
Occasional Papers
No. 51

全球化情境下的權力下放與教育改革:中國內地中央政府、地方政府及學校角色的探討pdf 全文(回頁頂)


ISBN 962–8077–78–3


No. 52

課程統整效能的研究:批判性的文獻回顧pdf 全文(回頁頂)


ISBN 962–8077–80–5


No. 53

課程範式:意涵、應用和爭議pdf 全文(回頁頂)


ISBN 962–8077–81–3


No. 54

從國際視域剖析香港教育的素質與均等pdf 全文(回頁頂)


ISBN 962–8077–82–1


No. 55

從國際學生閱讀評估計劃看本港中文科的讀文教學pdf 全文(回頁頂)

本文根據國際學生評估計劃(Programme for International Student Assessment, PISA)中有關閱讀能力的評估內容,指出PISA所評估的閱讀能力概念和範疇,與本港中、小學中國語文科中所訂定的閱讀目標並不完全相同。而檢視本港中、小學新、舊中國語文科課程,發現所謂的語文能力其實與文學方面的要求有很強的關係。面對21世紀的資訊社會,有必要重新思考「語文能力」這概念的含意。

ISBN 962–8077–84–8


No. 56

從PISA剖析香港中學生的學習策略與學習成效的關係pdf 全文(回頁頂)

本文旨在從國際學生評估計劃(Programme for International Student Assessment, PISA)來剖析香港中學生的自主學習程度,並採用多層迴歸分析來了解自主學習與學習成效的關係。研究發現,在九個自主學習指數中,有六個與學生的閱讀、數學及科學成績呈顯著的正相關;此外,除了「競爭學習」這指數外,香港中學生採用自主學習策略的程度均低於其他國家。

ISBN 962–8077–85–6


No. 57

Can Basic Education System in Hong Kong Be Equal and Excellent:
Results from PISA2000+
(pdf full text) (Back to top)
Esther Sui-chu Ho

"Can schools simultaneously achieve high academic standard and foster equal educational opportunity?" This article attempts to address this issue by investigating the performance of 15-year-old secondary school students in Hong Kong. First, it will review the quality of secondary school system by assessing the overall performance on reading, mathematics, and science. Then it will assess the equality of educational outcomes by examining the achievement gap between students from different social backgrounds. The results suggest that Hong Kong's education system has achieved both excellence and equality of opportunity when compared with other countries. However, there are also serious academic and social segregation among schools.

ISBN 962–8077–89–9
40 pages, paperback, HK$20


No. 58

A Cross-national Perspective on Some Characteristics Shared by the
Best-performing Countries in PISA
(pdf full text) (Back to top)
Andreas Schleicher

The PISA 2000 assessments of performance by 15-year-olds revealed wide differences among countries, and between schools and students within countries. However, the results achieved by students in Finland, Canada, Hong Kong, Korea, and Japan indicate that it is possible to combine high performance standards with an equitable distribution of learning outcomes. Nevertheless, even the countries that performed well overall in the 2000 PISA assessments have areas for concern. In almost all countries, there is a significant minority of students who performed at reading literacy level 1 or below. Important pointers for policy that emerge from the results include building students' engagement with reading and school more generally, focusing on learning outcomes rather than educational inputs, providing schools with the authority for organizing their own programs and holding them accountable for the results, and reducing the extent of social and educational differentiation among schools.

ISBN 962–8077–90–2
84 pages, paperback, HK$30


No. 59

尋找香港高中通識教育的意義pdf 全文(回頁頂)


ISBN-13: 978–962–8077–95–3; ISBN-10: 962–8077–95–3


No. 60

Rediscovering Public Purposes of Education in the United States:
An Economic View
(pdf full text) (Back to top)
David Stern

The relationship between public and private interests in education has been a recurrent topic of debate in the United States and elsewhere. Why should taxpayers be compelled to pay for the education of other people's children? This paper will review the traditional economic arguments for public schooling, which identify the primary collective benefit from compulsory education as preparing students to participate in a stable and democratic society. The paper will explain the particular sense in which economists use the terms "public" or "collective." It will discuss collective benefits from higher education, and also examine whether increasing individual incomes or aggregate economic growth should be considered collective goods. This discussion is intended to dispel some current misconceptions about what economic theory says with regard to efficient provision of schooling.

