Reference number: 14101318
5. Study title: The tissue tropism of human rhinovirus C (RV-C) in human respiratory tract – an in vitro and ex vivo study
Funding source: RGC Early Career Scheme
Study period: 1 Jan 2018 to 31 Dec 2019
Reference number: 24107017
Grants (as Co-Investigator)
1. Study title: Mucosal inflammation in children with OSA – potential biomarkers of OSA Complications
Funding source: Food and Health Bureau - Health Medical Research Fund - Commissioned Study
Study period: Jan 2023 to Dec 2025
Reference number: PR-CUHK-4
2. Study title: Role of the heme oxygenase- 1/carbon monoxide axis in the regulation of ion transport and pro- inflammatory cytokine secretion in airway epithelia: in vitro and in vivo studies
Funding source: RGC General Research Fund
Study period:1 Jan 2021 to 31 Dec 2023
Reference number: 14107920
3. Study title: The Safety of High Flow Nasal Cannula and Noninvasive Ventilation for Treatment of Patients with COVID-19 Complicated by Respiratory Failure
Funding source: Food and Health Bureau - Health Medical Research Fund - Commissioned Study COVID19
Study period: 1 May 2020 to 30 Apr 2021
Reference number: 142343472
4. Study title: Optimization of clinical treatment of severe influenza to reduce morbidity and mortality – Study 3 Assessing the risk of seasonal influenza in children
Funding source: Food and Health Bureau - Health Medical Research Fund - Commissioned Programmes for Influenza Research
Study period: 1 Sep 2019 to 31 Aug 2022
Reference number: INF-CUHK-2
5. Study title: Identification of nasopharyngeal microbiota predictive of recurrent wheeze in Chinese toddlers with bronchiolitis
Funding source: Food and Health Bureau - Health Medical Research Fund
Study period: 1 May 2018 to 31 Dec 2019
Reference number: 17161332
Collaborative works
Dr Alvin WF Hui, PICU, HKCH: The role of biomarkers and clinical parameters in acute kidney injury among critically ill children
Drs Nicholas Chao & Lucius Lee, Dept of Surgery, HKCH: The establishment of paediatric respiratory epithelial culture models to assess the pathogenesis of respiratory virus infection in the upper, conducting and lower airways
Dr MingLiang He, Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences, CityU: Role of viral proteases in rhinovirus pathogenesis
Dr Mu He, Assistant Professor, School of Biomedical Sciences, HKU: The missing gap in neonatal airway development
Dr. NAH Ern Mei Theodora, Assistant Professor, School of Energy and Environment, CityU: Human toxicological effects of cyanotoxins
Dr Kirsty Short, Associate Professor, School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences, The University of Queensland, Australia: Immune Debt in Children
Dr Angela Wu, Associate Professor, Division of Life Science, HKUST: Vaccination responses in a single cell RNA sequencing aspect
US Provisional Application No. 62/865,347. Invention Title: N-Substituted Oseltamivir Derivatives with Antimicrobial Activity
Commerical collaborations
Phase Scientific International Limited – SARS-CoV-2 diagnostics
Govita Tech Limited – Antiviral and immunoregulatory drug
Rohto Advanced Research Hong Kong Ltd: COPD therapeutics
News of the team
Awards of team members
EMBO report Poster Prize Winner in 16th World Immune Regulation Meeting - Year 2 PhD student Shaojun LIU, MD
Nature Reviews Immunology Poster Prize in 15th World Immune Regulation Meeting - Year 1 PhD student Shaojun LIU, MD
Donations received
Chong Lap (HK) Company Limited – Paediatric Research on Renal replacement therapy and extracorporeal blood purification
Opportunities to research students
What kinds of training will be provided to students?
Undergraduate internship opportunity (term time/ winter/ summer break) in clinical and basic research on children’s health, under the Student Campus Work Scheme (OIA, CUHK), Global Physician-Leadership Stream (GPS) Project (Faculty of Medicine, CUHK), Summer undergraduate Research Programme (OAL, CUHK).
International exposure
UMCU-CUHK Joint Research Lab of Respiratory Virus and Immunobiology