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Admission for 2023-24

Admission Requirements

Applicants should either be (a) a degree holder or (b) a health care professional holding relevant qualifications in his/her discipline with 5 years of continued experience in diabetes care or research.

Confidential Recommendation is required for those who do not hold a university degree. 


Graduates of Basic Course in Diabetes Management and Education 2019-20 and 2021-22 are eligible to apply for exemption of Module 1 with a lower programme fee.

Application Procedures

Applicants should complete the Application Form and mail in along with the following documents to the Programme Office by 31 August 2023

  • a recent photo
  • a copy of Hong Kong Identity Card
  • copies of academic certificates
  • copies of attendance certificate(s) of the Basic Course in Diabetes Management and Education (if any)
  • separate crossed cheques for application, programme and exemptions fees (if applicable) made payable to "The Chinese University of Hong Kong"

Mailing Address of the Programme Office 

Hong Kong Institute of Diabetes and Obesity 
The Chinese University of Hong Kong 
7/F, Block B, Staff Quarters 
Prince of Wales Hospital 
Shatin, New Territories
Hong Kong