ISBN-13: 978–962–8077–99–1; ISBN-10: 962–8077–99–6
52 pages, paperback, HK$20


No. 61

Mastering Change in a Globalizing World: New Directions in Leadership (pdf full text) (Back to top)
John Pisapia

This paper described the environment created by globalization as the postmodern condition, a stage which differs from the modern paradigm in that it signals a shift toward a new era which will replace the previous one. Where the postmodern condition is found, one may also typically find chaos and a lack of order, multiple truths, and a rejection of the grand narrative. Since the postmodern condition rewards leaders who maximize their conceptual agility and their organization's adaptability, an alternative to the legacy models of modern era leadership is needed. To replace these models, a new conceptualization of strategic leadership to serve as a bridge to the era of globalization was offered. This paper described strategic leadership and its five components, with the focus placed on the fifth strategy (applying the artist's paintbrush). Its essence is that the strategic leader works in a multifaceted reality and must therefore apply a multifaceted set of leadership actions. Finally the pyramids of change were presented to guide leaders in mastering change.

ISBN-13: 978–962–8077–00–7; ISBN-10: 962–8077–00–7
52 pages, paperback, HK$20


No. 62

道德教育須情智雙彰 ── 從美國當代道德教育反思pdf 全文(回頁頂)

本文開首指出,作為中國主流教育思想的儒家,是一種成德之教,自孔孟始,便兼重情智,然而經實際歷史發展的參雜,使傳統儒家道德教育整體而言偏情歉智。當前中國道德教育的發展,不宜唯美國馬首是瞻,正宜了解美國當代道德教育的發展是由尚智主義的模式開始轉回重視美德與道德情感的模式。本文扼要說明美國由20世紀60年代以來道德教育的四種主要模式 ── 價值澄清法、道德認知發展理論、關懷模式及品性教育,用意在顯示這種轉變。由此,本文進一步指出中國德育的發展不應忽略以美國為代表的西方的這種轉向,而放棄傳統重真實道德情感與美德的培育,不宜片面學習西方的尚智取向,而應情智兼顧,學習西方之餘仍須保存傳統,以建構達至仁智雙彰、情智兼備的德育模式。

ISBN-13: 978–962–8908–12–7; ISBN-10: 962–8908–12–X


No. 63

中華美德教育的理論意義與當前時代意義pdf 全文(回頁頂)


ISBN 978–962–8908–13–4


No. 64

Student Performance in Chinese Medium-of-Instruction (CMI)
and English Medium-of-Instruction (EMI) Schools:
What We Learned from the PISA Study
(pdf full text) (Back to top)
Esther Sui-chu Ho & Evelyn Yee-fun Man

The article begins with a brief review of the context of the language policy in Hong Kong. Then, the major empirical studies concerning language policies and practices in Hong Kong are analyzed. Finally, the authors present the research findings and examine the relationship between student outcomes and MOI tracking based on an analysis of the Hong Kong PISA data. Implications for educators, researchers and policy makers, and recommendations for further research and practice are discussed in the final section.

ISBN 978–962–8908–14–1
68 pages, paperback, HK$20


No. 65

由儒家聖賢典範看教師人格 ── 以孔子、唐君毅先生為例pdf 全文(回頁頂)


ISBN 978–962–8908–17–2


No. 66

從PISA看香港中學生的閱讀表現、習慣及態度pdf 全文(回頁頂)


ISBN 978–962–8908–18–9


No. 67

A Plan of School-based Curriculum Development (Design, Enactment and Evaluation) on New Senior Secondary Liberal Studies (pdf full text) (Back to top)
Philomena Ng, Candice Ng, & Hin-wah Wong

This is a case study of the preparation made by a local secondary school for the New Senior Secondary Liberal Studies curriculum. The problems faced by the school and the trajectory adopted to tackle them are illustrated. In doing so, the leadership styles exhibited by different key players would be elucidated.

