Professor MOK Pik Ki Peggy
Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages
Professor Peggy Mok received her BA in Chinese Language and Literature (First honours) from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and her MPhil and PhD in Linguistics from the University of Cambridge. She has been teaching at the Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages at the Chinese University of Hong Kong since 2006 upon finishing her PhD. She was appointed Associate Dean (Student Affairs) of the Faculty of Arts in August 2022.
Professor Mok’s main research interest is phonetics. She works on both speech production and speech perception, particularly with cross-linguistic and psycholinguistic perspectives. She investigates both segmental and prosodic properties of speech, focusing more on prosodic aspects especially on lexical tone in recent years. Speech acquisition in different contexts is an important theme in her research, with the acquisition of lexical tone being a prominent focus. In addition to theoretical investigation of speech patterns, she is also interested in forensic phonetics, examining how speech patterns are linked to individual speaker identity. Besides phonetics, she is also interested in the bilingual mental lexicon.

The heart of the prudent acquires knowledge,
And the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.
Proverbs 18:15 NKJV
Research Interests
- Speech acquisition
- Lexical tone
- Speech prosody
- Forensic phonetics
- Bilingual speech patterns
Selected publications
Yu, A.C.L., Lee, C.W.T., Lan, C. & Mok, P. (2021) A new system of Cantonese tone? Tone perception and production in Hong Kong South Asian Cantonese. Language and Speech.
Mok, P., Li, G.V. & Fung, H.S.H. (2020) Development of phonetic contrasts in Cantonese tone acquisition. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 63: 95-108.
Mok, P., Fung, H.S.H. & Li, V.G. (2019) Assessing the link between perception and production in Cantonese tone acquisition. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 62: 1243-1257.
Mok, P., Li, V.G., Ng, H.T.Y., Li, J.J. & Cheung, H. (2019) Cross-modal association between vowels and colours: a cross-linguistic perspective. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 145: 2265-2276.
Mok, P. & Lee, A. (2018) The acquisition of lexical tones by Cantonese-English bilingual children. Journal of Child Language, 45: 1357-1376.
Fung, H.S.H. & Mok, P. (2018) Temporal coordination between focus prosody and pointing gesture in Cantonese. Journal of Phonetics, 71: 113-125.