Educational Research Journal

Accounting Education Reforms in the United States: A Case of Hong Kong Implementation

2006.第21卷第1期(Vol. 21 No. 1).pp. 47–63

Accounting Education Reforms in the United States: A Case of Hong Kong Implementation

Theodore T. Y. CHEN(陳天佑)


In 1989, the then eight largest CPA firms entered a partnership with the American Accounting Association (AAA) leadership to form the Accounting Education Change Commission (AECC) to provide leadership in changing accounting education so it will be responsive to the needs of those entering a variety of career paths and to address the educational needs of the principal stakeholders in accounting education. This article examines the developments over the past decade and a half in the United States and uses the eight proposed initiatives of the institutions receiving grants from AECC as a benchmark for implementation by a Hong Kong academic institution. The environmental difference between the United States and Hong Kong is pointed out. The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has directed all tertiary institutions to commence a four-year undergraduate degree programme (currently three years) within five years. If the Departments of Accounting of these institutions see the merit of the U.S. accounting education reform and particularly, the initiatives of AECC, then the latter used as a benchmark in programme development by a Hong Kong academic institution already having a four-year programme, could be considered as a reference framework when developing their own new four-year accounting programme.

Keywords: accounting reforms; AECC initiatives; benchmark