ISBN 978–962–8908–20–2
84 pages, paperback, HK$30


No. 68

Values Education Amid Globalization and Change: The Case of Singapore's Education System (pdf full text) (Back to top)
Jason Tan

This paper critiques values education initiatives in Singapore, a city-state whose government is ever-conscious of the need to ensure national economic competitiveness in the global economy. In particular, the paper highlights the National Education policy initiative that was implemented in all mainstream schools in 1997. The paper's central argument is that despite a very top-down, technocratic approach to policymaking and implementation, values education policy initiatives will achieve only limited success. This is because the very ethos of the entire education system, as well as wider socio-political factors, militates against the success of these initiatives.

ISBN 978–962–8908–25–7
36 pages, paperback, HK$20


No. 69

Preparing Teachers for the World We Have and for the World We Want: Quality Teachers for a Global Context (pdf full text) (Back to top)
A. Lin Goodwin

Preparing quality teachers has become a global concern as all nations strive toward excellence at all levels, be it economic, social, political, cultural, or, of course, educational. While there is little argument about the need for quality teachers and the key role they play in the socialization of citizens and the conveyance of national priorities, there is simultaneously little consensus around what constitutes quality and how quality teachers might be best attained. This paper will take up the question of quality teachers by exploring several pivotal questions: What might quality teaching mean in a global context? What should globally competent teachers know and be able to do? What are some of the issues, dilemmas, barriers, or structures that seem to interfere with the preparation and professional development of quality teachers? The paper ends with possibilities for reform and collaborative research in teacher education.

ISBN 978–962–8908–28–8
36 pages, paperback, HK$20


No. 70

PISA 2003解難能力評估及啟示pdf 全文(回頁頂)

解難能力是2003年學生能力國際評估計劃(Programme for International Student Assessment,以下簡稱PISA)的其中一項評估範疇,香港與全球40多個國家或地區的15歲學生參加了這項國際評估。香港學生在是項解難能力評估的表現相當理想,以平均分548分在參加的國家或地區中名列第二。本文根據PISA 2003的解難能力評估架構及數據,探討解難能力評估題目的特點,包括疑難的類型、疑難所處的脈絡和疑難解決的過程,然後分析香港學生在解難能力範疇的表現,他們的長處和弱點。文章最後討論研究發現在課程與教學方面 ── 包括香港新高中課程的通識教育科及培養學生在真實生活中解決問題的能力 ── 的一些啟示。

ISBN 978–962–8908–30–1


No. 71

香港和澳門學前教育的比較pdf 全文(回頁頂)


ISBN 978–962–8908–31–8


No. 72

從國際視域看東亞社會的影子教育pdf 全文(回頁頂)

補習又稱為「影子教育」,是因為補習與正規教育在本質上有近似的地方:補習在提供的課程及服務等方面都跟隨或模仿正規教育的課程及考核範圍,以至兩者的關係仿如物體及其影子一樣。近年世界各地的教育改革均十分重視評估,尤其是學業成就的考核及監控,無論學生或學校均用盡不同方法務求學業成績達標,使補習風氣在世界各地日漸普遍,而補習對社會與民生的影響亦愈來愈廣泛。本文嘗試根據學生能力國際評估計劃(Programme for International Student Assessment)的實證數據,探討世界各地的補習現況,尤其是東亞社會的補習參與率、補習類型、補習時間和補習跟學科成績的關係。

ISBN 978–962–8908–32–5


No. 73

Promoting Critical Thinking: Discussing the Capacity of Issue-Inquiry Approach in Liberal Studies (pdf full text) (Back to top)
Christy Wai-hung Ip

