2014 International Conference on Lüzu Cult, Lay Groups, and Religious Innovations in Qing Daoism
清代道教研究國際學術研討會:呂祖信仰、乩壇與宗教革新 |
與會者 Participants: |
Abstract |
BURTON-ROSE Daniel 羅丹寧 (University of Princeton, New Jersey)
The Jade Bureau of Lord Thearch Wenchang: Peng Dingqiu’s This-Worldly Spirit Altar and His Posthumous Career as a Celestial Official, 1674-1906 |
DURAND-DASTÈS Vincent 戴文琛 (INALCO, Paris)
Lüzu in Love and War: Reflections around the “Infamous” Traits in Late Imperial Popular Narratives about Lü Dongbin |
GOOSSAERT Vincent 高萬桑 (EPHE, Paris)
Spirit-Writing, Canonization, and the Rise of Divine Saviors: Wenchang, Lüzu, and Guandi, 1700-1858 |
HSIEH Tsung Hui 謝聰輝 (National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei)
明清《玉皇本行集經》中呂祖降誥研究 |
KIM Jihyun 金志玹 (Seoul National University, Seoul)
Invention of Traditions: Focused on Innovation of the Perfected Scripture of Great Cavern 大洞真經 in Qing Taoism |
LAI Chi Tim 黎志添 (CUHK, Hong Kong)
《呂祖全書正宗》:清代北京覺源壇的歷史及其呂祖天仙派信仰 |
LIU Xun 劉迅 (Rutgers University, New Jersey)
Of Poems, Gods, and Spirit-Writing Altars: The Daoist Beliefs and Practice of Wang Duan (1793-1839) |
MARUYAMA Hiroshi 丸山宏 (University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki)
清朝嘉慶年間金蓋山道壇所創造之經典初探——以《玉清贊化九天演政心印集經》、《玉清贊化九天演政心印寶懺》為中心之探討 |
MORI Yuria 森由利亞 (Waseda University, Tokyo)
Thoughts and Worldview Shown in the Revelations at Jiang Yupu’s Jue Yuan Altar |
SHIGA Ichiko 志賀市子 (Ibaraki Christian University, Ibaraki)
清末民初嶺南地區的呂洞賓信仰之地方化——以聖地與經典為探討中心 |
VALUSSI Elena 阿琳娜 (Loyola University, Chicago)
Lüzu Worship and Lay Groups in Qing Dynasty Sichuan |
YIP Kam Ming 葉錦明 (HKUST, Hong Kong)
純陽呂祖仙道思想析論 |
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