Preliminary Program

Day 1 (25th Sep 2008)
08:30 – 09:00 Registration
Opening Remarks
09:00 – 09:15 Opening Ceremony
09:15 – 09:30 Group Photo Taking
09:30 – 10:00 Introduction: Energy and Water Cycle in the Context of Global Change
Dr. Long S. CHIU
10:00 – 10:30 Keynote Speech: Dr. William B. ROSSOW
Diagnosing Variations in Global Energy/Water Exchanges from Satellite Observations
10:30 – 10:45 Coffee Break
Session 1A: Remote Sensing of Energy and Water Cycle
10:45 – 12:35 Invited Lecture: (16) Remote Sensing of Rainfall - Remaining Challenges
Christian D. KUMMEROW
(2) The SSFM Dataset for Radiation Climatology
Wenbo SUN
(18) The Goddard Satellite-based Surface Turbulent Fluxes (GSSTF) Dataset: Review and Prospects
Chung-lin SHIE, Long S. CHIU, Robert ADLER, Pingping XIE, I-I LIN, Eric NELKIN, Feng-Chin WANG, Roongroj CHOKNGAMWONG
(7) Passive Microwave Rainfall Estimations: Considering Rainfall Variability at Different Spatial Resolutions
Dong-Bin SHIN
(29) A Gauge-Satellite Merged Analysis of Daily Precipitation over China
Pingping XIE, Jian-Yin LIANG, Anyuan XIONG, Yan SHEN, Mingyue CHEN, Robert J. JOYCE, John E. JANOWIAK, Phillip A. ARKIN
12:35 – 14:00 Lunch (Location: Chung Chi College Staff Club)
Session 2: Aerosol Impact on Local and Regional Climate
14:00 – 15:50 Invited Lecture: (26) GAMIL-LIAM: An Atmosphere-Aerosol Model in China
(3) Influence of Asian Dust over the Eastern Pacific Ocean and North America
Baike XI
(6) The Impact of Aerosols on Tropical Rainfall Characteristics
Tsoen Hei HAR, Long S. CHIU
(9) Study of Component Aerosol Direct Radiative Effect over East Asia
Xuepeng Tom ZHAO
(30) Retrieval of Aerosol Optical Thickness using MODIS 500 x 500m2, a study in Hong Kong and Pearl River Delta region
Man Sing WONG, Janet NICHOL, Kwon Ho LEE
15:50 – 16:10 Coffee Break
Session 1B: Remote Sensing of Energy and Water Cycle
16:10 – 17:50 (4) Studying the Role of Water and Energy Cycle in Extreme Events Using An Integrative Analysis
Xiquan DONG
(25) Development of the Microwave calibrated Infrared Split-window Technique (MIST) for rainfall estimation
(15) Spatial and Temporal Analysis between Rain Gauge Data and TRMM Rainfall Retrievals
Wing Fung James WONG, Long S. CHIU
(28) Verifying High-Resolution Satellite Precipitation Products over China
Yan SHEN, Anyuan XIONG, Pingping XIE
(32) Snow Water Equivalent Estimation from Spaceborne Ku-band Scatterometer in Northeast China
Kaishan SONG, Yuanzhi ZHANG, Su YAN, Yufei WANG, Hongyan XI
18:00 Welcome Dinner (Location : Star Seafood Floating Restaurant, 22-27 Tai Chung Kiu Road, Shatin, HK)

Day 2 (26th Sep 2008)
Session 3A: Global and Regional Climate Changes
09:00 – 10:30 Invited Lecture: (19) Relationships between Global Precipitation and Surface Temperature on Inter-annual and Longer Time Scales During 1979-2006
Robert F. ADLER
(1) Long-term Trends and Short-term Oscillations
Weihong QIAN
(10) Comparison of Hydrological Impacts of Climate Changes Simulated by Six Hydrological Models in the Dongjiang Basin, South China
Yongqin David CHEN
(12) Area Change of Lake Area in the Latest 20 Years in West China Based on Remote Sensing Data
Ruixia LIU
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break
Session 3B: Global and Regional Climate Changes
11:00 – 12:20 (13) Construction of A Global Map of The Philippines: Assessment of Renewable Energy Resources to Mitigate and Adapt Global Climate Change
(20) An Enhancement of Seasonal Precipitation Range Under Global Warming
(24) The variation and Distribution of Snow Cover in China
Yujie LIU
12:30 – 14:00 Lunch (Location: Chung Chi College Staff Club)
Session 4: ENSO, monsoon and typhoon
14:00 – 15:50 Invited Lecture: (27) Global Warming and Typhoon Activity
Johnny C. L. CHAN
(23) Winter-to-Spring Transition in East Asia - A Planetary-scale Perspective of the South China Spring Rain Onset
(21) Relationships Between Summer Convection and Large-scale Circulation During the Sub-Seasonal Change around the Philippine Sea
Wen-shung KAU
(5) Surface Latent Heat Flux and Sea Surface Temperature Associated with Rapidly Intensifying Typhoons
Si GAO, Long S. CHIU
(33) Estimating the water vapor transport pathways and associated remote sources of water vapor forming extreme rainfall: a case study over east of China in July 2007
Bin CHEN, Jin Yeu TSOU, Xiangde XU
15:50 – 16:20 Coffee Break
16:20 – 17:00 Panel Discussions

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