The New Senior Secondary Curriculum (NSSC) of Liberal Studies has been launched since the academic year of 2009. As a core subject to promote generic skills, Liberal Studies is regarded as an interdisciplinary subject that nurtures critical thinking through issue-inquiry learning approach as one of its learning objectives. In order to explore the capacity of issue-inquiry approach in Liberal Studies to promote critical thinking, this paper discusses such an issue in three parts. First, it introduces the nature of critical thinking and the four habits of mind for critical thinking. Second, the relationship between issue-inquiry learning approach and issue-inquiry learning in Liberal Studies is discussed with the four habits of mind for critical thinking. Finally, this paper reveals some of the problems in the NSSC of Liberal Studies and concludes with recommendations. It is found that although the issue-inquiry learning approach in the NSSC of Liberal Studies includes all the four core habits of mind for critical thinking, there are still rooms for improvement for Liberal Studies to become a more comprehensive curriculum for critical thinking.

ISBN 978–962–8908–34–9
80 pages, paperback, HK$30


No. 74

Challenges of Involving Student Voice in Curriculum Implementation: The Case of Hong Kong (pdf full text) (Back to top)
Christy Wai-hung Ip & Ping-kwan Fok

Student voice in curriculum implementation has attracted many concerns in some Western countries recently. However, it has not aroused much attention in Hong Kong. This paper discusses the feasibility of initiating student voice in curriculum implementation of Hong Kong secondary schools. After reviewing the innovation of student voice from both conceptual and empirical perspectives, the authors critically comment on student voice in curriculum implementation in Hong Kong secondary schools. They note that even though there are barriers for such innovation in the Hong Kong context, student voice in curriculum implementation should be promoted for curriculum improvement.

ISBN 978–962–8908–36–3
52 pages, paperback, HK$20


No. 75

Hong Kong Students on Line: Digital Technologies and Reading in PISA 2009 (pdf full text) (Back to top)
Esther Sui-chu Ho

Using the PISA 2009 database, this paper is the first to examine Hong Kong students’ digital performance in reading and to explore the nature and impact of students’ ICT attitudes and behavior at home and in school on their performance from an international perspective. Although almost all 15-year-old students have access to computer and the Internet at home and in school in Hong Kong, the discrepancy of digital reading literary is large, especially between schools (45.5%), which is higher than the OECD average of 38.0%. Results indicate that Hong Kong students who engage in computer use most frequently (every day or almost every day) for online forum, using e-mail, communicating with other students about schoolwork, and browsing the Internet for schoolwork perform better in digital reading. However, frequent users of computers who engage in maintaining blog and downloading entertainment materials perform slightly worse on average than moderate users.

ISBN 978–962–8908–42–4
88 pages, paperback, HK$30


No. 76

香港特區國民教育課程內容的偏差與缺失:《德育及國民教育科課程指引》的爭議pdf 全文(回頁頂)


ISBN 978–962–8908–45–5


No. 77

Development and Validation of the Chinese Sources of Parental Meaning Questionnaire (pdf full text) (Back to top)
Siu-ming To, Siu-mee Iu Kan, Kcon-wah Tsoi, & Ting-sam Chan

This research aimed to develop and validate a quantitative measure for the assessment of sources of parental meaning. A sample of 1,557 parents from 24 schools and three social welfare agencies in Hong Kong were recruited to fill out a questionnaire comprising 27 items about different aspects of sources of parental meaning and other validation measures. An exploratory factor analysis on 799 randomly selected parents yielded a fourfold factor structure with 22 items. A confirmatory factor analysis on the remaining 758 parents demonstrated a good model fit. The factors revealed four categories of Chinese sources of parental meaning, including: (1) the degree to which parents emphasize the nurturing of their children’s psychosocial growth (Child Nurturing); (2) the degree to which parents affirm the social values of being parents (Instrumental Consideration); (3) the degree to which parents attach importance to the strengthening of the couple relationship (Marital Relationship); and (4) the degree to which parents underline their positive personal development through childrearing (Self-enhancement). The findings show that these four factors were negatively associated with parental discontent and positively associated with parental efficacy. This scale can open up new directions for theory development, practice, and research.

ISBN 978–962–8908–46–2
52 pages, paperback, HK$20


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